Is it possible to grow an apple tree from a branch and when to start taking cuttings

Beginning gardeners will be interested in learning how to grow an apple tree from a branch. This method of propagation allows you to preserve all varietal characteristics. An aging fruit tree can be replaced with a young one using the air layering method.

Is it possible to propagate an apple tree with branches?

Experienced gardeners grow their own rooted seedlings from branches. Their survival rate is high - from 80 to 90%. To germinate roots, choose annual shoots. They are bent to the ground, fixed with a pin in a shallow trench (10 cm), and sprinkled with soil.

Layering is done in early spring. In summer, the soil is kept moist. A year later, at the beginning of summer, the seedlings are separated from the mother tree. They are transplanted to a permanent location in the fall.

Take a broken or cut branch?

According to gardeners, a broken cutting takes root faster. The branch needs to be broken so that a “heel” remains at the bottom. To do this, first make a shallow incision on the selected shoot, then break off the branch exactly in this place.

To create more roots, the “heel” is split into several parts with a sharp knife. Before this, it is shortened a little and cleaned.

Air layering or how to get seedlings from an old apple tree

In mid-March, a suitable fruit branch is found on an old apple tree. When choosing, adhere to the following requirements:

  • the shoot for rooting is located on the south side, well lit;
  • there are no branches on it;
  • age 2-3 years;
  • thickness is slightly more than 5 mm.

growing an apple tree from a branch

The selected branch is wrapped in transparent film. Close a 40 cm section. The lower and upper parts of the improvised sleeve are fixed with electrical tape. This design is used so that by June the bark becomes softer. In the last ten days of June the sleeve is removed. From the beginning of last year's growth, 10 cm are retreated downward and a circular incision is made. Carefully remove 1 cm of bark. Several cuts are made in the upper part of the ring.

Over time, a growth will form at the site of the wound, and roots will appear in the places where the cuts were made. Certain conditions are required for their formation. At the first stage, the root formation process is stimulated with Kornevin.To do this, cover the wound with cotton pads, wrap it with film, fix the lower part with electrical tape, and leave the upper part open. “Kornevin” is diluted according to the instructions, poured through the top hole until the discs are completely moistened. The upper part of the film is fixed with electrical tape.

growing an apple tree from a branch

After a day, everything is removed, a structure is built around the cut from a plastic bottle and plastic film:

  • cut off the bottom;
  • make a longitudinal incision;
  • put on a branch with the neck down;
  • wrap the bottle in transparent film, forming a bag;
  • The bottom is wrapped with electrical tape.

Pour sawdust, sphagnum or peat into the container. Any moisture-intensive substrate is suitable. It is well moisturized. The film is fixed with tape. Until the end of summer, the sawdust is moistened (every 2 days). The structure is protected from the sun. By the end of summer, the cuttings begin to develop roots or their rudiments.

When to start taking cuttings

Annual branches are suitable for propagation. Cuttings cut near the base take root better. When cutting correctly, the cut is located just below the node (bud).

growing an apple tree from a branch

in spring

For spring harvesting, cuttings are prepared in winter. The selected branch is slightly broken, making a closed fracture; the bark is not damaged. The damaged area is wrapped with electrical tape. They take woody branches. Around the end of March, the winding is removed and the stalk is cut along the fracture line. By this time, the substances necessary for growth will accumulate in the damaged tissues. Cuttings prepared in this way take root well.

in autumn

In late autumn, suitable branches are cut. They are stored in a snowdrift, refrigerator or cellar. In the spring, cuttings are prepared and germinated. Select shoots that are lignified, without mechanical damage, and healthy.

growing an apple tree from a branch

How to prepare cuttings for propagation

The cutting should have 2 to 3 internodes. The bottom sheet is removed. The remaining ones are shortened by ⅔ of the length. Place in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 12 hours, use:

  • "Kornerost";
  • "Kornevin";
  • "Zircon".

Selecting a location

Own-rooted apple tree seedlings (3-4 years old) are transplanted into the garden. When choosing a location, evaluate:

  • degree of illumination;
  • depth of groundwater (at least 2-2.5 meters);
  • soil composition.

growing an apple tree from a branch

Soil preparation

A year before transplanting an apple tree seedling the soil is prepared for a permanent place. Add to clay soil:

  • river sand;
  • sawdust;
  • compost or humus;
  • slaked lime.

If the soil is sandy, add clay, humus, and mineral fertilizers. For loam, humus and fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium sulfate) are sufficient.

Dimensions and depth of the landing pit

The size of the planting hole is determined by the type of apple tree.

Variety Planting hole size
Tall 0.8*1.2m
Semi-dwarf 0.5*1m
Dwarf 0.4 * 0.9 m
Columnar 0.5 * 0.5 m

growing an apple tree from a branch

Technology of rooting apple tree cuttings

To obtain a rooted seedling from a branch, apple tree cuttings are germinated. Use water or soil.

In water

Take a dark plastic bottle. Cut off the top part. The height of the germination container should be slightly lower than the cuttings. Pour a little water (5 cm), it should cover the lower bud. First, thickenings appear at the end, and by the end of the 3rd week, roots appear. The germinated cuttings are planted in the ground when the length reaches 7 cm. To speed up root formation, industrial or natural stimulants (Kornevin, aloe juice) are added to the water.

seedling in water

In the ground

In spring, a layer of soil mixture (20 cm) is poured into the container. It is prepared from peat, sand, black soil (1:1:1).Before planting, cuttings are placed in a solution of “Zircon” or “Kornevin”. They are buried 5 cm into the soil. The soil is moistened and the container is covered with film. When warm weather arrives, take it outside. After the roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted to the garden bed.

How to properly bury an apple tree seedling

The seedlings are dug in for the winter so that they can be planted in a permanent place in the spring. Sequence of work:

  • dig a trench 40 cm deep;
  • on the south side the side is made inclined;
  • the seedling is placed in water for a day and placed obliquely in a ditch;
  • the roots are sprinkled with earth in layers;
  • each layer is watered generously;
  • The trench is covered with spruce branches and covered with spunbond.

growing an apple tree from a branch

How do green cuttings root?

Green cuttings are rooted from May to the end of August. Choose healthy branches and cut them in the morning. The middle part is used for the cutting. The finished cutting should have 3 buds:

  • the lower cut is made directly under the kidney;
  • the top is cut off above the 3rd bud.

The roots will form from the lower bud. The prepared cuttings are planted in a separate bed. Sand is poured on top of the fertile soil in a layer of 4-5 cm. To prevent moisture from evaporating, arcs are placed and the nursery is covered with film.

Further care

For the winter, young seedlings are protected from frost. Pour a layer of mulch and cover it with spruce branches and non-woven covering material. In spring, the shelter is removed. Caring for self-rooted apple tree seedlings comes down to watering, weed removal, foliar and root feeding. After 2-3 years, the apple tree can be transplanted to a permanent place.

The result is influenced by climate, apple tree variety, choice of propagation method, accuracy of operations performed, and degree of soil moisture.
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