Top 9 root stimulants and how to make an analogue at home

A fully developed root system is the key to a strong and abundantly fruiting plant. In order for a young seedling or cutting to grow faster, gardeners use special preparations based on phytohormones. Root stimulants can be purchased at gardening stores or made with your own hands. Thanks to these means, the seedling quickly takes root in a new place and is rarely affected by pathogens.

Why are root-forming preparations needed and how do they work?

Biologically active substances (phytohormones) are present in every plant, and the more of them there are in the shoots, the better the cuttings of the crop take root. However, in some plant varieties such phytohormones are formed in minimal quantities, and it is quite difficult to propagate them using cuttings. In this case, special root-forming preparations, which contain artificially synthesized biologically active substances, come to the aid of the gardener.

Stimulants are used for treating seeds before sowing and spraying plants throughout the growing season. In addition to the fact that the drugs contribute to the formation of a strong root system, they are characterized by other positive properties.

Thanks to:

  • the development of cultivated and ornamental plants is accelerated, more flower buds are formed;
  • plants recover faster from diseases and damage by insect pests;
  • crops are more resistant to the effects of drought and rain;
  • Each seedling produces a larger number of fruits;
  • fruits and berries have larger volumes and weight than without the use of drugs.

Root stimulants are used with fertilizers and plant protection products.

plant root

Operating principle and scope

Stimulants are divided into two categories - those obtained organically and synthetically. They can be purchased at a gardening store, or you can make them at home using improvised materials.After using stimulants, natural physiological processes in plant tissues are activated, productivity increases, and adaptation of young crops in a new place improves. The products are used for both seeds and seedlings, as well as for cuttings and adult plants.

Root formation stimulants contain the following components:

  1. Gibberellins. Thanks to these substances, increased cell division occurs and the stems of the crops are extended.
  2. Auxins. Organic phytohormones accelerate fruit ripening and plant development. The main effect of auxins is on the rhizome.
  3. Cytokinins. Their job is to accelerate cell division, which leads to rapid germination of seed material. In addition, cytokinins slow down the aging and wilting of crops.
  4. Ethylene. The substance promotes rapid ripening of fruits and is responsible for inhibiting cell division.
  5. Abscisic acid. It is an inhibitor of other phytohormones.

flower stem

Root-forming preparations

There is a wide selection of root formation stimulants on the shelves of retail outlets; in order to decide on a purchase, you need to study the effect of the drugs, their advantages and disadvantages.


The drug belongs to the universal varieties that can be used for seeds, seedlings, bulbs and rooting cuttings. The chemical composition contains indolyl-3-acetic acid in a concentration of 920 grams per 1 kg of the drug. The stimulant is available on sale in the form of powder, packaged in bags ranging from 50 grams to 1 kg, and tablets of 0.1 kg.

The drug is used to stabilize root formation in cuttings of fruit and berry crops; it is also suitable for soaking seed material before sowing, processing vegetable seedlings and bulbs.

Advantages of the drug:

  • low cost;
  • wide range of applications;
  • Possibility of use for exotic plants.


  • complex process of preparing working fluid;
  • the need for accurate dosage calculation.

stimulant Heteroauxin


Another drug based on indolyl tri-acetic acid, designed to stimulate the development of the root system of plants. Since the chemical has high biological activity, it is advisable to use it for rooting capricious varieties and hybrids. The annotation for the drug states that the root former can be used to treat seedlings of vegetable and flower crops, seedlings of fruit and berry trees and bulbs of ornamental plants.


  • prolongation of flowering of ornamental crops;
  • increasing plant immunity.


  • risk of root death if the dosage is exceeded;
  • impossibility of use for seeds with thick skins.

black pills


Drug based indolylbutyric acid, 1 kg of root former contains 5 grams of active substance. The growth regulator is available in the form of a wettable powder, packaged in sachets ranging from 3 to 30 grams. “Kornevin” is designed to awaken bulbs from hibernation before forcing, accelerate root formation in cuttings, improve the survival rate of seedlings and quickly adapt seedlings to open ground.

The drug is used by dipping the roots into it or dusting the bulbs with powder; it is also possible to water the roots with a 0.1 percent aqueous suspension.


  • low cost;
  • ease of preparation of the solution.


  • the need to strictly adhere to the dosage;
  • prohibited use with other chemicals.

green cross

succinic acid

Succinic acid is white, odorless crystals. It is sold both in powder and tablet form, which must be dissolved in water before use. The drug is used to build up the root system and shoots, quickly adapt seedlings to the beds, and restore crops after diseases. This root former has a number of undeniable advantages, including absolute safety for the environment, low cost and the possibility of use for any cultural and ornamental plants.


  • accelerating the adaptation of seedlings in the soil;
  • preventing the accumulation of nitrates in fruits.


  • the need for strict adherence to instructions and dosage.

glass vials


The new generation biological product is available in the form of a concentrate with a faint alcohol odor, which must be diluted with water before use. It is used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, spraying the vegetative mass of plants and the root system of young seedlings. “Ribav-Extra” is also recommended for use during grafting of fruit crops for better engraftment of the rootstock and scion.


  • wide range of applications;
  • ease of preparation of working fluid.


  • the need to maintain a certain interval between treatments;
  • the cost is above average.

background orchid

"Phytoumbrella Coniferous"

The growth stimulator, developed specifically for coniferous plants, contains L-alanine and L-glutamic acid. The drug ensures almost 100% survival rate of pine and spruce seedlings. The rooting agent is used by watering at the root or spraying.


  • high efficiency;
  • Possibility of application for all coniferous crops.


  • narrow spectrum of action (exclusively for conifers).

Coniferous preparation


A growth regulator based on hydroxycinnamic acids is intended to increase the decorative value of annual and perennial ornamental plants grown in open ground and at home. Thanks to the effect of the drug, shoot formation and development of the root system are stimulated.


  • activation of plant protective functions;
  • stimulation of increased absorption of nutritional components.


  • Possibility of use only for ornamental flower crops.

medicine for home


The main components of the drug are hydroxycinnamic acids obtained from Echinacea purpurea. After using the drug, active stimulation of all plant phytohormones occurs, including those responsible for the development of the root system. In addition, crops become more resistant to diseases and the number of ovaries and shoots increases.


  • increase in harvest volumes;
  • environmental Safety.


  • the need for accurate calculation of consumption.

crystal stones


The chemical is an immunostimulant and is used to treat seeds and build up the root system. It contains an active component of synthetic origin based on aroxyalkylcarboxylic acids. The substance has an effect at the cellular level and affects all processes occurring in the tissues of cultures.


  • economical to use;
  • low risk for humans and animals.


  • impossibility of long-term storage of the working solution.

chemical agent

How to make Kornevin at home

You can make a rooting agent for cuttings yourself using a suitable recipe.

For example, these could be the following rooting options:

  1. Willow water. The twigs are cut into meter-long pieces and placed in hot water for two days. After this, the branches are removed, and the liquid, without diluting, is used for germinating seeds, rooting cuttings of fruit trees, and spraying seedlings.
  2. Natural honey. A teaspoon of beekeeping product is dissolved in half a liter of warm water. The cuttings are kept in this solution for 2 days or honey water is used to water the seedlings.

When making a means for plant root growth, you must follow the recommendations of gardeners.

stick with water

Instructions for use

Each drug comes with instructions that tell you how to use the root formation stimulator:

  • "Kornevin" - 1 gram per liter of water;
  • “Kornerost” - dissolve 0.1 g in 2.5 liters of clean water;
  • “Ribav” - dilute 2 drops in a liter of liquid;
  • “Zircon” - add 4 drops of the drug per liter of settled water.
When using root formers, you must remember that they do not replace organic and mineral fertilizers.

glass jar

Restrictions and safety measures

Some products have the opposite effect when exceeded, so you should follow the instructions in the instructions. All root formers are not dangerous to human health, therefore, when working with them, we limit ourselves to a minimum set of protective equipment.

What can be replaced

As analogues of root formers, available home remedies or, for example, germinating cuttings in potato tubers can be used.
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