The use of special mushrooms when planting plants is considered a novelty in gardening, which is not known to everyone. However, mycorrhizal fungi in contact with plants can cause symbiosis of the root system and improve vegetation. Previously, mycorrhiza was used when planting conifers because they require acidic soil. Today, methods of using mycorrhiza for seedlings have found widespread use.
What is mycorrhiza?
This term refers to the symbiosis of the root system of higher plants and fungal mycelium. Over the course of evolution, it has become so strong that now mushrooms and plants are very important to each other.The roots serve as a source of hormones, simple carbohydrates and amino acids for mushrooms. In return, the plants receive moisture, phosphorus and nutrients.
Mycorrhiza is formed by higher and lower fungi. They synthesize a special protein - glomalin, which affects soil fertility. Only oyster mushrooms, champignons, and honey mushrooms cannot secrete the substance. Also, umbrellas and dung beetles do not do this.
Why use mycorrhizal fungi on the farm?
Mycorrhizal fungi are used quite often in agriculture today. Their main advantages include the following:
- Significant increase in the area for receiving moisture. Fungal hyphae can go hundreds of meters deep from the center and receive water from the depths. As a result, when dry weather sets in, plants that are in symbiosis with mycelia significantly increase their chances of survival. At the same time, the need for watering is reduced.
- Increasing the number of useful elements. The mycelium actively participates in the decomposition of complex organic substances into simpler ones. Mushrooms serve as a source of potassium, zinc, nitrogen and other elements. This helps minimize the need for fertilizer.
- Protection from diseases and parasites. Mycorrhiza secretes special enzymes. This helps create a strong chemical barrier around the roots. As a result, their resistance to pathogens and parasites increases.
- Improving soil quality. The mycelium secretes a special protein - glomalin. It helps stabilize the soil and slows down erosion processes. In addition, the substance provides cleansing from excess acids and salts.
- Increasing the yield of fruit plants. This fact was confirmed by scientists during experiments.
- Exchange of useful elements.Fungal hyphae are capable of invading the cells of many cultures. This helps create unique traffic through which useful elements are exchanged. This has a beneficial effect on the life of crops.
Types of mycorrhizae
Mycorrhizae are divided into several varieties:
- Ectotrophic - in this case, the mushroom mycelium envelops the root system of plants from the outside.
- Endotrophic - fungal mycelium enters the root tissue.
- Ectoendotrophic – characterized by mixed interaction.
Methods of using mycorrhiza
Mycorrhiza can be used to process seed material during stratification. To make the plants as strong as possible, it is recommended to process their seeds at the stage of preparation for planting.
If the grains require stratification, they should be wrapped in a cloth soaked in a nutrient solution. To prepare it, you need to take 1 gram of mycorrhiza powder and white clay and mix with 5 tablespoons of water. This volume is enough to spread endomycorrhizal spores over an area of 10 acres.
If there is no need for stratification, it is enough to put the seeds in a mash and plant. It is advisable to pre-treat the grains with hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 3% or vodka, and then rinse them in running water.
In order for the seedlings to develop better, a mycorrhizal solution can also be used to treat them. To do this, you need to take filtered or distilled water. However, it is strictly forbidden to use water containing chlorine. This substance will cause the death of mushrooms.
The working solution should be watered onto the soil 2-3 days before planting the seedlings. After which it is recommended to treat the bushes with a working myco-solution. This must be done during each dive procedure.
Useful tips
When using mycorrhiza, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- During the first two weeks after applying the product, the substrate should remain moist. After this period is completed, the soil must be watered regularly. It is important that the soil does not dry out.
- When using mycorrhiza, it is prohibited to add antifungal substances to the soil.
- To accelerate colonization, it is worth feeding mycorrhiza with carbohydrates. This will help provide the mushrooms with nutrients and speed up their development.
The use of mycorrhiza in agriculture helps to achieve a number of beneficial effects and increase the productivity of cultivated plants. It is important to follow the rules for the manufacture and application of working fluid.