Instructions for using the fungicide "Topaz" for treating grapes in spring and autumn and waiting periods

Universal, designed for drupes, ornamental plants, vegetables and flowers, the Topaz fungicide (with instructions for use for grapes) effectively fights the mycelium of pathogenic fungi, being a preventative against pathogens. It protects grapes to a greater extent from powdery mildew and rust.

What kind of drug is this?

One-component, consisting of the active substance penconazole, is produced
the drug "Topaz" in liquid form, in bottles of 100 ml and ampoules of 2 ml.When used in recommended doses, the drug is not phytotoxic; it poses a threat only to fungi. The rate of absorption into plant tissue is fast, consumption is economical.

The action of the Topaz fungicide is limited to the destruction of pathogens of two types of powdery mildew - American and rust. It is harmless to other fungi, which makes it necessary to use it in combination with other brands of fungicides.

What are the pros and cons?

You can work with the active ingredient penconazole under any natural conditions. The quality of fungal destruction cannot be affected by temperatures above -10 °C. During the spraying process, the product is instantly absorbed into plant tissue, which makes it possible to use it in rainy weather. To achieve the maximum effect, it is still better to wait for dry, windless weather for processing.

Of all the possible diseases, “Topaz” is able to protect grapes from the most common in temperate climates:

  • odium;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fruit rot.

Fungicide Topaz

The proportion of water with the active substance during preventive treatment is the same - 2 ml of product per 10 liters of water. If there is a threat of fruit rot, plants are treated once every 10 days, until the fruits are fully ripened.

Oidium and powdery mildew recede, as a rule, after two planned treatments carried out 2 weeks apart.

Gardeners and gardeners value Topaz for the ability to use it at any stage of plant development; it will not make ripe fruits toxic. It can be used as a stand-alone product or in combination with other products.

Application and principle of operation

The principle of its action is to block spores of pathogenic fungi. Unable to grow into wood, leaves, and fungi die.“Topaz” also helps when plants are affected by downy mildew. A prophylactic dose of the drug does not help against diseases; for treatment you will need a medicinal solution; 3-4 ml of Topaz is diluted per 10 liters of water.

Fungicide Topaz

How to use it correctly?

The waiting time for Topaz to dissolve in water at room temperature is limited by the time of thorough mixing. Spraying the bushes is carried out in conjunction with cultivating an area of ​​soil within the radius of the plant's root system, which is also a preventive measure against fungal spores that have overwintered near the cultivated plant.

The first treatment is carried out before the buds open and leaves appear. In the spring, grapevine disease cannot be detected until the leaves bloom. Preventing fungal infection of a seedling is always easier than treating the plant. The disease takes away the plant's strength, which affects the taste of the grapes and the size of the harvest.

Attention! To treat plants from 1 acre of land it takes from 1.5 to 2 liters of dissolved product, which depends on the height of the crops being treated.

Fungicide Topaz

If the disease cannot be prevented at an early stage, then the next treatment should be carried out 10 days after the first. Further, preventive antifungal spraying of all parts of the bush is carried out every ten days, while the instructions indicate only 2 mandatory treatments - in the spring (before the bush blooms) and in the fall (after harvesting, pruning the bush and falling leaves).

Despite the fact that the product is not subject to loss of its properties due to temperature changes or sudden cold snaps, there is no point in using it for winter treatment of bushes.

“Topaz” is safe for dormant mycelium, because the growth of fungal spores will begin only with the onset of warm days, and the antifungal agent will expire after 2 weeks. The recommended number of sprayings of fruit trees per season is no more than 4 times. If a plant is damaged, more treatments are allowed to save it.

Compatibility with other drugs

Considering the very limited spectrum of action, fungicides can be used simultaneously with Topaz to protect plants from other pathogens:

  • "Kuprosat" against late blight, circosporosis;
  • “Topsin-M” for scab, moniliosis, gray rot, anthracnose;
  • "Kinmiksom" from pest larvae;
  • “Chorus” for the prevention of all fungal infections at an early stage of foliage development.

Kinmiksom drug

In combination with fungicides, the dosage of Topaz does not need to be reduced. Each drug will perform its function without reacting with the active components of another substance.

The peculiarity of penconazole, the active substance of a one-component product, is that it dissolves equally well in water, alkalis, and acids, without entering into a chemical reaction with such bases. This makes Topaz a product that can be combined with almost any fertilizer for grapevines and other fruits and vegetables.

Security measures

To store powdered, bottled products or ampoules, you need to set aside a place in the pantry, on the top shelf, so that it does not fall into the hands of children. It should not be stored next to food supplies and medicines. After using the product, the container must be disposed of so that the remnants of the product do not end up in natural bodies of water and drinking water. The product in high concentrations is toxic, as are its vapors.

When working with Topaz, you must follow safety precautions when working with chemical compounds:

  • hands must be protected with rubber gloves;
  • respiratory tract with a respirator;
  • eyes closed with carbon glasses.

There should be no people or animals nearby during spraying. When planning to work with chemicals, even such weak solutions as Topaz, you need to make sure that your first aid kit contains activated carbon, an antiallergic and healing agent.
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