Domestic ducks are considered popular birds, which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness in keeping and high productivity parameters. Typically, these birds are raised to produce valuable meat, which is of great benefit and has a delicate taste. Today there are many varieties of such birds. White ducks are considered the best for breeding.
Are there white ducks?
Currently, many breeds of white ducks are known. According to scientific research, this color is provided by a special recessive gene. It is passed on to offspring. And this applies to both males and females. The white-feathered ducks popular today are either artificially bred or natural species. In any case, such birds are found in almost every household.
White color is considered common. There are several breeds of birds that are distinguished by such feathers.
This cross was specially bred. Its characteristic feature is the ability to quickly increase body weight. Moreover, to obtain such results, not very much feed is required. Such ducks are characterized by excellent performance parameters. Over the course of a year, they are capable of producing 240 eggs weighing 100 grams. In addition, by the age of two months, ducks acquire large sizes. By this parameter it is possible to distinguish males and females. So, drakes weigh 4 kilograms, and ducks - 3.4. In order for these birds to fully gain body weight, they need to be fed a balanced diet.
This breed is considered a meat breed. It was bred in the forties of the last century. This happened at the Ptichnoe state farm, located in the Moscow region. The breed was obtained from khaki campbell and peking duck.
Birds are characterized by a large body and a massive convex chest. They are distinguished by a strong, straight back and a short tail.In this case, the drake has several feathers on its tail forming a ring.
This is an old breed that was obtained in England back in 1845. These birds quickly gained popularity. As a result, they became widespread in Europe. The birds are distinguished by snow-white plumage and blue eyes. They are also characterized by a large body, wide chest and massive back.
The birds are distinguished by a large head and a powerful beak of a light orange hue. At the same time, ducks are characterized by slightly short, but powerful, widely spaced legs, covered with bright orange skin. The advantage of representatives of this breed is considered to be rapid weight gain.
The history of the appearance of these ducks is not reliably known. However, there is information that it was obtained by combining local breeds with Chinese Cresteds. The result was medium-sized birds. They are characterized by an arched back and a downward sloping neck.
Birds are distinguished by a muscular body, a convex chest and wings pressed to the body. White corydalis characterized by orange paws and the same beak.
By the appearance of the crest, it is possible to estimate the productivity parameters of birds. The larger its size, the less productive the bird is.However, corydalis are distinguished by tasty and lean meat, high egg production parameters and a calm disposition.
Indian runners
Scientists claim that these birds are descended from penguin ducks. Runners came to Europe in the nineteenth century. At first they were bred for decorative purposes. Today, birds are very popular because they are characterized by high egg productivity. However, they are not raised for meat.
Runners are characterized by an elongated torso. The body is cylindrical in shape and covered with snow-white feathers. Birds are also characterized by dark yellow paws, a thin long neck, and an elongated head.
Birds are not demanding when it comes to nutrition and have a peaceful character. They are characterized by tasty and tender meat. At the same time, you should not expect a large weight gain from the birds. An adult male weighs no more than 2 kilograms. At the same time, the annual parameters of egg production of females reach 350 eggs. Their weight is 70 grams.
This breed was developed in China. This happened back in the eighteenth century. Birds are characterized by excellent productivity parameters.This made the birds very popular in both Europe and Asia. The disadvantage of ducks is nervousness.
The Pekingese breed is characterized by a large, elongated body, wide chest and back. Ducks are also distinguished by a large head with a concave forehead and a long curved neck. The body of the birds is covered with snow-white feathers that fit tightly to the body. They are also distinguished by their short, raised tail. The birds are characterized by short, strong legs of a yellow-orange hue and the same beak.
Selection rules
When choosing a bird breed, it is worth considering a number of features. To avoid dealing with scammers, you should contact large farms. This will help evaluate the living conditions of the birds, see the parents and verify the integrity of the seller. If you still have doubts, you should familiarize yourself with the certificates and other necessary documents.
In addition, when choosing an animal, you should pay attention exclusively to healthy individuals. It is important that they are moderately well-fed. It is also worth considering the condition of the feathers. They must be uniform. Any damage is not acceptable.
It is important to ensure that the ducklings do not have cloudy eyes - they should be bright, clean and shiny. It is recommended to take into account the behavior of birds. It is important that they remain active. If the chicks move little, this indicates the development of pathologies.You should refuse to buy such individuals.
Content Features
When raising ducks, it is worth creating the following conditions for them:
- ducks require an insulated room without holes or drafts;
- on 1 square meter it is worth placing a maximum of 3 adult ducks or 6 young ducks;
- It is recommended to place nests under walls, in the shade;
- the litter should be made deep - it is recommended to form it from shavings or sawdust;
- It is recommended to provide compartments for different types of food in the feeders;
- it is important to ensure that there is always fresh water in the drinking bowls;
- the suitable temperature is +16 degrees, in winter it is worth maintaining the parameters at least +5 degrees;
- Humidity parameters should be maintained at 60-70%;
- The duration of illumination is 14 hours a day; in winter it is recommended to use special lamps;
- The presence of a body of water is considered a prerequisite.
There are a number of breeding methods. If the female has a strong maternal instinct, she will be able to incubate the eggs on her own. It is important to monitor this process. If there is no brooding instinct, you will have to use an incubator. It is recommended to place the collected eggs in it and wait for the chicks. Today there are many breeds of white ducks known. They differ in advantages and disadvantages. To achieve success in raising birds, it is important for them to create suitable conditions.