One of the first varieties that were bred in the Ural region was the hybrid apple tree Uralskoe Nalivnoe. Before the development of this variety, it was possible to find apples in Chelyabinsk only at the market.
- History of the development of the Uralskoe Nalivnoe variety
- Advantages and disadvantages of the type
- Description and characteristics of the variety
- Trunk height
- Crown width
- Annual growth
- Development of the root system
- Appearance and tasting qualities of fruits
- In what areas is it recommended to plant?
- Technical characteristics
- Frost resistance
- Immunity to infections and insects
- Life period of a tree
- Features of apple tree fruiting
- Pollinator varieties
- Beginning of the fruiting period
- Apple ripening time
- Harvest and use
- Growing an apple orchard
- Disembarkation
- Preparation of young seedlings
- Landing dates
- Required soil composition
- Best place to plant
- Irrigation
- Top dressing
- Crown formation
- Preventive treatments against diseases and pests
- Do I need to prepare an apple tree for wintering?
History of the development of the Uralskoe Nalivnoe variety
Ural Bulk was bred by breeder P. A. Zhavoronkov in the 40s of the last century. The hybrid was obtained by crossing Papirovka and Ranetka red. Soon after selection, the new variety quickly became popular in Russia.
Advantages and disadvantages of the type
Among the advantages are:
- High frost resistance.
- Quickly adapts to new growing regions.
- Regular fruiting.
- The taste of ripe apples.
- Is immune to diseases and pests.
- A productive variety.
- Drought resistant.
- Universal use in cooking.
Disadvantages include self-sterility and small apple fruits. Also, if there are a lot of apples on a tree, the branches will break due to the weight.
Description and characteristics of the variety
Before purchasing a seedling, study the description of the tree. Characteristics include tree height, crown width, rhizome and apple palatability.
Trunk height
The Uralskoye Nalivnoe apple tree variety is a tall variety. The trunk grows up to 7 m in height. To regulate the height, the apple tree is pruned every year.
Crown width
The roots are round, the branches are drooping. In mature trees, the crown diameter exceeds 4 m.
Annual growth
On average, the annual growth of branches ranges from 40 to 65 cm. Such growth rates are considered average, but without anti-aging pruning the crown will grow very quickly, which will lead to a decrease in yield.
Development of the root system
Since the tree is tall, the root system of the Uralskoye Nalivnoye variety is powerful and spreading.
Appearance and tasting qualities of fruits
The pulp of apples tastes sweet with a slight sourness, juicy and tender. The percentage of sugar content in the pulp is 11-13. The skin is thin and elastic. The apples are a rich yellow oval shade. The tasting score is 4.6 points out of 5.
In what areas is it recommended to plant?
The Uralskoye Nalivnoye apple variety can be grown in any region. The tree grows equally well in northern latitudes, southern regions and in the central part and the Volga region. There are no restrictions on the region where the variety is grown.
Technical characteristics
The technical characteristics of the hybrid are also important. It is important to know in advance about frost resistance, disease resistance and other characteristics in order to choose the right care for the apple tree.
Frost resistance
Frost resistance is high, because the apple tree was bred in the northern region. The tree can tolerate frosts down to -35 degrees.
Immunity to infections and insects
The Uralskoye Nalivnoye variety is immune to most diseases of fruit crops. The plant rarely suffers from powdery mildew. But he often suffers from scab.
The immunity to insects is weak, so the apple tree needs preventive treatment.
Life period of a tree
The average lifespan of an apple tree is 30-35 years. The older the plant, the lower the yield.
Features of apple tree fruiting
A characteristic feature of this variety is self-sterility, so you need to pay attention to pollination of the apple tree.
Pollinator varieties
Pollinator varieties include the hybrid apple tree Uralets. It is recommended to leave a distance between trees of up to 5 m.
Beginning of the fruiting period
The fruiting period begins in the second year after the seedling is grafted.In the third year, due to the abundant harvest, the stems begin to bend and break.
Apple ripening time
The first ripe apples appear on the tree in late September. The fruits ripen en masse by early October.
Harvest and use
It is advisable to collect all the fruits before they fall. Part of the harvest can be left until winter. Damaged or wormy apples are used to make preserves, jams, compotes and used for baking.
Growing an apple orchard
Planting and caring for an apple tree is the basis for future productivity. Many gardeners neglect these points and then complain about low yields.
Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, you need to decide on the timing of planting and select a site. It is also important to prepare the soil for the tree and the seedling itself.
Preparation of young seedlings
Before planting, seedlings are inspected. If the roots are a little dry, they are immersed in water for several hours. If there are damaged roots, cut them off. A few hours before planting in the soil, the seedling is dipped into a growth activator. And just before planting, the root system is dipped into a liquid clay solution.
Landing dates
Fruit trees are planted in spring and autumn. Many summer residents prefer autumn planting, since the seedling will take root in a new place over the winter and begin to actively grow in the spring. The advantage of spring planting is that the seedling does not have to survive the winter.
Required soil composition
Uralskoe Nalivnoye, like most varieties of apple trees, is undemanding in terms of soil composition. It is best to plant an apple tree on light fertile soils, loamy or sandy loam.
Best place to plant
It is preferable to plant an apple tree in open sunny areas or in partial shade.Trees do not grow well in the shade. Due to the height of the trunk and spreading crown, the distance between other trees should be at least 3 m.
In frequent watering an apple tree does not need. It is enough to water Ural Liquid 4 times per season:
- The first watering is carried out during bud break.
- The apple tree is irrigated the second time during flowering.
- The third watering is carried out after filling the apples.
- The tree is moistened for the last time before the onset of cold weather.
Watering the apple tree is allowed only with warm water. Ice water promotes the development of fungal diseases.
Top dressing
Feeding, as well as watering, is carried out 4 times a season. The first feedings are carried out during the period of bud break and flowering. Trees are fertilized with nitrogen and organic matter. During the apple filling period and until autumn, phosphorus and potassium are added to the soil. Organic materials include wood ash, manure, humus, and bone meal. Two months before the onset of cold weather, the application of nitrogen is stopped, as it promotes growth.
Crown formation
Crown pruning is carried out twice a season - in spring and autumn. In autumn, dry and diseased branches are pruned. Formative pruning is carried out in the spring. Remove some of the young branches and shorten the upper branches. You need to leave a few skeletal branches on the tree. Formative pruning is carried out in the second year.
Preventive treatments against diseases and pests
The apple tree must first be treated against scab and pests. For preventive treatment, Bordeaux mixture and Fitosporin are used. Treatment is carried out in the spring. Also in spring, plants are watered with a urea solution.
Do I need to prepare an apple tree for wintering?
In autumn, the soil around the trunk is mulched. The thickness of the mulch should not be less than 15 cm.You also need to protect the apple tree from rodents that gnaw the bark in winter. The lower part of the trunk is tied with spruce branches or any other material that mice cannot chew. In winter, snow is regularly shaken off to prevent branches from breaking. The apple tree is not afraid of frost.