Recipe for preparing yeast nutrition and using fertilizer

Yeast can be useful not only in cooking, but also in vegetable growing. Let's consider the benefits of fertilizing vegetables, root vegetables, berry bushes, grapes, flowers and other crops with yeast. How to prepare fertilizing from regular and dry yeast, which vegetable and horticultural crops it is not recommended to apply it to, and particular mistakes that gardeners make.

What are they and what are their types?

Yeast is a 1-cell organism that feeds on sugars, produces carbon dioxide, water, and releases heat and energy. They can be bakery, wine, beer, produced in pressed and dry form.

To prepare fertilizer for garden plants, ordinary baker's yeast is usually used, as the most common type. You can use both live and dry, they act the same way. The main thing is that they are fresh and not expired.

Advantages and disadvantages of yeast feeding

Advantages of fertilizing with yeast products:

  1. Yeast infusions contain a lot of nutrients, primarily proteins and vitamins, there is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and microelements. They are used by plants for their own nutrition and are spent on building their cells and tissues and their vital functions.
  2. They are inexpensive, can be stored for a long time (dry - 2 years), but are highly effective.
  3. Suitable for almost all crops grown in open beds and under cover.
  4. You can fertilize plants at all stages of their development, from seedlings to fruit-bearing bushes.
  5. They are completely harmless, do not poison the soil, do not contain toxic compounds, and do not affect the chemical composition of the fruit.

Disadvantages: substances produced by yeast can feed not only plants, but also soil microorganisms, which are not always beneficial, as well as nematodes. If you use this fertilizer incorrectly or more often than necessary, you can easily harm the plants.

iron spoon

Universal recipe for preparing fertilizer

It’s easy to prepare an infusion; you just need water, yeast and sugar to activate it. To prepare the fertilizer correctly, you need to adhere to the exact dosage and preparation sequence.

From fresh yeast

You need to take 3 liters of warm water, dissolve 100 g of yeast and 100 g of sugar in it. Place the container for fermentation for a day. To make a fertilizing solution, you need 1 tbsp. Dissolve the liquid in a bucket of clean water. Water 0.5 liters per plant.

From dry

In 3 liters of warm water you need to add 10 g of dry powder and dilute 100 g of sugar. Next, the cooking process is the same as in the previous case. The dosage is also the same: no more than 0.5 liters of infusion should be poured onto 1 plant.

white dishes

How to feed crops?

Let's look at how to apply yeast infusion to various crops in the garden.


You can start feeding plants when they begin to bloom and continue until they bear fruit. You can combine the infusion with ash, this way you can add almost all the nutrients to the soil at once. Apply no more than once every 2 weeks.

Regular feeding will provide the zucchini with systematic nutrition and support for uninterrupted setting and growing of fruits.


The crop is fed for the first time 1-1.5 weeks after planting in the beds or in the greenhouse. 0.5 liters of infusion is poured under each seedling. The time for the 2nd use occurs before the plants flower, for the third - in the middle of the fruiting period. You can feed bushes weakened by diseases, pests, cold or drought out of turn.

vegetables grow


Yeast infusions are added to beets 3 times per season, with approximately the same interval. You can combine yeast infusion with ash to make the feeding complete.


Fertilize carrots growing in soil fertilized with humus or compost with yeast. It is necessary to water only in warm weather, on heated soil, otherwise the activity of yeast will slow down.Apply 3 times per season: after carrots sprout, after 3 weeks and in mid-August, when root crops are already forming. In the garden, carrots are fed with yeast infusion along with ash.


The shrub is fed at least 2 times a season: in May and a month later, when the ovaries begin to form. 1-3 liters of infusion are poured under each plant, depending on its size and power.

bucket with water


The first feeding is carried out when sap flow just begins, the second - at the budding stage and the third - after the appearance of the ovaries. You can pour a bucket of infusion under an adult bush. This will promote the development of foliage, inflorescences and help the ovaries to form better.


Indoor flowers growing in pots are watered once a month in spring and summer, and once every 3 months during the dormant period. The amount of feeding depends on the volume of the pot and the size of the plant: you can use 1-2 cups per pot. In room conditions, a smell may appear that will last for some time.

Garden flowers are watered 3 times per season: at the beginning of the growing season, before flowering and in the middle.

development of solution


Yeast feeding is useful for any crop. Universal application scheme: three times per season, with the same interval. If the impact is not enough, you can feed 1 more time.

What crops do not like this fertilizer?

There are no special contraindications for using yeast on garden crops. If you use the infusion correctly, follow the dosage, consumption and frequency of application, there will be no harm. Most plants respond quickly to such feeding; they grow and bear fruit better.

add water

Common mistakes

What not to do:

  1. Use a solution that has matured for more than 1 day.Such an infusion loses its properties, will not be useful, but rather will do harm. Ideally, you can use an infusion that has been left in a warm place for only 2 hours.
  2. Dissolve old yeast that does not infuse well. It's better to throw them away.
  3. Water the dry soil with infusion. You should first water it with plain water.
  4. Water with an overly concentrated solution. Such a mistake will lead either to overfeeding the plants or to excessive development of soil microflora.
  5. Feed more often than necessary. The consequences of such actions are the same as when using concentrate.
  6. It is not recommended to use infusions for watering greenhouse plants - the characteristic smell can be annoying, and when the soil temperature rises, there is a risk of burning the roots.

dissolve the yeast

As you can see, the rules for using yeast nutrition are simple, remembering and following them is not difficult.

The preparation and use of yeast fertilizers is available on any farm. Almost all cultures are partial to them. If you use this product on a regular basis, every year, you can expect stable crop growth, lush flowering, abundant fruiting, and excellent health of house plants.
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