Many people are interested in what kaoliang is, so they are interested in the description of the plant, its botanical classification and application. This crop is actually a very common cereal, which is a type of sorghum. This is a fairly useful product that has found wide use in a variety of areas. In addition, the plant is considered very unpretentious and highly productive.
Description of the cereal
Gaoliang is an annual crop that is considered a variety of grain sorghum. This herbaceous erect plant has a fibrous root system.Its roots penetrate 2-3 meters into the ground. The culture is distinguished by a lumpy, compact panicle and a dense inflorescence, which is directed upward.
Gaoliang is characterized by a relatively small height compared to other types of sorghum. It is 1.5-2 meters. The stem is quite powerful and has a dry core. The plant is distinguished by long, wide-line green leaves. They have whitish veins. Above-ground fragments of the crop are covered with a waxy coating, which helps withstand drought.
The early ripening plant can hardly withstand frost, but easily copes with heat. The main advantage of kaoliang is its unpretentiousness. This culture grows well in any type of soil - solonetzic, sandy loam, clayey.
Gaoliang seeds are round in shape and visually resemble millet. Their color varies from white-yellow to brown. Grains include a number of components. Among them, it is worth highlighting water, ash, fiber, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The product also contains a small amount of protein. If we consider the nutritional value of cereals, then in this parameter kaoliang is comparable to barley and corn.
Why is it called that?
The very concept of “kaoliang” is literally translated from Chinese as “tall grass” or “tall bread”. This word was borrowed during the period of active development of Russian-Chinese relations. The emergence of such a culture required the use of a new term, which was formed on the basis of a Chinese phrase. At the beginning of this century, the term "kaoliang" entered the dictionaries of new words of foreign origin.
How to use kaoliang
The culture includes a lot of proteins and carbohydrates.The product also contains a large number of microelements. They stimulate appetite and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs. Systematic consumption of such cereals helps improve heart function and vascular condition.
In addition, kaoliang includes antioxidants that slow down the aging process of the body. This product is useful for people with diabetes. In addition, it activates hemoglobin synthesis. After eating such cereals, long-term satiety occurs, which helps to avoid sharp fluctuations in glucose levels.
This cereal is also useful for disorders of the nervous system and dermatological pathologies. Substances that are present in the plant suppress the activity of cancer cells.
For making wine
The cereal is used to prepare a special drink called baijiu or hot wine. This is considered a kind of reference to the custom of drinking the liquid warm. According to its characteristics, this product resembles Russian vodka. The amount of ethanol in its composition reaches 40-60%.
The name of this product itself translates as “juice of five grains.” This is due to the fact that, in addition to kaoliang, corn, wheat, nomi and rice are used for its production. For centuries, the Chinese have been improving the taste of this drink. As a result, multiple distillation, aromatization and filtration began to be used for production.
The production process is similar to other recipes for producing alcoholic beverages. The kaoliang grains must be compacted tightly in a special container and the starter must be added, as a result of which the fermentation process will begin. After 15-16 days of fermentation, the wort needs to be distilled.
Initially, the poorly purified drink included a large amount of fusel oils. That’s why it was heated before use. To do this, baijiu was poured into a copper container with a narrow neck and placed on hot coals. This allowed harmful impurities to evaporate. At the same time, the alcohol itself remained in the container and was gradually purified. Today, baijiu undergoes high-quality cleaning during production. Therefore, it does not need to be heated before use.
For vodka
Gaoliang has been used for many years to make Maotai Vodka. This product has a strength of 42 degrees and is aged for a minimum of 3 years. It got its name from a town in Guizhou province - this is where this product is made. The secret of making this vodka in China is passed down from generation to generation. This is due to its unique properties. This product does not burn mucous membranes and does not cause a hangover.
Today Maotai is considered the national symbol of China. It is made from high quality raw materials. To prepare this drink, only selected kaoliang seeds are used. The fermentation starter is made from wheat, and the water is obtained from local sources. During manufacturing, the product goes through 8 stages of distillation, which alternate with fermentation. Each period lasts at least 1 month. The finished product must be aged for 3 years. Only after this does it go on sale.
Gaoliang is an undemanding plant that is considered a type of sorghum.This crop is highly productive and brings great health benefits. That is why it is becoming more and more popular.