Instructions for use of Heteroauxin, composition of the root growth stimulator

Without a fully developed root system that provides plants with the necessary nutrition, it will not be possible to grow strong and healthy crops. To stimulate root formation, gardeners use special chemicals. Heteroauxin has a wide range of applications and a convenient formulation, so it is often preferred by both summer residents and farmers. Before use, it is recommended to read the instructions from the manufacturer.

Composition and release form of the growth stimulator

The active component of the root formation stimulator is beta-indolylacetic acid, a phytohormone obtained synthetically. The substance was first isolated from mold fungi and microorganisms back in 1934.

In gardening stores there are different formulations of the product and dosage.This can be powder packaged in bags weighing from 5 to 50 grams. In the composition of such a variety as “Heteroauxin Super”, in addition to the main active ingredient, there is potassium salt in a concentration of 50 grams per 1 kilogram of root formation stimulator.

Also on retail shelves there are tablets with a concentration of the active ingredient of 0.1 grams. As a rule, if it is necessary to cultivate large gardens, purchase a root stimulator in powder form; tablets are more suitable for small beds.

Scope and principle of operation

Growth hormone is intended to stimulate the development of the root system and above-ground parts of ornamental and fruit plants. In addition, it is advisable to use the drug in the following cases:

  • preparing seedlings grown at home for transplanting into open ground or a greenhouse;
  • strengthening weak and depleted crops;
  • as part of the grafting of fruit plants to crops that were grown at home from seeds (such as orange, tangerine, lemon and others);
  • soaking the bulbs before planting in the beds;
  • to extend the flowering period of ornamental plants and increase buds.

The active ingredient of the product stimulates metabolism in crop cells and their division.

Indolylacetic acid promotes a uniform supply of nutrients from the root system to all parts of the plant.


The advantages of this biostimulator include the following:

  • a wide range of crops for which the drug is allowed to be used;
  • possibility of use in indoor conditions, open ground, greenhouses and conservatories;
  • minimal risk of purchasing a counterfeit, since the process of producing growth hormone is quite complex and cannot be repeated using a homemade method;
  • rapid growth of the rootstock after using the stimulator for fruit trees and shrubs;
  • increasing the chances of survival of exotic and delicate plants;
  • healing of wounds and damage in ornamental and fruit crops;

Before purchasing a drug, you should study its disadvantages. Firstly, the process of preparing the working fluid takes longer than other growth stimulants, since “Heteroauxin” must first be diluted in alcohol, and after that the mother solution is mixed with water for subsequent use. Secondly, an excessive amount of biostimulant leads, on the contrary, to a slowdown in the development of cultivated plants.


Instructions for use of "Heteroauxin"

Before using the drug, you should figure out how to properly prepare the working fluid:

  • prepare special dishes (preferably made of thick glass, but not used for cooking);
  • put on an apron, glasses and rubber gloves;
  • take the required number of biostimulant tablets and grind them into powder;
  • pour the powder into a container (it must be dry);
  • take a medical syringe and fill it with 10 cubes of ethyl alcohol, pour it into a container;
  • cover the container with a lid and place it in a water bath (recommended water temperature is from 50 to 60 degrees);
  • shake the solution from time to time and open the lid to release the resulting vapors;
  • remove from heat when the powder is completely dissolved;
  • after this, dissolve the required amount of the prepared solution in water and begin processing the plants.


A solution prepared from one tablet of the drug is added to 5 liters of water, and the mixture is used to root cuttings. They are kept in solution for 24 hours, after which they begin waxing and planting. This amount of liquid is enough for 4 medium-sized cuttings.

Roses and carnations

Semi-lignified or green rose cuttings and soak them for 12-15 hours in a solution prepared from 2 grams of the drug per 5 liters of water.

Carnations planted in a flower bed are watered with a working solution at the rate of 2 grams of biostimulant per 10 liters of water. This amount of liquid is enough to process 5 square meters. meters of flower beds.


"Heteroauxin" for orchids

The drug is used for all varieties of orchids, but its effectiveness for them is not the same. Prepare a concentrated stock solution according to the standard procedure. Add one cube to one liter of clean water and mix thoroughly.


Cuttings that have just been separated from the adult culture are soaked in the solution, using 2 tablets of the drug per 10 liters of clean water. They are kept in the rooting agent for 15 to 18 hours.

Heteroauxin cuttings

Fruit trees and shrubs

Fruit trees are watered with the prepared solution twice a season - in the spring, when the buds just begin to bloom, and after the plant begins to shed its leaves.For liquid, take 6 grams of the drug per 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to process two mature trees. For berry crops, the dosage is slightly less - 4 grams of biostimulant per 10 liters of water.


When moving seedlings to open ground or a greenhouse, the roots are soaked in a solution consisting of two tablets and 10 liters of water. Keep the cultures in solution for 18 hours. After transplanting to a permanent location, pour the remaining solution onto the soil around the seedlings.


Bulbous plants

Prepare a solution of 1 tablet and liter of water. Bulbs of vegetable and ornamental plants are dipped in liquid and kept in it for 24 hours, after which they are immediately planted in open ground.

Broken branches

If there is damage on tree branches, use a solution in a concentration of 1 tablet per 3 liters of clean water.


Precautionary measures

When working with a root formation stimulator, it is necessary to follow safety rules, since the drug belongs to the 3rd toxicity class and can harm human health if it comes into contact with mucous membranes or skin. Be sure to wear rubber gloves, a work gown and a mask to prevent vapors from entering the respiratory tract when preparing the solution.

Storage rules

The shelf life of the biostimulant is 2 years if storage conditions are met. Keep tablets or powder in a room where the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. Also, the pantry should be dry and dark.

What can be replaced

If a root formation stimulator is not available for sale, it can be replaced with drugs with a similar effect, for example, “Kornevin”, “Zircon” or “Epin”.
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