Rules for pruning viburnum Buldenezh, schemes for its formation after flowering

Pruning and shaping the Buldenezh viburnum is an important procedure that makes it possible to obtain a beautiful and healthy shrub. It will bloom profusely and develop quickly. This manipulation is carried out using a certain technology - it all depends on the seasonal factor and the goals of the haircut. In any case, to obtain the desired results, you must strictly adhere to the rules of the procedure.

Practice of pruning viburnum Buldenezh after flowering

The main difference between this variety and ordinary viburnum is the structure of the inflorescences. In the common variety they look like umbrellas, while large, sterile white flowers are located at the edges. Buldenezh is characterized by strong spherical inflorescences that resemble snowballs.

This culture is characterized by very rapid development. The annual growth of the plant is at least 40 centimeters. If you do not trim the crown in time, the branches will have a chaotic arrangement. As a result, unsightly thickets are formed.

The importance of pruning for the health and appearance of the plant

Improper pruning provokes thickening of the bush, lack of adequate ventilation and insufficient lighting in the central part. As a result, viburnum becomes very sick, suffers from attacks of parasites, dries out and dies.

With adequate care, the shrub is distinguished by abundant flowering. In this case, it serves as a decoration for the participant for at least 20 years. Pruning is needed to rejuvenate the bush and form large leaves and flowers. Sanitary pruning involves removing old and dried branches.

When forming a shrub, it is important to take into account that the appearance of flower buds is observed on the shoots of the previous year.

Recommendations for pruning viburnum varieties Buldenezh after flowering

Pruning viburnum is considered a simple procedure. However, before forming the crown of a shrub, it is important to study the general recommendations. In this case you need to do the following:

  1. Before the procedure, disinfect the instrument.
  2. Remove branches with a diameter of less than 5 millimeters using pruning shears. For other shoots it is worth using a lopper.
  3. Make the cut at an angle. It should be located 5 millimeters above the kidney.
  4. Treat the damaged area with garden varnish.
  5. Form a crown after the first year of life.
  6. When creating original forms, do not deviate too far from the natural appearance. This can lead to disruption of the natural development of culture.
  7. Remove diseased and frozen shoots. Subsequently, such fragments can cause infectious pathologies and provoke the development of diseases.
  8. Burn remote branches outside the site.
  9. Form the crown at least twice a year.

Rules for pruning viburnum Buldenezh

It is important to use high-quality tools for the procedure. However, they must be sharp enough.

Question about the need to prune viburnum Buldenezh after flowering

Flowering viburnum Buldenezh begins in the first half of summer and lasts about 5 weeks. At the same time, white inflorescences with a diameter of 15 centimeters appear on the bushes. Under their weight, the shoots bend down, forming a cascade that consists of white balls. The carved leaves of the bush also look beautiful. Their decorative properties last throughout the season.

In summer, viburnum needs to be pruned twice. For the first time, it is necessary to carefully remove shoots that are out of shape. Thanks to this, it will be possible to open the inflorescences that are hidden in the foliage.

The second time, the main pruning is carried out in mid-July - after flowering has completed. At this time, it is worth paying attention to the formation of the bush. At the same time, it can be given any shape that fits well into the garden design.

When pruning in summer, it is first recommended to remove faded flowers and lower shoots that have leaned heavily.After this, you need to pay attention to the branches that are located inside the bush. It is recommended to remove shoots that grow towards the center.

Rules for pruning viburnum Buldenezh

If there is a noticeable void inside due to the lack of branches, you should choose one shoot nearby above the bud, which is directed towards the hole, and make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. It is recommended to combine pruning of viburnum after flowering with spraying the crown against parasites. During the same period, it is necessary to feed the plant.

Techniques for pruning viburnum Buldenezh after flowering

In order for plant pruning to be successful, it is important to strictly follow the technique of the procedure. In this case, it is worth taking into account a number of rules.

Crown formation and trunk strengthening

First, you need to decide on the future shape and size of the bush. To form the crown, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. After planting, trim all shoots to 3 buds.
  2. Pinch out new branches that grew at the beginning of the season. This should be done when their length is more than 30 centimeters.
  3. In spring, select the most powerful shoots and stimulate their lateral growth. In this case, the branches need to be cut by about a third.
  4. Cut out the shoots.
  5. Limit the height of the main shoots after they reach the desired size.

Removing wilted and damaged branches

Sanitary pruning is carried out to improve the health of the crop. To do this, you need to remove broken branches or saw off their fragments. You also need to get rid of dry and diseased elements and remove bunches of fruits.

Rules for pruning viburnum Buldenezh photo

To distinguish dry shoots from healthy ones after the leaves have fallen, you need to pay attention to the bark. On dead branches it is dull and covered with raised spots or wrinkles.If you scrape away the bark, you will see dry wood rather than green wood.

Consequences of pruning viburnum Buldenezh after flowering

The consequences of pruning directly depend on the purpose of this procedure. In this case, anti-aging haircut is carried out no earlier than 6 years after planting. Thanks to this, it is possible to stimulate flowering, increase the size of foliage and activate the appearance of fruits.

To achieve such results, you need to remove the oldest shoots. Gradually it will be possible to renew the culture. It is important to consider that it is better to completely cut down a too old viburnum. In this case, after the formation of shoots, you can proceed to the formation of a bush.

Also, pruning allows you to get viburnum on a trunk. This culture has pronounced decorative properties. The task is to create a wide crown on a low or high trunk. To convert a crop into a tree, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. In the third year, choose the most powerful shoot. In this case, the rest must be deleted. It is important to consider that after rooting a plant, it cannot be formed for 2 years.
  2. For 2-3 years, remove side shoots, cutting them to a size of 40 centimeters.
  3. When the trunk reaches 1.5 meters, cut the growth point by 30 centimeters.
  4. Next year, pinch the fork that has formed.
  5. Use side shoots to form a crown.

It is important to consider that it is necessary to trim the shoots in a timely manner. To improve the healing of sections, it is necessary to treat them with a solution of copper sulfate. After this you need to use garden varnish.

Rules for pruning viburnum Buldenezh

The tree looks quite impressive. However, its barrel often turns out to be deformed, not strong enough and reliable. Therefore, the plant may be damaged by gusts of wind.To strengthen the plant, it is worth using various supports - poles, pipes and stakes. Gardeners note that in terms of yield parameters, viburnum, which is grown on a standard, is inferior to bush varieties.

Factors influencing the decision to prune viburnum Buldenezh after flowering

The plant should be pruned regularly. In this case, a haircut is required in the following cases:

  • the appearance of dried or damaged branches;
  • bush thickening;
  • development of infectious diseases;
  • damage to shrubs by pests;
  • the need for plant rejuvenation.

Pruning viburnum Buldenezh has certain features. For the procedure to be successful, it is important to adhere to technology. It directly depends on the goals of the manipulation.
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