The use of tobacco dust on private farms to treat plants against pests has become widespread. Let's consider the methods of using the drug (in the form of a decoction, infusion, mixture with ash, powdering and fumigation), dosage and consumption, as well as its use as a fertilizer. How to work with the safety product correctly.
What is tobacco dust
The dust is produced from waste from tobacco production. This is a light brown powder, which is obtained by drying and grinding the raw materials. It has insecticidal properties and can be an excellent natural fertilizer. All methods of using tobacco powder show good results.
The active ingredient in the dust is nicotine, which is found in tobacco. In drugs that produce chemicals. enterprises, the concentration differs slightly. For example, in the product from JSC Kostroma Chemical Plant, nicotine is in a concentration of 12 g per kg. It has both intestinal and contact effects on pests.
The use of tobacco dust against pests
Tobacco powder can be used as a means for dusting and fumigating plants, and prepare infusions and decoctions based on it. They can be used in outdoor garden beds and greenhouses.
The powder is also used as a fertilizer, simply sprinkled on the surface of the soil near plants or introduced into the ground.
Decoction for spraying
Preparation procedure: pour 500 g of powder into 10 liters of hot water, boil for half an hour. Leave for 1 day, filter, add the evaporated volume of water, add 40 g of soap shavings.
The decoction is used for spraying cabbage and cruciferous vegetables, flowers, berry bushes and fruit trees. For work in the garden and garden, prepare a decoction in a concentration of 1 to 10. Application rate and consumption:
- cabbage, cruciferous vegetables, flowers from fleas, whites, moths, flies and aphids - 500 g/100 m2 (5 l/100 m2);
- bushes against aphids - 500 g/5 l (1-1.5 l/bush);
- fruit from aphids and honey beetles - 500 g/5 l of water (from 2 to 10 l/tree (the volume used is affected by the age and variety of the plant)).
Frequency of treatments – 3 (with a break of a week and a half), waiting period – 20 days.
Infusion for berry trees
The infusion can be prepared and used in the same way as a decoction. It has the same effect and is prepared in the same concentration. The difference between a decoction and an infusion is that hot water is used to prepare the first, and cold water for the second. Leave the infusion for 1 day, filter and add soap for adhesion.
Wood ash mixture
Tobacco dust is used in gardening not only in its pure form, but also in a mixture with pure ash from burning tree branches and plant residues. The two components are mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio and mixed well.
For 1 sq. m of plantings will require 10-20 g of mixture. It is applied by dusting to plants. A thin layer covers the entire surface of the leaves, making it difficult for pests to feed.
As a result, they are left without food and die. The tobacco-ash mixture can be used to treat crops in garden beds and in greenhouse conditions. It acts not only against aphids and other insects, but snails and slugs are afraid of it. Against them, the mixture is sprinkled on paths, row spacing and the area around plants - places where mollusks can move. You need to scatter the powder in the evening, before the pests become active. Several sprays may be needed to repel pests.
Dusting plants
For dusting, use pure powder. They powder all parts of plants: cabbage, radishes, radishes, and onions.
Application rate:
- fly onion – 300 g/100 m2;
- cabbage and cruciferous vegetables against flea beetles, whites, moths, flies and aphids – 500 g/100 m2.
The frequency of dusting is 2 times for onions, for other crops – 3 times. The break between treatments is 7-10 days. The waiting period is 20 days.
Tree fumigation
Fruit trees are fumigated after flowering has ended.While the trees are blooming, the smoke will harm the bees. Fumigation process: set fire to wood or branches, sprinkle dust on the coals. Add more as needed to keep the smoke flowing continuously. Processing time: from 30 min. Carry out the work when the wind is blowing towards the trees.
Use as fertilizer
Tobacco dust contains mineral elements that plants need. Its chemical composition accelerates plant growth, improves the quantity and quality of fruits. The powder can be applied to the soil during its preparation, during sowing or planting crops.
So, for example, when planting trees or shrubs, add 1 or 2 cups of dust to each planting hole. When preparing land for planting vegetables or sowing lawn grasses for each square. m. add 20 g of the drug. To ensure uniform distribution of the powder in the soil, the soil must be thoroughly mixed after application. When used in spring, it is recommended to add dust to nitrogen-containing fertilizers. When applied in the fall, add to potash mixtures.
You can use tobacco dust not only as a top dressing, but also as a main fertilizer. Application should be done less frequently - once every 3 seasons, but with an increased amount of product - 40 g per square meter. m.
If tobacco dust is used to feed indoor flowers, then it is added to the substrate in a volume of 0.5 tsp. per 10 liters of soil. The mixture is filled into pots when replanting plants.
Precautionary measures
Tobacco dust can irritate the respiratory system and eyes. To prevent the powder from getting into the nose and eyes, you need to prepare a solution, and even more so, dust the plants - wearing a respirator or a gauze bandage and glasses.Wear rubber gloves on your hands to protect your skin from the irritating effects of the drug.
If tobacco dust gets on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, you should immediately rinse them with clean water. Powder poisoning is rare; in terms of toxicity, it belongs to class 3, that is, to low-hazard agricultural products.
Tobacco dust is a natural insecticide that can be used on private farms to treat trees, shrubs, and vegetable plants against common pests. In addition to its naturalness and, as a result, safety, the drug has many advantages: it works effectively, insects do not get used to it. It is very convenient to use, it is cheap, accessible, and if stored in a dry place, it can be stored for a long time (2 years in a closed package, 1 year in a loosely closed package).
Of course, in terms of effectiveness against pests, tobacco dust is inferior to synthetic insecticides, so you will have to carry out not one, but several treatments. But the products will be environmentally friendly.
When used as a fertilizer, dust helps reduce the cost of purchasing fertilizers and makes growing vegetables and fruits more profitable. The product does not contain harmful or toxic substances or pathogens, increases soil fertility, but does not accumulate in it. This makes it a universal natural fertilizer.