The cereal family includes many plants that are successfully used by humans in everyday life, even for feeding livestock. These are wheat, rye, oats, different types of rice, corn, barley, millet. This also includes, oddly enough, sugar cane and bamboo.
To grow cereal crops, extensive knowledge about agricultural technology, possible diseases, and pests is required. It also doesn’t hurt to have information about which plants wheat or oats can be planted next to, and which ones are unfavorable in the vicinity. You will find all this in the specialized section. Subscribe and enjoy for your health.
Sorghum is a little-known crop that has risen to prominence over the past ten years
Buckwheat is one of the most common grain crops, which is of great importance for
Many people are interested in what kaoliang is, so they are interested in the description of the plant, its botanical classification
Rice is one of the oldest cereal crops, which has been grown for more than 8 thousand years.
Buckwheat is a very popular plant, cultivated in many countries around the world. Wherein
Baldo is a large, polished rice that is widely used to make risotto. Wherein
Buckwheat is considered one of the most popular and sought after products. At the same time, it is far from
Recently, the concept of “gluten” is often used in a negative way. Many doctors
Barley is one of the oldest cereal plants, which has many valuable characteristics.
Rice is a valuable grain crop. In terms of production volume it is second only to wheat and
Rice is a very ancient and most widespread crop on the planet. Rice is considered the birthplace of
Dishes made from various grains bring great benefits to the human body. One of the most common products