Sea buckthorn Jam is an excellent choice for gardeners who want to get a reliable and high-yielding plant variety on their plot. Summer residents leave extremely positive reviews about this culture. However, problems during its cultivation appear only in isolated cases. Before choosing Jam sea buckthorn, it is worth studying the description of the variety, the rules for its planting and care.
What kind of plant is this
Jam sea buckthorn bushes grow to a maximum of 2.5 meters. The plant has straight shoots without thorns. Thanks to this, it is possible to harvest quickly and safely.The leaf blades are characterized by a dark green color and medium size. In the center they are distinguished by a slight concavity. Also a characteristic feature of the shrub is a rounded crown of medium density.
The Jamovaya variety is, first of all, valued for the excellent taste of the fruit. Sea buckthorn bears sweet and sour berries. On the tasting scale they received 4.4 points. The variety is considered large-fruited. The berries weigh 0.8-0.9 grams. They are distinguished by their oval, slightly elongated shape. The fruits have a rich orange-red color. Thanks to this, during the fruiting period the shrub looks very decorative.
The Dzhemovaya variety is characterized by high drought resistance parameters. In addition, the shrub tolerates frost well. It is able to withstand temperatures down to -35 degrees. Like other varieties of sea buckthorn, Jamovaya is undemanding to care. With proper planting and a little care, the plant produces consistently high yields. When preparing a site for planting, it is important to consider the type of soil. The crop grows normally in any soil except heavy and clayey soil.
Breeding history
The Jamovaya variety was obtained in Altai. Its creation was carried out by specialists from the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture named after Lisavenko. This crop was bred on the basis of open pollination of the Excellent variety. In 2001, variety testing began, and in 2015, the crop was included in the State Register.
Planting a variety
When growing crops, it is recommended to follow a planting pattern of 3x2.5 meters. When choosing planting dates, you should focus on the presence of an earthen lump on the roots. In autumn, plants with a developed root system are planted. In spring it is worth planting the crop without a clod of soil. In this case, planting work is carried out in March or April - after the soil has thawed.
Preparing the site
When choosing a landing site, it is recommended to take into account the following features:
- It is important to plant male and female plants side by side. This will help you get a good harvest. When planting a male specimen, you should focus on the direction of the wind. Otherwise, pollination will be of poor quality.
- The shrub needs an open and well-lit area. It is recommended to plant it away from tall crops.
- You should not choose places with high groundwater levels for sea buckthorn. Otherwise, there is a high probability of damage to the roots during frost.
The shrub develops normally in any soil. However, it is not recommended to plant it in heavy and acidic soil. When preparing a place for planting, you need to make a recess measuring 50x50 centimeters. At the bottom you need to lay a drainage layer of crushed stone and sand.
You need to place 1 bucket of organic fertilizer on top. For this purpose, it is best to use compost and humus. Then you need to add 200 grams of superphosphate and sprinkle it with a small amount of loose soil.
Selection of seedlings
Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the seedling for the absence of diseases and parasites. It is important to take into account the condition of the roots of the crop. It is important that they are sufficiently developed. Only in this case will the plant be accepted normally in its new location.
When purchasing a seedling, you need to take into account that it must have a height of 25-30 centimeters and 4-6 skeletal roots.When planting a shrub in the spring, before the procedure, it can be immersed in water for 2 hours. When planting in autumn, it is recommended to remove all leaves from the seedling.
Step by step guide
Jam sea buckthorn does not tolerate transplants well, so it must be immediately planted in a permanent place. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:
- Dig a hole.
- Place the seedling in the center without pressing the root.
- Cover the plant with soil so that the root collar is located above the soil surface.
- Water the plant and cover the tree trunk with a layer of mulch.
The culture is considered quite unpretentious and does not require complex care. To do this, it needs to be watered, pruned, and fed in a timely manner. Regular loosening and mulching of the tree trunk circle is of no small importance.
One of the most important procedures is pollination. It involves placing male and female plants at a certain distance from each other. The pollination process itself is carried out with the help of wind. Without a male plant nearby, sea buckthorn will not produce a good harvest.
The variety is considered undemanding when it comes to fertilization. In the first year after planting, the crop does not need fertilizing. Fertilizer needs to be applied only when the bush begins to bear fruit. In the spring, it is recommended to use nitrogen agents, and in the fall - potassium-phosphorus agents.
In order to better retain moisture near the roots of the plant, the tree trunk circle needs to be covered with mulching materials.For this, it is permissible to use sawdust or peat. Sometimes the plant needs to be weeded and loosened. This will help prevent the spread of weeds and saturate the soil with oxygen.
Preparing for cold weather
The culture is considered quite resistant to frost. Therefore, the bush does not need to be prepared for cold weather. A young plant may suffer from low temperatures. To strengthen the crop, it is recommended to apply fertilizer and cover the tree trunk circle with a mulch layer.
Dangerous diseases and pests
Sea buckthorn has a strong immune system, but sometimes still suffers from diseases and pests. Most often, the culture is affected by the following parasites:
- Sea buckthorn fly. To prevent attacks by these pests, it is necessary to mulch the tree trunk circle. When parasites appear, the plant is treated with Fitoverm, Iskra or Intavir.
- Sea buckthorn moth. To prevent attacks by parasites, in the spring you need to use biological preparations - for example, Entobacterin. For medicinal purposes, it is worth using chlorophos with a concentration of 0.4%.
Among the common diseases that Jem Sea Buckthorn suffers from, it is worth highlighting the following:
- Fusarium wilt. In this case, the bark of the shoots becomes covered with redness and swelling. Yellowing of the leaves is also observed. To cope with pathology, you need to carry out sanitary pruning.
- Scab. As pathology develops, the bark and leaves become covered with black ulcers and spots. In this case, at the end of the season, it is necessary to remove damaged plant fragments, and in the spring, treat the crop with Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 1%.
Jam sea buckthorn is a popular garden crop that produces tasty and healthy fruits. In order for a plant to bear fruit well and have strong immunity, it needs to be well cared for.