Wine made from ripe quince will amaze with its richness of flavor and aromatic shades. It’s not difficult to make, but you need to strictly adhere to the recipe. It is also important to choose high-quality, ripe and undamaged fruits, only in this case the specific astringency will not be felt. You can add extraordinary notes with grapes and lemon.
Cooking features
Quince is not the most familiar fruit for Russian residents.It is believed that it is similar to an apple or pear, but in fact these fruits are not related. A unique feature of quince is that it is practically not eaten raw, it is very tart and astringent no worse than persimmon. But it is used very often in various preparations. Quince wine is popular - an extraordinary alcoholic drink that retains iron, potassium and phosphorus even after heat treatment.
Dessert and sparkling wines, as well as fortified liqueurs, are made from fresh quince. The taste can be completely different, since it largely depends on additional ingredients.
There are no special cooking rules. The main thing is to choose the fruits carefully. It depends on them how tasty and refined the wine will be.
Use sterilized, clean containers, spoons, and a strainer; be sure to boil before touching the wort.
Preparation of raw materials
Products of early and late varieties of Japanese quince. If it is collected early, then it is necessary to let it sit for a while (at least two weeks). Late varieties are left to rest for a longer period (from a month to two). This is necessary so that the quince has a strong aroma, so that the pulp becomes soft and tender, and the astringency and bitterness go away. Also, if the fruit is aged, it will absorb more sugar, which, of course, will only benefit the finished drink.
The juice is suitable for wine, but the skin itself, grains and pith are not used. It would be a mistake to take them, even if they taste good - the composition will become too sticky and tart.
Before cooking, the quince is thoroughly washed. Peel it, remove the core, and cut it into arbitrary cubes.To keep the color golden, you need to sprinkle a little lemon juice.
How to make quince wine at home
Use one of these recipes.
Classic recipe
The classic recipe for quince wine can be repeated by a novice winemaker. You will need to take:
- 10 kilograms of quince;
- 500 grams of clean water;
- 2 kilograms of granulated sugar;
- small packet of citric acid.
The fruits are grated, placed in an enamel container, filled with sugar (half of the total volume) and water. Infuse for three days in a warm room, and then filter through a strainer and gauze.
Then citric acid and the rest of the sugar are added to the composition. Pour into a special container with a water seal or a regular glove. Wine fermentation occurs at a temperature of at least 18 degrees. The desired state is determined by when the glove comes down. This usually takes up to two months. The finished wine is poured into jars and left in the cellar.
With lemon
The slight tartness and sweetness of quince goes well with the citrus component of lemon. This recipe is considered as popular as the classic one, but the taste is different. Taken for him:
- 3 kilograms of quince;
- 4 liters of water;
- 3 pieces of lemon;
- 5 grams of yeast;
- 1.3 kilograms of sugar (maybe more depending on the tartness of the fruit).
First, take an enamel container with a thick bottom. Quince is grated into it on a fine grater and pressed to form juice. Place on fire and boil for up to 15 minutes. Then water is added, but it must be boiled first.
After this, the composition is placed in a warm and dark place for fermentation. They wait four days and watch what happens. The wort should produce foam; bubbles will be visible rising from the bottom to the top.After four days, the wort is filtered, using first a sieve and then gauze folded several times.
Mix lemons (along with peel), yeast, and sugar in a separate container. All this is poured into the fermented wort and left for another three days. After this time, a sediment will fall out - underneath it is an almost drinkable alcoholic drink.
You need to filter again. After this, the composition is poured into jars and left to ferment in the pantry or cellar for up to six months.
Ratafia, or sweet vodka as it was called since ancient times in Rus', has been known for more than a thousand years. But if back then it was served only at weddings and name days of the richest nobles, now everyone can enjoy its unforgettable taste. You will need to take:
- 300 grams of quince;
- 300 grams of sugar;
- 1.5 liters of vodka;
- a little nutmeg and cloves.
The fruits are prepared in the standard way, peeled, grated, and placed in an enamel container. Take to a cool room for 2 hours. Then squeeze it with your hands, add sugar to the released juice and stir. Pour vodka and add spices. Leave to ferment for a month in a warm room. It is necessary to shake the contents of the container at least once every two to three days.
Filtration is carried out, the light composition is bottled. You can treat them after three to four months.
With grape juice
Quince wine with grape juice turns out very similar to standard wine prepared according to the classic recipe. But true gourmets will note the notes of unusual fruit that reveal themselves after a few sips. You will need to take:
- 3 kilos of quince;
- 6 glasses of sugar;
- 2 kg of grapes;
- 5 grams of yeast;
- 4 liters of water.
Place the chopped quince in a saucepan over low heat.After boiling, boil for 15 minutes. Place under a press for 4 days, then wring out and express.
Add grapes, yeast, sugar. Fermentation lasts for three days. Then filtration and decantation occurs - the same as according to the standard recipe.
Benefits and contraindications
The main beneficial properties of homemade preparations include the ability to calm the nerves, improve immunity, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Those who suffer from ulcers and high blood pressure should be careful with this tincture.
Storage rules and periods
Store in a cool and dark place for up to 1.5 years after ripening.