It can be quite difficult for people without experience to distinguish between barley and wheat grains. The only difference between them is that barley spikelets have longer antennae. However, certain varieties of wheat also have quite long awns, reminiscent of barley. Both grains are grown in fields and used to make cereals and flour. However, there is still a difference between these products.
What is barley
This type of cereal is an independent genus of crops. The plant has been cultivated by people since ancient times.Barley is the basis of pearl barley and barley groats. It is often used as livestock feed. The value of the cereal is due to the presence of protein components and the high starch content in the composition.
During growth, barley ears in the bud have curled leaves. At the same time, they have short tongues. Barley spikelets belong to the single-flowered species. They form 2-3 bundles. The top of the spikelets is covered with thin scales.
The grains of the crop contain a lot of carbohydrates and fiber. They also contain vitamins and minerals. The protein that is present in the cereal contains many amino acids and is well absorbed by the human body.
Facts about wheat
Wheat is a separate genus of cereals. It comes in spring and winter and is used for making flour, baked goods, and pasta. Certain varieties of wheat are used as livestock feed.
Wheat contains a lot of fiber, which helps improve digestion. It also contains many vitamins and microelements. In addition, the product includes a large amount of pectin, fructose, and ascorbic acid.
What is the difference between barley and wheat
Barley and wheat have a lot in common. However, these cereal crops are also characterized by significant differences.
If you carefully examine the appearance of plants, you can find significant differences. The difference lies in color and other characteristics. They are shown in the table:
Signs | Barley | Wheat |
Stem height, centimeters | 60-80 | 50-150 |
Stem | It has a straight shape and a hollow structure. | It is naked, straight and hollow inside. |
Number of growing seasons | The plant can be annual or perennial. | It is an annual plant. |
Leaves | They are flat and even, with small ears at the end. The length is 30 centimeters, and the width is 1.5-3. | At the tips there are lanceolate ears and a tongue. The length is 20-40 centimeters, width – 1-2. |
Spike and inflorescences | The ear is formed in steps. There are 2-3 steps on the common axis. | The ear has 2 or 4 rows. It has a loose structure. At the top there is a short tooth. |
Fetus | Has a wide furrow. It is characterized by a yellow color. | It is ovoid in shape, has a furrow and crest on the back and is light brown in color. |
Kinds | It can be furcated, two-rowed, six-rowed. | It can be soft or hard. |
Growing rules
Features of growing crops are presented in the table:
Features of cultivation | Barley | Wheat |
Climate | Continental and subcontinental climates are suitable. The crop can be grown in mountains and cold regions. | Can be grown in warm continental climates. For germination, wheat requires a temperature of +1-2 degrees, for the appearance of sprouts - +3-4. |
Productivity | Ripens quickly regardless of daylight hours. | Depends on the length of daylight hours. |
Priming | Not picky about the composition. | The plant requires humus 1.7%, pH 5.8 or more. Can be grown in sandy loam, soddy-podzolic and, in rare cases, low-peaty soil. |
Scope of use
Food products also have certain differences. From wheat after primary processing it is permissible to produce the following:
- bread;
- confectionery;
- flavor enhancers;
- pasta;
- livestock feed;
- cereals;
- alcoholic drinks.
Barley groats and pearl barley are made from barley grains. They can also be used to obtain the following products:
- caffeine substitute;
- food alcohol;
- flour;
- livestock feed;
- malt.
It is not the wheat itself that is put into animal feed, but only its waste. Barley has a special feed variety that is intended for livestock.
Composition and calorie content of grain
The caloric parameters of 100 grams of barley are 315 kilocalories, wheat - 309. The content of various components in 100 grams of cereals is presented in the table:
Substance | Content in barley | Content in wheat |
Water, grams | 14,5 | 9,47 |
Proteins, grams | 9,5 | 11,31 |
Fats, grams | 2,5 | 1,71 |
Carbohydrates, grams | 59 | 63,7 |
Ash, grams | 2,5 | 1,52 |
Gluten, % | 22,5 | 80 |
Selenium, micrograms | 222,1 | 29 |
Grain weight difference
Today there are many options for calculating the mass of grains and their characteristics. The main parameters include the following:
- Nature has been known since ancient times. For this purpose, a device with a volume of 1 liter is used. In addition to mass, the shape and volume of grains are assessed.
- Porosity is determined by the integrity of the grain shell.
- Hygroscopicity – affects weight during drying and storage.
Parameters typical for cereals are presented in the table:
Characteristic | Barley | Wheat |
Nature | 605 | 785 |
Duty factor | 45-55 % | 35-45 % |
Hygroscopicity | 40,2 % | 40,8 % |
Weight in a container of 10 liters | 6 kilograms | 7.7 kilograms |
Which is healthier?
It is difficult to determine which cereal is healthier. People use wheat much more often than barley. At the same time, consuming both products will help achieve maximum benefits. At the same time, barley flour is rarely used without the addition of wheat. But without barley carbohydrates, you won’t be able to achieve a long-term feeling of fullness.
What's best for losing weight
Barley is considered a more dietary product.It is high in fiber and low in gluten. That is why this product is suitable for people who are overweight. Barley and pearl barley are produced from this cereal. These foods improve bowel function and provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness without causing weight gain.
Wheat is considered higher in calories. This is due to the fact that most confectionery and bakery products are made from it. The cereal is also used to produce alcohol. At the same time, whole grain cereals normalize body weight and help cope with excess weight.
Barley and wheat have certain similarities. At the same time, there are many differences. They consist in composition, appearance, nutritional value.