Description and characteristics of Krasa Nikopol grape variety, planting and care
A young table variety with dark pink berries has already become a favorite among gardeners. It is also grown by summer residents
Description of the Count of Monte Cristo grape variety and cultivation technology
Grapes of the Count Monte Cristo variety are popular among gardeners. Features large brush sizes and no
Description of the Richelieu grape variety, planting and care rules
Richelieu grapes are popular with many farmers. This is a promising crop that is distinguished by its early
Description of the Taiga grape variety, planting and care rules
Taiga grapes have many advantages. This plant is characterized by high resistance to diseases and
Description of the “Memory of a Surgeon” grape variety, planting and care rules
The hybrid table variety is deservedly loved by farmers and consumers. It takes root well after planting and is immune
Description and subtleties of growing Manicure Finger grapes
Many gardeners grow grape bushes in their summer cottages. There are many varieties of vineyards, but the popularity
Description of the Mukuzani grape variety, planting and care rules
The Mukuzani grape variety is considered a crop of folk selection, since there is no information about its breeding. This
Description and subtleties of growing Triumph grapes
The Triumph grape variety is popular among summer residents. It's not just about the amazing aroma, rich taste,
Description and characteristics of Viura grape variety, planting and care
Viura is a grape variety considered one of the best for making quality wine. Grown in
Description and technology of growing Angelica grapes
Many gardeners want to plant a plot of grape bushes. However, before you do this, you must select
Description of the Dixon grape variety, planting and care rules
Dixon grapes are considered a hybrid crop. The plant produces a harvest within the first season
Description of the Kokur grape variety, planting and cultivation rules
The Kokur grape variety is considered high-yielding. Its bushes develop quickly and produce large fruits with


