Preparations of biological origin have gained particular popularity among gardeners due to their natural composition and safety for human health and the environment. There are products on sale that stimulate the growth of cultivated plants, intended for treating seeds and increasing the immunity of seedlings. The drug from the Japanese manufacturer HB-101 is intended for all crops grown by gardeners.
Composition and chemical formula of fertilizer
The drug NV-101 is not a product of chemical synthesis and, accordingly, does not have a chemical formula. The plant growth stimulator was developed in Japan and has been used by farmers around the world since 1982. It appeared on the domestic market in 2006 and quickly gained popularity among gardeners due to its high efficiency. Another name for the biological product is vitalizer, which means “life-bringer.”
On store shelves, HB-101 is found in two preparative forms - granules packaged in bags of 10, 300 and 1000 grams, and an aqueous extract bottled in bottles ranging from 6 ml to 1 liter. Each type of drug is an independent product, which means that the granules cannot be dissolved in water to prepare the working fluid; they are applied only in dry form to the soil surface.
The Japanese-made biological product is a natural remedy based on extracts from various beneficial plants, such as cedar and pine bark, plantain and cypress foliage. In addition, the concentrated extract contains mineral components and various organic substances. The drug contains sodium, nitrogen, calcium, silicon, saponins, terpenes, iron, magnesium and other compounds.
Principle of operation
Thanks to the complex of useful components in its composition, the biological product has an effect on cultivated plants and soil in different directions. Ingredients of biological origin affect the cell membranes of treated crops, which helps improve nutrition and respiration processes, as well as photosynthesis.
Silicon is of particular importance in the composition of the drug, which contributes to better absorption of fertilizers by plants.Thanks to its effects, crops become more resistant to adverse weather conditions and pathogens. If a granular form of the product is used, the beneficial components work in the top layer of soil, activating the vital activity of microorganisms.
Application area
The scope of application of the biological product depends on the acquired formulation. If these are granules, then they are scattered around the site in order to saturate the soil with useful microelements and increase its fertility. If you purchase a liquid extract, it is used to:
- process seedlings and stimulate their growth;
- prepare seed material for germination;
- improve the adaptive properties of crops after moving to open ground;
- increase the size of the fruits, as well as their transportability;
- extend the storage period of crops in winter;
- increase resistance to pathogenic microorganisms and insect pests;
- strengthen the immunity of crops;
- accelerate fruit ripening and increase yield.
Advantages and disadvantages
Gardeners who evaluated the working qualities of the Japanese-made product in practice identified several advantages and disadvantages of the product.
They cited the following points as advantages:
- the ability to use a biological product for all crops, as well as indoor plants;
- lack of influence of climate, region and type of soil on the effectiveness of the drug;
- the possibility of using the stimulant at any stage of the growing season of cultivated plants;
- no negative impact on the environment and human health;
- convenience of formulation and storage;
- effectiveness with minimal dosages.
The disadvantages of a biological stimulant include:
- quite high cost of the drug;
- the need for precise dosage - if applied in excess, the opposite effect occurs, and the crops begin to lag behind in growth and development;
- not as quick an effect as when using chemicals;
- the need for regular application of the stimulant to obtain a visible effect.
Application timing and dosage
The preferred timing of application of the biostimulant depends on the formulation. It is better to use granules at the end of summer and autumn, when preparing the soil for wintering. The liquid concentrate is used at any stage of the plant’s growing season, from soaking seed material to processing adult crops.
From a standard ampoule containing 6 ml of the drug, 12 10-liter buckets of working fluid are obtained. This amount is enough to irrigate crops on an area of 1 sq.m.; when watering the same number of plants, more liquid is consumed and is enough for a quarter sq.m.
Terms of use
The instructions for use supplied by the Japanese manufacturer indicate the rules for using the biological product for various purposes and crops:
- Soaking the tubers and roots of plants before planting in open ground is carried out for half an hour to 3 hours.
- Irrigation of the soil before planting seedlings or sowing seeds is done three times with an interval of 7 days.
- Soaking the seed material before sowing depends on the type of crop; the seeds of nightshade plants and flowers are kept in the working liquid the longest - up to 12 hours; legumes require the least time - about 1 minute.
- Preparing seedlings for planting in open ground or a greenhouse - water them an hour before the intended procedure.
- Strengthening plants that are in the active growing season - watering at least 3 times with an interval of 10 days.
Biostimulant granules are laid out on the surface of the soil, but not embedded inside. 1 gram of product is needed per 1 square meter. To fertilize trees and berry bushes, you will need to scatter the granules in a circle near the trunk, the dosage depends on the age of the plants - for young crops take 2 grams of the drug, for adults - up to 6 grams. If you need to feed indoor flowers, use 4 granules per container with the crop. This preparative form is not used on seedlings.
Precautionary measures
Since the vitalizer is of biological origin, it does not pose a danger to human health. When working with a stimulator, you must adhere to basic safety requirements - use work clothes and gloves.
If you accidentally get the working fluid on your skin or eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water. If irritation or redness appears after some time, it is recommended to contact a medical facility, taking the label from the biological product with you.
In what cases is the drug contraindicated?
The instructions for use do not indicate plants for which the use of a biological stimulant is prohibited.Since it consists of natural components, it cannot harm the plantings; the main thing is to adhere to the consumption rates specified by the manufacturer.
The Japanese drug HB-101 can be used with other drugs. The list of prohibited chemicals includes oil-based products, other drugs with similar effects (stimulants) and nitrogen fertilizers such as nitrate and urea.
Storage and shelf life
The Japanese-made biological product does not have a limited shelf life; it does not lose its working qualities over time. The product must be stored in compliance with basic safety requirements. This could be a utility closet where children and pets have no access. The main thing is that it is dark and dry.
Analogues of the product
The Japanese biostimulant does not have a complete analogue in composition. If necessary, it is replaced with drugs with a similar effect, for example, “Silk” or “Ecosil”.