How and when is it better to plant an apple tree with a closed and open root system, the distance between seedlings

Spring is the time when every gardener, regardless of experience, thinks about the fact that it’s time to replenish the garden with new seedlings. The most popular trees here are apple trees; they dominate the area. Not all beginners know how to plant an apple tree correctly, what features of the tree are recommended to be taken into account, and how to accurately choose a place for planting.

Features of planting an apple tree

The apple tree is an unpretentious tree and does not require any skills to care for. Despite this, a lot depends on planting the seedling - if mistakes are made, there is a high risk of destroying the young plant or waiting for the first fruiting for many years.

Everything you need to consider when planting:

  • size and age of seedlings;
  • location of the future adult tree;
  • soil features;
  • requirements of the selected variety;
  • timing of planting a young tree.

The chosen planting scheme is considered important - dense plantings make maintenance difficult and prevent the penetration of sunlight and fresh air.

Selection and preparation of seedlings

Selecting seedlings is not difficult - the main thing is not to do it in markets from dubious sellers. It is recommended to purchase from trusted nurseries, from people involved in plant breeding with an impeccable reputation. Inquire about the characteristics of the selected variety, requirements for climatic conditions, soil composition, and care.

apple tree seedling

The survival rate of annuals and biennials differs. It is not difficult to distinguish them - two-year-old seedlings have time to acquire side shoots. They will produce a harvest earlier than annuals. When purchasing, inspect the root system. If the container hides it, ask the seller to remove the plant.

A triple rhizome with branches of at least 30 cm and numerous fibrous roots guarantee that the seedling will take root without problems.

Carefully inspect the cuts on the roots - they should be fresh, without signs of rotting. If the ends are dry, there is a possibility that they are a little frozen or were stored incorrectly, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

When is the best time to plant by season?

In addition to choosing a seedling, it is important to choose the time for planting - mistakes can be fatal for the tree. Many gardeners with considerable experience believe that it is better to go to the garden in the fall, but there are many opponents of autumn planting - the spring process has no less positive aspects. When choosing a time, you should pay attention to climatic conditions, so it is recommended to understand the features of seasonal planting in advance. This will help determine what timing is optimal for a particular region and when it is best to go to the garden with the purchased seedling.

in spring

If you weren’t able to plant a plant in the fall, don’t worry - there’s always the opportunity to catch up in the spring. Be sure to complete the work before May - at this time buds begin to bloom and flowering. If you are late, the plant will take a long time to take root.

apple tree planting

Benefits of spring planting:

  • there is no risk of freezing of the root system;
  • establishment will be faster than in the fall - plants have to be planted in sun-warmed soil;
  • With the onset of warmth, the plants will begin to grow.

There are also many disadvantages here. One of them is that during the winter the moisture manages to go to great depths, you will have to carry out regular watering, otherwise the root system will quickly dry out, which threatens the death of the young tree.Buying spring seedlings will also turn out to be much more expensive than autumn plants, and high-quality planting material is difficult to acquire - it is often taken apart by more efficient gardeners.

In summer

Summer planting is rare. Often only residents of cool regions, where spring begins much later than in warm regions, engage in such work. It is recommended to plant seedlings in a cozy place that is not exposed to strong drafts and direct sunlight - the survival rate will be significantly reduced. It should be taken into account that you will have to do frequent watering - even a slight drying out of the soil is enough to destroy the plants.

apple tree planting

If you only need to transplant a young tree to a new location, it is better to do this in August. There is no longer any particular heat, so the plant will tolerate moving without any difficulties. Be sure to replant with a large lump of soil.

in autumn

The optimal time for planting young trees is October. Rooting usually takes up to 20 days - this is enough for the root system to get used to the new place and survive the winter without any difficulties before severe, stable frosts. It’s easy to help the plants - put a layer of mulch (sawdust, moss, spruce branches).

The advantages of autumn planting are obvious:

  • during the cold season, the root system will have time to get used to it and, with the arrival of spring, will quickly begin to grow;
  • Over the winter, the mulch will turn into a layer of nutrients that will penetrate into the soil with melt water;
  • When planted in autumn, the plant’s immunity to subsequent frosts increases—you don’t have to worry about freezing.

apple tree planting

Despite the hardiness of young plants, when frosts arrive, stop planting - even covering will not be enough to protect the trees from freezing.It is better to postpone planting until spring.

Choosing a landing site

It is important to choose a place on the site for the apple tree seedlings where it will be comfortable and at ease. It is necessary to take into account the size of an adult plant - over time it should not become cramped. It is not recommended to plant if fruit crops previously grew in this place - pests and harmful bacteria can remain in the soil.

The soil should not be too wet. Water close to the surface can damage the root system and cause rotting.

Preparing a planting hole on different soils and applying fertilizers

An important rule is to prepare the holes, taking into account all the characteristics of the trees. The simplest and most popular planting scheme is in a row. The optimal distance between pits is three meters. The distance between rows is no more than six meters. This is enough to form a crown.

feeding with fertilizer

The hole should be round in shape, with a diameter of up to 1 m. If the root system is too voluminous, you can enlarge the hole. The depth for standard varieties is about 65 cm, but if necessary, it is recommended to deepen the hole. Usually fertilizers, nutritional components, and drainage are placed in the hole - everything depends on the composition of the soil and the requirements of the planted variety.

On clay

Planting on clay soils has no special requirements. When planting, standard components are added to the pit:

  • compost;
  • a little sand;
  • peat;
  • garden turf

dug hole

If the groundwater is too close to the surface, the drainage layer should reach 25-30 cm. Use broken bricks, ceramic or clay shards, and large crushed stone.

On the peat

Peat bogs are nutritious soil that almost does not require the addition of additional elements.We should not forget that too much beneficial substances for plants is also not recommended, so reduce the nutritional value of the soil. When planting, add coarse river sand and simple garden soil. It is recommended to put a little garden soil in the hole, after calcining it in the oven or pouring plenty of boiling water for disinfection.

On the sand

If planting is carried out in sandy soil, it is recommended to add a clay layer. It's easy to do:

  1. Place drainage in the dug hole.
  2. Pour in a small amount of sandstone.
  3. Place a layer of clay.
  4. Position the root system.
  5. Cover with a mixture of sandstone, peat, compost, and garden soil.

apple tree planting

When growing apple trees on sandstones, it should be taken into account that the main care process will be watering. In sunny weather, such soils become very hot, which is unsafe for plants, so be sure to apply a mulch layer.

On loam

When planting an apple tree on loam, be sure to lay a drainage layer (ceramic fragments, stones, wood trimmings).

To fill the root system, use the mixture:

  • coarse sand;
  • regular soil from the garden;
  • compost;
  • superphosphate (20-50 g)
  • peat.

Water clay soils with caution, especially after planting - they actively absorb moisture. Even if the surface has dried, water remains at a shallow depth, so it is recommended to use mulch to allow drying to occur evenly.

Preparing a pit for different types and varieties of apple trees

An important feature of planting apple trees is to take into account the variety of crop when preparing the holes. Correctly calculate the distance between trees and rows. Each variety of apple tree has its own crown size, which is why it is so important to ask the seller about the characteristics when purchasing seedlings.

dug hole

For tall apple trees

The distance between the pits in which tall apple trees will be planted is up to 4-5 m. It is recommended to leave a larger distance between the rows - up to 5.5-6 m. The depth of the pit after the drainage layer is laid is 80 cm. The diameter is at least a meter. With a large number of small roots and powerful main rhizomes - up to one and a half meters.

For semi-dwarf trees

Medium-sized varieties do not require large holes - one meter in diameter is enough. The depth after the drainage is installed is only half a meter. The distance does not change - up to 4 m between apple trees, up to 5 m between rows. This is enough for good crown development.

For dwarf trees

Dwarf apple trees are increasingly appearing in gardens, attracting people with their compact size, productivity, and ease of care. It is recommended to plant such varieties at a distance of 2-2.5 m. Leave a large distance between the rows - up to 4 m. The depth of the holes is only 40 cm. The diameter is 85 cm. When planting dwarf varieties, be sure to add urea (60 g) to the soil. This promotes survival and stimulates the growth of the root system.

dug hole

For columnar apple trees

Columnar plants are often planted in small gardens - they do not require much space to grow. The distance between the rows is up to 1.5 m. Place the holes every 55-60 cm. When planting columnar varieties in the soil, add organic matter (3 kg), ash (200 g), superphosphate (a handful is enough). If the soil composition is too poor, it is recommended to add mineral elements.

For apple tree Melba

Recommended apple tree Melba Grow on light loams. Silty or clay soil is not suitable for this variety - it will take a long time to bear fruit. The diameter of the hole is standard - within a meter, with a depth of 75 cm.Be sure to add humus and superphosphate when planting. You cannot do without a drainage layer - these varieties do not tolerate soil moisture well.

Planting apple tree seedlings with a closed root system

The advantage of plants with a closed root system is that they are planted immediately in special containers. This significantly reduces damage during transportation, increases survival rate in a new place, and prevents the development of diseases.

apple tree planting

To plant, simply remove the apple tree from the container, being careful not to shake off the substrate, and move it into a previously prepared hole. It is recommended to start planting at any time of the year - seedlings will take root well in autumn, summer, and early spring.

If there is groundwater nearby

Excess water is dangerous for many fruit crops, and apple trees are no exception. For the root system, an abundance of moisture is dangerous and often leads to rotting of the root system with subsequent death of the plant. An artificially created mound will help cope with high humidity and prevent the death of the tree. It’s easy to do - plant it on a raised tubercle (about half a meter). With each loosening of the soil, add soil to the mound - you will get a gentle, low slope.

At what distance to plant

An incorrectly determined distance between seedlings will certainly lead to thickening of the crowns. Dense planting will provoke the development of diseases, make it easier for pests to move and work, and make it difficult to collect fruits. The root system, which is fully developing, will also not have enough space, which will affect the development of the apple tree and its fruiting.

apple tree planting

The distance, even if the apple trees are located in one row, is not the same for different varieties.The distance should be up to 5 meters for large crops, and up to a meter for small (columnar, dwarf) varieties.

Main stages of planting

After preparing the holes, you can begin planting. The process is carried out in several stages, each of which must be strictly followed:

  1. 3-5 hours before planting, immerse the root system of the plant in a container with warm water (it is recommended to add 5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water).
  2. It is recommended to drive a support (up to 5 cm in diameter) into the prepared hole in advance; pre-burn the lower part - this will prevent rotting.
  3. Pour the prepared soil mixture into a low mound into the hole.
  4. Make a low (up to 5 cm) border in a circle, which will facilitate watering.
  5. Dip the root system into the prepared mash (mix clay, water, sand), wait a quarter of an hour until the mixture dries.
  6. Insert the apple tree into the hole, making sure that the root collar rises 3-5 cm above the soil surface.
  7. Straighten the root system, placing the roots evenly over the mound.
  8. Sprinkle the roots with the prepared mixture and tamp with your hands.
  9. During the sprinkling process, gently shake the young tree - this will fill the voids between the roots.
  10. Water abundantly. Introduce water in small portions, waiting for absorption.
  11. Place a layer of mulch (chopped straw, sawdust, pine bark).

apple tree planting

Complete the planting by tying the plant. This will allow you not to worry about the condition of the tree in a strong wind - it will not be able to damage the trunk. At a height of 65-80 cm, cut off the main shoot, remove side branches if necessary.

Features in regions

When planting an apple tree, you should take into account not only the characteristics of the selected variety, but also the climatic features of the regions.This will allow you to grow a healthy tree without hassle, which will begin to bear fruit quickly. When purchasing, be sure to find out for which latitudes the selected plant is recommended. You should not plant heat-loving varieties in cold regions - you won’t be able to wait for the harvest.

Moscow region

When planning to grow an apple orchard in the Moscow region, you need to know just a few useful rules:

  • It is better to plant in the fall (from September until the first cold snap);
  • Do not plant young plants in November - there is a risk of destroying the apple trees;
  • purchase for growing apple trees with early and medium ripening periods.

If you grow plants that bear fruit late, you will not always be able to get a harvest - the weather in the Moscow region is unpredictable, and winter may begin earlier than usual.


The frosty winters for which Siberia is so famous are the main reason to plant young apple trees only in the spring. Autumn planting is not recommended - even the most resistant varieties will not be able to survive severe frosts if the root system has not had time to acclimatize.

apple tree planting

It is better to choose frost-resistant varieties, otherwise you will have to cover the plants. Even such a precaution does not always help - the apple trees freeze completely until spring.


The unpredictable Ural climate, replete with frosty days that can occur in mid-autumn, is no less dangerous for apple trees. It is not recommended to plant before winter - it is better to postpone this process until the stable warmth of spring. If you had to plant young trees in the fall, be sure to take care of a warm cover. After snow falls, place a high snowdrift around the plant - this will partially prevent freezing.

Further care

You can grow a full-fledged tree with some effort and following the basic rules of agricultural technology. The first requirement that will have to be met annually is pruning. In young trees that are actively growing, systematically remove damaged, dry branches. Young shoots, if they appear near the trunk, should be cut out completely. It is better not to penetrate the soil and remove growth only on the surface - there is a risk of damaging the root system, which often rises to the top.

Dense branches must also be removed - they reduce growth, preventing the penetration of fresh air and sunlight.

It is recommended to water first-year plants throughout the summer, especially if the warm season does not indulge in rain. It is recommended to pour up to 3 buckets of water onto one seedling. Preheat the liquid in the sun for 24 hours. Cold moisture is no less dangerous for young apple trees than hot sun.

apple tree care

Before each watering, carry out shallow loosening. Moisture will penetrate into fluffy soil much faster, evenly distributed deep into the soil. Remove weeds regularly - weeds actively absorb useful elements from the soil, reducing the growth rate of apple trees.

During the first year, it is recommended to carry out about five feedings. Use complex or mineral fertilizers as nutrients.

Pre-irrigate the soil surface thoroughly. Fertilizing is carried out only under the trunk - fertilizers on the leaves will not bring the desired results.

If flowers appear in the first year, there is no need to leave them - there will be no fruit. Barren flowers only take away the strength of apple trees, so it is better to go to the garden when the buds appear and completely remove them.

Possible mistakes

Gardeners, even experienced ones, make most mistakes when planting apple trees. The main mistake often made by garden owners is exceeding the depth of the seedling. If the root collar is below the soil surface, the tree will develop and grow extremely slowly. The norm that is allowed is the elevation of the root collar by 3-6 cm above the soil. Some varieties grow well if the point is level with the soil surface, but it is better to find out this in advance, even when purchasing a seedling.

a planted tree

Another important mistake newbies make is using fertilizer too early. Mineral compositions can completely destroy the microflora, which contains bacteria beneficial to the plant. It is recommended to start fertilizing only after the tree begins to actively develop and produce young shoots.

An excess of organic matter is also often harmful to young apple trees. Unrotted manure is especially dangerous, causing disease. The ammonia released by fresh organic matter completely displaces oxygen from the voids between the roots, leading to death. Manure that has not had time to rot may contain pests that can destroy plants that have not had time to take root.

Beginning gardeners can make a mistake even when purchasing, purchasing young plants too early. Preserving them at home before planting is quite difficult - a stable cool temperature and high humidity are required.

The only way not to damage the planting material is to send it to the basement with a temperature of about 0 degrees. If this is not possible, it is better to go shopping just before planting - this will prevent unpleasant consequences.When purchasing, carefully inspect the plant material - there should be no rot, mold, or dry areas. Too dry roots should also be a concern - often even soaking is not enough to bring the seedling back to life.

Planting an apple tree is a process that, if carried out correctly, will certainly result in the active growth of the seedling. If you do not make mistakes in care, in just a few years the young tree will delight you with a harvest. We must not forget that the plant requires constant attention - watering, pruning, and fertilizing throughout the year. Gratitude will not be long in coming - the tree is sensitive to care.
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