Description of the Denisovsky grape variety, planting and care rules
The Denisovsky grape variety is considered very popular. It is characterized by high yield and excellent taste.
Description of the Heliodor grape variety, planting and care rules
The Heliodor grape variety is very popular among summer residents and farmers. This plant is characterized by high
Description and technology of growing Ruta grapes
Many summer residents are engaged in growing grapes. There are many grape varieties, but they are popular among gardeners
Description and subtleties of growing Lorano grapes
Some winegrowers grow hybrid varieties of berries on their plots. The most popular is the grape hybrid
Description of the Rosmus grape variety, planting and care rules
Rosmus grapes are considered a very popular crop. It gives a good harvest and is durable
Description of the Zarevo grape variety, planting and growing rules
Growing grapes is profitable, because with proper care the crop produces a rich harvest. When growing Moldovan
Description and characteristics of the Long-awaited grape variety, yield and cultivation
The beneficial composition and high taste characteristics of the Dolgozhdanny grape variety distinguish it from others
Description and characteristics of the Anthony the Great grape variety, history and cultivation rules
The Anthony the Great grape variety, bred in Russia, is widespread in the central and southern zones
Description of hybrid grape varieties Pearl Black, Pink, White and Saba
The universal variety of Pearl grapes has several subspecies that are widespread in European countries. The variety is valued
Description and characteristics of the Witch's Fingers grape variety, history and cultivation rules
The Witch's Fingers grape variety is a hybrid and is characterized as an elite variety. The fruits are valued for
Description, characteristics and history of Lily of the Valley grapes, cultivation and propagation
A grape variety that was little known until recently is becoming popular due to its positive qualities. U
Description and characteristics of the Krasen grape variety, selection history and cultivation features
The difficulties of growing grapes on a plot of land are a thing of the past. Breeders breed such


