What is made from barley and what cereals are obtained from cereals, types and names

Barley is one of the oldest cereal plants, which has many valuable characteristics. It can be grown in a variety of conditions - in the steppes and in the mountains, in conditions of high humidity or dryness. Barley is considered the fastest ripening crop, so it can be grown even in harsh climates. However, not everyone knows what is made from barley, what cereals are obtained from cereals, as well as their types and names.

Description of the cereal

The name “barley” refers to a whole range of cereals.However, common barley is usually grown for food purposes. The remaining representatives of this genus are cultivated quite rarely. They mostly grow wild. Barley can be an annual, biennial or perennial grass.

Like wheat, this plant is considered one of the first grains that man began to grow and eat. This happened in the Middle East at least 10 thousand years ago. This culture is characterized by a very wide habitat. It is distributed from the island of Crete and northern Africa to Tibet.

According to archaeological finds, barley as a cereal plant was widespread not only in Asian countries, but also in Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. This crop was also grown in the northern regions. In particular, it was found in Finland and Norway.

Taste qualities

Barley itself is not usually eaten. Pearl barley and barley are made from this cereal. They have a similar taste, but also have some differences. The fact is that barley contains less fiber, which affects its taste.

Both products have a relatively neutral taste. They are prepared with water or milk, adding salt or sugar. Thanks to this, it is possible to get completely different side dishes - an excellent addition to meat dishes or sweet porridge. Barley and barley porridge are quite delicate products that vaguely resemble oatmeal and millet. Barley is characterized by slight nutty notes in taste, and barley porridge is more tender.

Vitamins, microelements and other chemicals

Barley grains include many valuable components:

  • 16% proteins;
  • 75% carbohydrates;
  • 3-5% vegetable fats;
  • 10% fiber.

This cereal contains many vitamins B, A, E, D.At the same time, the calorie content of 100 grams of whole grains is approximately 288 kilocalories. This corresponds to 18% of the daily value of adults. Taking into account regional characteristics, soil and conditions, barley may also contain various microelements. These include zinc, potassium, iron.

What is made from barley

What kind of grain is obtained from barley?

In cooking, it is customary to use whole grains of barley. To do this, it needs to be peeled, winnowed and boiled. However, it is much healthier to eat grain that has been turned into cereal. This product is made from purified and crushed grains. At the same time, different types of cereals are made from barley.

Pearl barley

The most famous barley cereal is pearl barley. To obtain this product from kernels, you need to do the following:

  1. Thoroughly peel the achenes of glassy or semi-vitreous varieties. They contain the maximum amount of protein.
  2. Crush the grains so that only the kernels remain. In essence, the result is endosperm with a minimum number of membranes.
  3. Sand the grains against each other. Thanks to this, it will be possible to obtain smooth, round-shaped granules that are distinguished by a white or yellow color.
The product must be sifted through a sieve. The most valued grains are those whose grains are 1.5-2.5 millimeters long. The larger the fragments, the cheaper the product.

Pearl barley porridge is considered an original Russian dish. Back in the thirties of the last century, the Soviet Union established the industrial production of cheap cereals that can be stored for a long time. That is why pearl barley was often used in military units, schools and other institutions.

What is made from barley photo

This is probably due to the fact that today this product is considered of little value. This is actually not true.If pearl barley is prepared correctly, it has a wonderful taste and provides health benefits.

In addition to post-Soviet countries, such cereals are often used in Italian cuisine. Orzotto is prepared from this product, which is an analogue of rice risotto. Swedes, Finns, and Danes also love this product. They use it to prepare porridges and soups.

Barley grits

Another common type of barley groats is barley. To prepare it you need to do the following:

  1. Clear the barley grains of debris.
  2. Winnow the grains.
  3. Grind the barley using a mill.

Since barley grits are not subjected to grinding and polishing, it has the following features:

  • has an irregular shape;
  • has sharp edges;
  • includes the entire grain - it includes not only the endosperm, but also the shells.

Barley groats are used to make porridges. In more rare cases, puddings and casseroles are made from it. In Scandinavian countries, cereals are used to make soups.

Starch, which is contained in barley groats and is boiled to a paste, gives the porridge a lumpy texture and a uniform consistency. As the product cools, it quickly becomes hard and tasteless.

What is made from barley photo

Lesser known species

Barley groats and pearl barley are considered the most famous products made from barley. However, other cereals are also made from this cereal:

  1. Rolled barley groats. During its production, grains are passed not through millstones, but through rollers that spin quickly. Thanks to this, a cereal consisting of flat grains is obtained. In appearance it resembles flakes.
  2. "Dutch".This product is the same pearl barley, but it is characterized by smaller sizes. For this purpose, cereals are carefully selected. Unlike ordinary barley, “Dutch” is an elite cereal that is used for haute cuisine.

What else can be made from barley

Barley is used not only for making cereals. Other products are also made from it:

  1. Malt is comparable in production volume to cereals. The best varieties of cereals are classified as “malting barley” when arriving at elevators. In Ireland, the USA, and England, this product is used to produce whiskey.
  2. Coffee is made in powder form from roasted beans. This drink is vaguely similar to coffee. It’s hard to say that this product cannot be called a complete replacement for real coffee. It differs noticeably in taste. Therefore, barley coffee is usually classified as a surrogate. However, this product is suitable for people who, for health reasons, are contraindicated from caffeine.
  3. Raw materials for use in medical practice and cosmetology - barley sprouts are used for its production. These products are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. They can be used to treat and prevent many pathologies.
  4. Flour - the dough from this product does not rise. Therefore, at best, only flat and fairly hard cakes can be obtained from barley flour. That’s why it is mixed with other types of flour – for example, rye or wheat. Finns use barley flour to make traditional Rieska bread.
  5. Raw materials for making kvass - due to the significant amount of carbohydrates in the composition, barley grains ferment well.

Large quantities of low protein barley are used to feed livestock.It is used in the following forms:

  • whole - in this case the grains are boiled or poured with boiling water;
  • raw material for the production of compound feed - in this case it is ground, combined with flour from other plants, saturated with premixes and turned into granules.

What is made from barley

Who should not eat barley?

Barley in any form is beneficial for the body. However, sometimes it can also cause harm. The main contraindications to the use of this cereal include acute stages of diseases of the digestive organs.

Despite the fact that barley-based dishes help to get rid of excess weight, an excess amount of such products in the diet causes the opposite effect. Therefore, this cereal should be consumed no more than 1-2 times a week.

Barley is a tasty and healthy product that is used to make a wide variety of cereals. They differ in appearance, composition, properties and effect on the body. There is also a certain difference in taste.

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