Description of the Zarevo grape variety, planting and growing rules

Growing grapes is profitable, because with proper care the crop produces a rich harvest. When growing Moldovan Zarevo grapes, agrotechnical rules should be strictly observed, since the variety is capricious. A crop that has received proper care will delight you with massive clusters of large lilac-pink berries. The taste qualities of the Zarevo variety are high; the fruits have a mild taste without cloying sweetness.

History of selection

It is believed that the Zarevo variety was created by Moldovan breeders based on the Cardinal and Moldova grapes. The second name of the variety is Pridorozhny.

Today the variety is popular in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine.

grapes glow

Description and characteristics of the variety

Zarevo is a dessert pink variety of medium late maturity, intended for fresh consumption. Grapes need a long warm period for the fruits to gain sweetness, so cultivation is possible only in the southern regions, where autumn cold and heavy rainfall arrive late.

The vine is strong, growing rapidly, ripening by 2/3. It has 30-40 eyes. The bark is reddish-brown. The leaves are rich green in color, with five ends, jagged edges, and prominent veins.

The flowers are bisexual, so no special conditions are required for pollination. About 60% of the shoots are fruiting.


Drop-shaped, massive. Weighs from 800 g to 2 kg. The berries fit tightly together.

grapes glow


For berries of the Zarevo variety:

  • elongated oval shape;
  • dense skin, when ripe it has a pink color, tinged with lilac;
  • the pulp is pinkish-green, elastic, juicy, delicately sweet in taste, without cloying;
  • there is a slight waxy coating on the surface;
  • ripening – 140 days after bud formation;
  • average weight – 12-14 g;
  • length – 38 mm, width – 23 mm;
  • acidity level – 8 g/l, sugar content – ​​15%;
  • tasting score – 8.5.

Disease resistance

Resistance to pests and infections is below average. For prevention, it is necessary to inspect the plantings weekly, thin out the shoots, and burn fallen leaves in the fall. To prevent fungal infections, fungicides are sprayed in prophylactic doses. Leaves with a whitish coating and oily spots are immediately torn off and burned.

grapes glow

Advantages and disadvantages of Zarevo grapes

Moldavian grapes Zarevo are popular for:

  • large, juicy, pleasant-tasting berries;
  • large and dense brushes;
  • stability and quality of the harvest (up to 12 kg per plant);
  • decorativeness of plantings.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • sensitivity to waterlogging (fruit skin cracks);
  • the need to construct drainage;
  • susceptibility to fungal infections and insects;
  • the need to install a shelter for the winter (if the temperature drops below -20 °C).

grapes glow

How to grow the crop?

The Zarevo variety is strong, tall, with a strong vine, and a high level of fruit ripening. The plant will be healthy and bear fruit abundantly if the agrotechnical rules for planting are observed.

When to plant the variety?

You can plant in the fall - from mid-October until frost, and in the spring - from early April to mid-May.

If the seedling was purchased in the fall, then you should not postpone planting until the spring. After all, in winter, plants often rot and dry out.

Planting grapes

Selecting a location

The grapes are heat-loving; they are planted in the southern part of the garden, well lit by the sun and protected from the winds. The best option is to place it along the southern wall of the house or fence. Or you can build a structure to protect against drafts.

For the Zarevo variety, sandy soil is preferred. The bushes develop quickly in it, and enough sweetness accumulates in the fruits over the course of the season. It is unacceptable to place grapes in a swampy lowland or in a saline area.

Landing technique

After determining the planting site, prepare the planting holes. They are always made in the fall. The volume of the hole is determined by the size of the root system; the depth is 60-80 cm.

Planting grapes

Further work algorithm:

  • a crushed stone drainage is constructed at the bottom of the hole;
  • add 2 buckets of organic matter (compost, rotted manure), 1.5 kg of ash, 300 mg of mineral complex;
  • a mound of fertile soil is formed on top;
  • water with 2 buckets of water;
  • grapes with an earthen lump on the roots are placed in a hole so that the zone of root formation is 40 cm below the soil surface, and the bud from which the lower shoot develops is 10 cm below the ground;
  • the grapes are covered with fertile soil to a level of 5 cm below the bud, compacted, watered with 2 buckets of lukewarm water;
  • add the remaining soil, but do not compact it;
  • mulch.

If planting is carried out in a row, then they dig not holes, but a trench. Be sure to install a trellis or other support for the vines.

The Zarevo variety is large and requires a lot of space. Therefore, seedlings are placed in a row at a distance of at least 2.5 m from each other.

grapes glow

Features of grape care

In order for the harvest to be abundant and of high quality, Zarevo grapes must be properly cared for.


Grapes are pruned to increase yield and form large fruits. The vines are removed so that no more than 45 buds remain on the bush. Pruned into 6 buds.

Watering and fertilizing

The grapes develop fully with sufficient moisture. Water the plants at least 4 times per season:

  • after the leaves open;
  • half a month before flowering;
  • after the formation of the ovaries;
  • after harvest.

A 10-liter bucket of water is poured under the bush at a time.

You cannot water grapes during the flowering phase. This will lead to shedding of flowers and reduced yield. For feeding, mineral complexes are used, applied according to the instructions. From organic matter, compost and rotted manure are used once every 2 seasons.

Grape pruning

Wintering grapes

At the end of autumn, the grapevines are lowered from their support onto the ground covered with plywood and covered with spruce paws. Do not place them on bare ground, otherwise the shoots will rot.

Disease and pest control

If there are symptoms of mildew (white bloom and oily leaves), diseased areas of the plant are cut off and burned. For prophylaxis, healthy parts of grapes are treated with Bordeaux solution, copper sulfate, and Antrakol.

The Zarevo variety is often affected by the grape leaf roller, whose caterpillars devour buds, buds, and young foliage. When butterflies with yellow-brown front wings and gray hind wings appear, the first thing they do is burn the fallen leaves. 2 weeks after the flight of adult insects, plants are sprayed with Zolon, Fury or Talstar. The procedure is repeated after another 2 weeks.

White coating on grapes

Collection and storage

The maturity of grapes is determined by the color of the skin of the fruit. In the Zarevo variety it becomes pink, with a lilac tint in the lower part.

Additional signs of maturity:

  • lignification of the stalk;
  • easy separation of berries from the stem;
  • decreased acidity in taste;
  • the appearance of a translucent skin effect;
  • seeds acquire a brown color;
  • the appearance of a characteristic grape aroma.

Harvest in dry weather. When harvesting grapes, you should try to erase the waxy coating from the fruit as little as possible. Otherwise, the product will lose its presentation and quickly deteriorate.

Zarevo grapes, like all mid-late varieties, can hang on the bushes until frost without spoiling. Under the right conditions it can be stored until May. Store it in a ventilated, unlit basement. The grape bunches are placed in layers in a container with pine sawdust at the bottom, and sawdust is also sprinkled on top. The grapes are periodically inspected and rotten fruits are removed.
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