Butternut squash is the general name for all varieties that are characterized by an elongated pear-shaped shape and orange flesh inside the fruit. The presented variety was bred in North America, and the cultivated variety was crossed butternut squash and African bread-shaped fruits.
Description of the variety
The vegetable belongs to the Pumpkin family. The fruits have much fewer seeds than the usual version, and the taste has a nutty hue. The variety is early ripening and belongs to the winter variety, so it can be stored for a long time. The peel is dense, yellow-orange in color, and underneath there is an oily pulp.
The weight of a pumpkin on average reaches 1–1.5 kg; with proper care and good weather conditions, up to 20 fruits are formed on one bush. Pumpkin seeds are located in the expanded part of the fruit.
Main characteristics:
- variety - early ripening;
- shape - pear-shaped;
- weight - 1–2 kg.
The description of the variety says that Butternut can be picked from the bush unripe, with a greenish coloring of the peel. The fruits ripen successfully over time during storage. When temperatures drop significantly, pumpkins are also picked to save the harvest.
Features of cultivation
The variety is grown mainly in seedlings, especially in regions with cool summers. You should choose a sunny place, protected from drafts and wind. The bed should be dug up in the fall, adding the necessary fertilizers to the soil.
Seeds for seedlings need to be pre-warmed, soaked in early May, and then planted in small containers, one seed per pot. To preserve planting material, future seedlings must be kept warm, preferably in a greenhouse. After the soil has warmed up, the seedlings are planted in the ground.
Before fruit sets, it is recommended to apply natural fertilizers such as manure and compost. Before the flowering process, the bushes can also be sprinkled with ash.
Butternut pumpkin has an excellent taste and smell; it can be eaten both fresh and in addition to juices, stews, and cereals.
Advantages of the variety:
- early ripeness;
- high productivity;
- versatility;
- fruit compactness;
- storage duration.
The fruits contain many useful substances, including potassium, beta-carotene, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and sodium.Consumption has no contraindications, the vegetable is hypoallergenic. Not recommended for use only by people suffering from diabetes or with individual intolerance.
Plant care
For a good harvest, it is necessary to regularly weed the beds, hill up and loosen the soil. Potash fertilizers need to be applied twice a month. Abundant watering with warm, settled water is important. Good results can be achieved with artificial pollination.
Experienced gardeners recommend mulching using grass clippings and straw. This process will protect the beds from weeds and provide maximum comfort to the plant root system.
The first harvest can be obtained after 80–90 days from the moment of planting the seeds. 2-3 weeks before the expected harvest, watering should be stopped. This will allow you to obtain tasty and sugary pulp in the fruit, as well as form a dense skin, which is especially important for long-term storage pumpkin.
It is not recommended to apply mullein and ash at the same time; it is preferable to alternate fertilizers.
Diseases and pests
Inadequate care leads to vulnerability to several diseases, including:
- bacterial - affect the leaves, change the shape of the fruit, affect the taste and beneficial qualities of the product;
- fungal - form a white coating on plants, which subsequently causes rot.
It is also worth noting the possibility of the development of aphids and spider mites. It is important to promptly remove the affected leaves from the plant and water it correctly and in a timely manner.
To avoid possible diseases, agronomists recommend treating seeds with a composition that is resistant to bacteria before planting.
The crop is harvested at the end of summer to prevent the fruits from being exposed to possible frosts. It is also permissible to remove unripe pumpkins, which will ripen in a dry, warm place. In order not to waste time drying the fruits, it is advisable to harvest on a sunny day.
Long-term storage is possible if you cut the fruits, leaving the stalk intact and without damaging the skin. If there are any cracks or damage, the pumpkin should be used as soon as possible. If all manipulations were done correctly, the fruits will be able to last until spring without losing their taste and beneficial qualities.
Butternut squash has many varieties, the characteristics of which will help you choose the appropriate crop based on your place of residence and climatic conditions.
It is also worth relying on the method of use. Varieties with large fruits are mainly used as pet food. Small portioned pumpkins are suitable for eating; they can be baked, used to prepare baby food, and added to various dishes.