How to properly store rice at home in packaging - its expiration date

Rice is one of the oldest cereal crops, which has been grown for more than 8 thousand years. Even before our era, the soldiers of Alexander the Great brought this plant from Asia to Europe. This cereal does not lose popularity to this day. It is actively used in cooking in various countries of the world. At the same time, many people are interested in the shelf life of rice and how to properly store this product in packaging at home.

How long does rice usually last?

The shelf life of cereals is regulated by GOST 6292-93 “Rice cereals. Technical conditions". It is 10-18 months. Specific expiration dates may vary depending on the type of cereal.

The shelf life of the product is affected by the technology of grain processing in the factory. Rice oil is present in the bran shell of unrefined cereals. This component can quickly go rancid. The shelf life of such rice is a maximum of 1 year.

If the packaging indicates a longer shelf life, this should raise suspicions. It is likely that the cereal was chemically treated. This increases the shelf life, but negatively affects the benefits of the product. Eating large quantities of such cereals poses a health hazard and can cause intoxication of the body.

White rice can be stored for a longer period of time - 16-18 months. The expiration date varies depending on the region. For example, in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine, rice retains its freshness throughout the year. In other regions it is 18 months.

Regardless of the storage period, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Keep rice in an airtight container. This will protect the cereal from dust and help prevent parasites from getting inside. It is important to make sure there are no bugs in the rice. Bay leaves will help cope with parasites.
  2. Place the container away from moisture. Even a few drops of water in a container of cereal will cause it to spoil.
  3. Keep the container with cereal in a cool room or pantry. It is best to store it in a dark place.
It is worth considering that sudden changes in storage conditions have a bad effect on the taste and beneficial properties of cereals. Rice should not be placed near other cereals. It is also not recommended to keep it near spices or foods that have a distinct aroma.

How long does rice usually last?

It is important to consider that over time, cereals lose their properties. All varieties of rice include starch. During long-term storage, cereal becomes saturated with moisture, which leads to its spoilage. High water content increases the likelihood of mold development. Even after heat treatment, eating such a product is strictly prohibited.

Where is the best place to store it?

Rice can be kept in a variety of places - in the refrigerator or freezer. Cereals also store well indoors.


You can put not only boiled rice in the refrigerator, but also cereals. However, it is important to take into account a number of features. Cooked rice should be kept in the refrigerator in an airtight container because it can absorb unpleasant odors. The longer the finished porridge is stored, the more its taste deteriorates. The shelf life of such a product does not exceed 3 days. This applies to porridge without adding oil and other ingredients.

It is also permissible to keep rice cereal in the refrigerator. This method has certain advantages:

  1. In cool conditions, the risk of insect development is significantly reduced.
  2. Under such conditions, the shelf life of the product can be extended by several months.
  3. There is no danger of bugs or other pests infesting the cereal.

The shelf life of rice cereal in the refrigerator is quite impressive. Under such conditions, the product retains its properties for 15 months.

How long does rice usually last? photo


This is a versatile place to store dry or cooked rice. You should not keep fresh cereal in the freezer for a long time, as this will negatively affect its taste. The product can be placed there for 5-7 days. This will help deal with parasites and prevent them from appearing later.

Cooked rice can be kept in the freezer for 3 months. Longer storage will lead to a deterioration in the taste and properties of the product. To store finished porridge in the freezer, you should use airtight containers.

Room temperature

Like many other grains, rice can be kept at room temperature. In most cases, this is done in kitchen cabinets. To store the product, it is recommended to use textile bags, plastic bags and glass containers. It is worth considering that only glass and plastic containers prevent harmful insects from entering the cereal.

A variety of places are suitable for storing rice. It is important to take into account that there should be no high humidity and direct sunlight. As for temperature indicators, they cannot exceed +15-17 degrees. Relative humidity should be 65-75%.

How long does rice usually last?

To keep rice fresh for as long as possible, it is important to protect it from bugs and parasites. There are many proven methods for this. To prevent insect attacks, you should do the following:

  1. Place a few cloves of garlic, chestnuts or hot peppers in a bowl with cereal. Dried citrus fruit zest is also perfect for this purpose.
  2. Place a small foil ball in a container.
  3. Use chewing gum. It should have a menthol or mint flavor. You should use 1 pad or plate per container.

It is permissible to store rice cereal at room temperature for quite a long time. The shelf life of such a product reaches 12-18 months.

Rice is a fairly popular product that has excellent taste and brings great health benefits.In order for this cereal to retain its properties for as long as possible, it is important to provide it with optimal storage conditions. In this case, a number of important nuances should be taken into account.
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