Description and characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the Legend apple tree variety, subtleties of cultivation

In mid-latitudes, among all fruit plantings, apple trees are the most in demand. At every dacha or suburban area there is always a place for these trees. Everyone has known the taste of apples since childhood; they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and organic acids that cleanse the intestines, have an antiviral effect, and slow down the growth of cancer cells. The Legend apple tree is valued for its resistance to frost, ease of care, immunity to many diseases, and high marketable quality of the fruit. The variety successfully replaces Antonovka, Calvil, Jonathan.

History of apple breeding Legend

A compact tree that grows up to 3 meters in height, bred at the Moscow Institute of Horticulture. The famous breeder Viktor Kichin worked on its creation. The legend was obtained by crossing Lingonberry and Fuji. In turn, a relative of the Japanese hybrid is the American variety Rolls Janet, from which the apple tree received excellent commercial qualities. The legend appeared in 1984, but was entered into the State Register much later - in 2008.

Advantages and disadvantages of culture

While working on the creation of a hybrid, a professor from the Institute of Horticulture took into account all the shortcomings of the parent varieties and paid special attention to the positive aspects. The advantages of the Legend include the following:

  1. The apple tree is almost not affected by fungi and bacteria.
  2. Withstands severe frosts.
  3. It does not require special care.
  4. The tree has a compact size.
  5. Adapts to sudden changes in weather.

The disadvantage of the hybrid is that it does not produce a high yield every year. The fruits have a shorter shelf life than some other late varieties of apples.

apple tree legend

External characteristics

The description of the Russian hybrid interested summer residents, and owners of country plots, cottages and houses began to buy seedlings. Legend is also perfect for growing on an industrial basis.

Trunk height

The apple tree is attractive because it takes up little space, does not stretch upward, and it is very easy to get the fruits. The tree has short shoots, its trunk height rarely reaches 3 meters.

Crown diameter

The legend is distinguished by a small number of branches. The variety is perfect for small areas, as it is characterized by high productivity, but has a compact crown with a diameter of less than a meter.

apple tree legend

Branching of the root system

To properly care for an apple tree, you need to know the features of its structure. A fruit tree, in addition to the aboveground part, consisting of a trunk, crown, shoots and forming branches, has a root system. In the Legend variety it is not branched, but compact and located close to the surface. The soil in the tree trunk circle should be loosened no deeper than 10 cm.

Technical features

The hybrid created in Russia left behind the varieties on the basis of which it was bred in many respects. Legend is valued for its high yield and marketable quality of apples.

In which regions is it recommended to plant?

The hybrid is grown in mid-latitudes. The tree is adapted to climate conditions with short, cool summers and often damp weather. The apple tree bears fruit not only in the Moscow region, but also in Siberia, in the south of the Urals, and in the Leningrad region.

apple tree legend


The creator of the Legend managed to improve the technical characteristics of Lingonberry with small apples and the Japanese variety, which does not withstand cold weather well and is not adapted to the conditions of central Russia.

To frost

Although Legend's root system is close to the surface of the earth, the tree normally tolerates sub-zero temperatures typical of winters in temperate regions.

To the drought

The apple tree produces a good harvest even in hot summers, when there is no rain for a long time. The variety responds positively to watering, but is also adapted to prolonged drought.

apple tree legend

To diseases and insects

Legend is resistant to bacterial and fungal infections. However, the spores are easily carried by the wind, and the apple tree can become infected from other fruit trees. In rainy weather, the hybrid sometimes suffers from scab.

The legend is resistant to many pests, but preventing the fruit beetle will not hurt.

Crop yield

Although the tree does not grow tall and has a compact crown, it produces 10–12 buckets of apples each weighing from 160 to 250 grams per season.

Beginning of fruiting

The Legend seedling will produce its first fruits next summer. A full harvest can be obtained in 5–6 years.

apple tree legend

Apples are harvested every season, but the number of fruits is affected by the weather and care.

Pollinator varieties

Self-sterile hybrids, to which Legend belongs, do not delight with an abundance of fruits if there are no apple trees growing nearby that act as pollinators. Borovinka, Melba, Northern Sinap are used for this purpose.

Time of flowering and ripening of apples

The fruits of late-ripening varieties, which is a hybrid bred in Russia, are harvested in September-October, the growing season depends on the climate of the region, usually the tree begins to bloom in May, in some areas at the beginning - in others in the middle of the month.

apple tree legend

Tasting qualities

For the appearance of red apples weighing about 200 g, the hybrid received a rating from experts of 4.5 points, and for taste - 5.

Transportability and storage

Legend apples have a thick skin and are not damaged when transported over long distances, therefore they are grown on an industrial basis. The fruits do not spoil for a long time; they are stored in a cool place until the New Year.

Recommendations for planting

In order for a tree to develop quickly and delight you with fruits, you need to choose a place for it where there is no shadow and where the sun shines all day.

apple tree planting

Autumn or spring planting

In the middle zone, the Legend takes root normally if you send the apple tree to open ground at the end of September or in the first ten days of October. You can plant a tree in April, but the date is adjusted based on the weather.

Soil composition requirements

The Legend variety grows well on chernozems and loams, meadow soils. If the water is located close to the surface, make a drainage layer of broken brick or crushed stone. Sandy soil is not suitable for a fruit tree.

apple tree planting

Optimal location and dimensions of the landing pit

Having chosen an area where the shadow does not fall, remove part of the soil and combine it with humus, which improves aeration. After this, dig a hole at least 70 cm deep and about a meter wide.

Procedure technology

A peg is driven into the middle of the prepared groove, a tree is planted in the soil next to it, the roots are straightened, leaving the neck approximately 50 mm above the ground surface. The apple tree is watered abundantly. To prevent water from spreading, after the seedling has taken root, create a low shaft in the root circle.

apple tree legend

Growing conditions

Legend responds to the care with early fruiting and a bountiful harvest of apples. Agrotechnical measures involve:

  • timely hydration;
  • regular feeding;
  • removal of weeds in the tree trunk circle;
  • shortening shoots;
  • crown formation.

You need to care for a hybrid in almost the same way as other varieties of apple trees. Legend can repay the first fruits next fall.

watering the apple tree


If there is no rain, in the summer they moisten the seedlings once every 2 weeks; 2 buckets of water are enough for one young plant, and four for an adult. During prolonged drought, apple trees are watered more often.

Soil care

The soil in the tree trunk circle is freed from weeds; after each rain and moisture, it is thoroughly loosened, but not deeply, so as not to catch the roots.


After planting the Legend apple tree in the spring, fertilizers containing nitrogen are applied. In summer, the tree needs potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizing plants are fertilized when buds appear. Organics and minerals are used.

feeding the apple tree

Crown formation

To improve the appearance of the apple tree and increase productivity, they resort to pruning every year. At the end of March or in the first ten days of April:

  1. Remove dried branches.
  2. Thin out the crown.
  3. Long and weak shoots are shortened.

The damaged areas are covered with garden varnish. Sanitary pruning can be done in October, when the apples have already been picked.

apple tree pruning

Mulching and preparation for winter

2 weeks after harvesting the fruits, the ground near the plant is carefully dug up, the tree trunk is cleared of leaves, straw or other mulch, mineral fertilizers are applied, and the tree is watered.

To prevent hares from chewing on the trunk and branches, they are wrapped in roofing felt. Spruce branches help to retain snow; the apple tree should not be covered with leaves.

For the winter, the tree is treated with urea or iron sulfate, and the fallen ovary, in which pests and fungal spores grow, is burned. Whitewashing with lime helps protect the trunk from freezing or sunburn. Fungicides can be added to the solution.

apple tree shelters

Subspecies and options

There are 2 methods used by land owners to cultivate the Legend variety.


In order for the fruits on the tree to set earlier, at least a year earlier, and the apple tree to have a more compact shape, Russian gardeners and summer residents grow the hybrid on a dwarf rootstock. The only drawback of this method is that the lifespan of the tree is reduced.


This option for planting the Legend apple tree is preferred by farmers who cultivate the variety in significant quantities. Fruit trees do not need a large area on columnar rootstocks. Only a specialist can form such a crown.
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