The Krasa Sverdlovsk apple tree is grown in many regions. Summer residents fell in love with this hybrid because of its unpretentiousness in cultivation and care, as well as its high yield. The variety of apples in some regions is called Sverdlovsk Beauty.
- Origin of culture
- Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
- Description
- Tree height
- Crown width
- Root system
- Color
- Fruit
- Technical specifications
- Winter hardiness
- Disease resistance
- Lifespan
- All about the harvest
- Pollinator varieties
- Beginning of fruiting
- Timing of flowering and fruit ripening
- Collection and use of apples
- Tasting assessment
- Susceptibility to diseases and pests
- Apple cancer
- Scab
- Powdery mildew
- Moth, golden silkworm
- Apple sawfly
- Forms and growing options
- Dwarf
- Stambovaya
- creeping
- In what areas is it recommended to grow?
- Landing Features
- Deadlines
- Preparation of seedlings
- Choosing the best place
- Required soil composition
- Hole layout and dimensions
- Procedure technology
- Caring for young and adult apple trees
- Watering
- Top dressing
- Trimming
- Wood processing
- Preparing the apple tree for wintering
Origin of culture
Sverdlovsk Beauty was bred by breeders from the Sverdlovsk region in the 70s of the last century. According to some reports, one of the parent varieties was Jonathan apple hybrid. The name Krasa of Sverdlovsk comes from the region of origin. For several decades in a row, this hybrid was recognized as the best among apple varieties.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The advantages of the variety include:
- The main advantage is high resistance to diseases and pests.
- Taste and external characteristics of apples.
- Apples do not spoil during long transportation and last a long time after harvesting.
- Ripe fruits hang on the branches for a long time.
Disadvantages include the tree’s poor resistance to winter frosts.
Before choosing an apple tree variety, it is important to study the description of the selected varieties. Attention is paid to the characteristics of the tree and the taste of ripe fruits.
Tree height
The height of the tree is 4-5 m. Sverdlovsk Beauty is a medium-sized plant. Depending on the growing region, the height of the trunk may vary.
Crown width
The crown is of the spreading type. The crown diameter reaches 4 m. The average length of the branches is 2-2.5 m.
Root system
The root system is powerful. The main root is long.
Inflorescences are light pink. Leaves are emerald green.The bark is a rich brown color.
The pulp is sweet with a sour taste, very aromatic. The peel is dense. The pulp is grainy in structure, juicy, white-cream in color. The skin is red-green.
Among the winter varieties, Krasa Sverdlovsk is considered one of the most delicious.
Technical specifications
Technical parameters include winter hardiness, immunity to diseases and insects, and the lifespan of the apple tree.
Winter hardiness
The winter hardiness of the Krasa Sverdlovsk apple tree is average. In northern regions, plants often cannot withstand winter frosts.
Disease resistance
Disease resistance is high. The apple tree rarely suffers from powdery mildew. When carrying out preventive measures, the tree practically does not get sick.
The lifespan of the Beauty of Sverdlovsk apple tree is from 25 to 30 years.
All about the harvest
Every gardener wants to find the most productive apple tree variety. Before planting a seedling, the pollination capacity of the selected variety and fruiting are studied.
Pollinator varieties
To increase pollination, any varieties of apple trees that bloom during the same period as the Beauty of Sverdlovsk are suitable.
Beginning of fruiting
The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after the seedling is planted in the ground. If you plant a seedling in the fall, fruiting will begin earlier.
Timing of flowering and fruit ripening
The tree begins to bloom in the second ten days of May. The first red apples are removed from the plant in late August. Mass ripening begins in September.
Collection and use of apples
Apples are picked as they ripen. It is better to harvest immediately before the apples fall off. The harvested crop is used to make juices, jams, and baked goods. The hardest fruits are left for the winter.
Tasting assessment
The tasting score is 4.4 out of 5 points.
Susceptibility to diseases and pests
Despite the high immunity to disease, without organized care, the apple tree often suffers from various diseases of the fruits of the crops. In addition, insects can often be found on the plant.
Apple cancer
The first sign of apple canker is the appearance of cracks on the bark, black spots near them, deformation of the inflorescences and the absence of ovaries. To get rid of the disease, you need to cut off all infected branches and inspect neighboring trees.
Treat the sections with copper sulfate or brilliant green. Then treat the apple tree with fungicides.
Signs of scab:
- Green and marsh spots on leaves and fruits.
- Appearance of cracks.
- Yellowing of foliage.
To destroy the fungus in the spring, plants are sprayed with Zircon. After flowering, the trees are treated with copper sulfate or the chemical "Horus". All diseased branches are cut off.
Powdery mildew
Fungicides and copper sulfate help against powdery mildew.
Moth, golden silkworm
Trees are sprayed with biological products “Iskra-bio”, “Ectobacterin-3” or “Lepidotsid”.
Apple sawfly
A week before flowering, plants are treated with organophosphorus compounds or biological pesticides.
Forms and growing options
There are 3 forms of growing a tree.
The advantages of dwarf rootstocks include faster fruiting, compactness of the tree, and average density of the crown, which provides more light to the fruits.
The traditional type of rootstock for this variety is standard. Before the onset of winter, the trunk and skeletal branches are insulated.
This type of cultivation is used in the northern regions. For the winter, the plant is covered with spruce branches.
In what areas is it recommended to grow?
It is recommended to grow in the central, southern regions and the Volga region.
Landing Features
Before planting, it is important to choose a location and prepare the soil.
Autumn planting is preferable, since over the winter the seedling will have time to take root in a new place.
Preparation of seedlings
For 2-3 hours, the rhizome is soaked in a growth activator. Before planting in the soil, the roots are dipped in a clay solution.
Choosing the best place
It is advisable to plant in open sunny areas at a distance of 3-4 m from other trees.
Required soil composition
Loamy, sandy loam soils and black soil are considered optimal. Preference should be given to light and fertile soils.
Hole layout and dimensions
For planting, dig a hole 1 m deep. Width - 80 cm. The distance between other trees is 3-4 m.
Procedure technology
The soil is dug up within 3 weeks. Fill the hole with manure, nitrogen and wood ash. A stake is driven into the center. The seedling is placed in a hole and buried with soil. Water it with warm water and tie it to a stake.
Caring for young and adult apple trees
Without care, you won’t be able to grow a good harvest.
Irrigation stages:
- The first watering during bud formation.
- The second is during flowering.
- The third is when the apples begin to pour.
- The last one is before the onset of winter.
Water only with warm water.
Top dressing
At the beginning of the season, nitrogen and organic fertilizers are added to the soil. When the period of ovary formation is over, phosphorus and potassium are added to the soil. In addition, the soil is fertilized with manure, compost and humus.
In autumn, diseased and dry branches are pruned. In spring, part of the branches at the top and young shoots are cut off. Leave 4-5 skeletal branches.
Wood processing
Every year, as a preventative measure, apple trees are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.
Preparing the apple tree for wintering
With the onset of cold weather, the soil around the trunks is mulched with peat. The lower part of the trunk is covered with durable material to prevent mice from chewing the bark in winter. In northern latitudes, trees are covered with spruce branches. If the winter is snowy, the snow is shaken off the branches to prevent them from breaking. The trunk is also covered with additional snow.