The use of agrochemicals on their own plots has long become commonplace for most summer residents. But, before using certain preparations, you should learn more about their properties, choose the most necessary and safe for plants, because many of them are similar in characteristics. For example, “Epin” and “Zircon” - what each product is intended for, when to use what. You should know which one to give preference to.
Description of the fertilizer "Epin"
It's not really a fertilizer. The trade name "Epin" is an abbreviation for the active substance of the drug - 2,4 epibrassinolide.Today the manufacturer has changed the name “Epin” to “Epin Extra”, but the old name remains popular among gardeners.
Brassinolide phytohormone is able to influence plant immunity, enhance growth, accelerate the development and resistance of plantings to diseases and difficult weather conditions.
The drug is suitable for any vegetables, berries, garden and indoor flowers. Processing increases crop yields and improves the taste of products. After processing the flowers, the buds become larger, and the bouquets last longer when cut.
The drug is economical, the product goes on sale in ampoules with a capacity of 1 and 5 milliliters, plastic bottles of 0.5 and 1 liter. The concentration of the active substance is 0.25 milligrams/liter.
When spraying plants, 1 milliliter of the product is mixed with 5 liters of water. Vegetable seeds are soaked in a solution of the drug: 2 drops per 100 milliliters of water. For bulbous flowers you will need 4 drops of Epin dissolved in 100 milliliters of water.
About the drug "Zircon"
The product has a similar effect to Epin. It is also a biostimulant, the active substance of which is a complex of hydroxycinnamic acids (caftaric, chicoric, chlorogenic and others) in a concentration of no more than 0.1 grams per liter of solvent. Once inside the plant, the drug stimulates the plant’s own immune system.
The product is suitable for treating seeds, seedlings, plantings at any stage of growth and development. Used for processing indoor and garden flowers. Stimulates the formation of the ovary, improves the marketability and taste of berries and vegetables.
The packaging of the drug and the rules for treating plantings and seeds with Zircon and Epin are identical. The prepared Zircon solution can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to three days.
Features of application
Both drugs are used for spraying plants. The treatment is carried out in dry, cloudy weather, since biostimulants quickly decompose when exposed to sunlight and lose their properties.
“Zircon” can be used for root feeding; “Epin” does not work in an alkaline environment; it is sprayed exclusively on the leaf.
2-3 days before treatment with stimulants, you can add a complex of mineral fertilizers; in this case, half the dose of the required fertilizing is sufficient.
The use of biostimulants has revealed a lot of advantages:
- Enhancing seed germination. The sprouts appear strong and the shoots are friendly.
- Seedlings treated with drugs are strong and take root better when planted in the ground.
- After spraying, the plants are more resistant to fungal and bacterial infections.
- Plantings recover faster after return frosts and hail.
- The growth of weakened shoots is enhanced.
- The taste and commercial qualities of products are improved.
- Productivity increases.
- Products are better stored.
Important: due to the similarity of action, the drugs are not used together. They should be used without exceeding the dosage. It is more useful to treat the beds with a solution with a low concentration of a biostimulant than to exceed the amount of the drug.
Plants do not get used to the products, biostimulants do not accumulate in the soil, and their effectiveness does not decrease.The preparations are suitable for treating plantings in greenhouses, greenhouses, and open ground. Spray the plants once a month throughout the growing season.
Which is better to choose?
During the growing season, both drugs can be used alternately. “Zircon” is the best stimulator of seed germination, it promotes the development of the root system, protects plants from various types of infections. “Zircon” is quickly absorbed by plants.
“Epin” enhances growth, improves the development of weakened plants; plantings that have suffered frost or drought recover faster after treatment with this biostimulant.
Both products are deservedly popular among summer residents. It is quite possible to alternate them with an interval of 10-20 days, then the plants on the site will be healthy and strong, and the abundant harvest will be perfectly preserved all winter.