The timing of wheat harvesting differs depending on the climate of the region. At the same time, it is permissible to harvest the harvest literally a few days a year. If harvested early, the wheat will be immature. If you remove it too late, there is a risk of grain loss due to shedding. For harvesting, you can use different methods, each of which has certain characteristics.
Methods for determining wheat maturity
The degree of maturity of wheat is affected by its moisture content. There are the following degrees:
- Milk maturity.In this case, the humidity parameters are at the level of 60-70%. This stage occurs 10-18 days after the start of flowering. In this case, the grains reach pre-harvest sizes, filling the entire ear. When pressure is applied to them, a jelly-like liquid is released. During this time, the ear fills and nutrients accumulate.
- Waxy maturity. Humidity is 35-45%. This stage begins a couple of weeks after the completion of milk maturity. In this case, the green color of the grains changes to yellow. The green remains only on the furrow. The grains are easily cut with fingernails, but do not crush. After this period is completed, the consistency of the grains inside is similar to wax. At the same time, the foliage begins to dry out.
- Full maturity. In this case, humidity parameters do not exceed 12-20%. At the same time, the foliage falls off, and the grains acquire a dry and hard consistency and begin to crumble.
When it is usually collected from the fields
The harvesting process is affected by the type of crops. They are winter or spring. Also, when harvesting, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region.
Winter wheat ripens when grain moisture parameters do not exceed 20%. If you do not finish the harvest in 3-4 days, the wheat will become overripe and fall off. This will provoke significant losses. They can reach up to 50% of the harvest.
This type of wheat should be harvested in 1-2 phases. The timing of single-phase harvesting depends on the moisture content of the grains. It should be 18-19%. In this case, the work must be completed in a maximum of 5 days. Otherwise, there is a risk of crop failure, which leads to deterioration in the properties of the crop. As a result, the glassiness and weight of 1000 grains decreases. In addition, wheat loses its sowing, baking and flour-grinding characteristics.
Two-phase cleaning is carried out in case of significant contamination of plantings or their occurrence. It must be started in the middle of wax ripeness, when the humidity parameters are 25-35%. It is permissible to carry out cleaning 5-6 days earlier. In this case, the mowing height is 15-20 centimeters.
By region
In different regions, wheat is harvested at different times. In the south of Russia this is done in mid-June, and in the Central Black Earth Region - in the second ten days of July. In the central regions, cleaning should be carried out in August, in the Far East and Siberia - in September.
Cleaning methods
There are several options for carrying out cleaning work. Each method has its own characteristics.
Direct combining
A combine harvester is a complex piece of agricultural equipment that allows you to perform several types of work - reaping, threshing, sifting. The machine mows the wheat and directs it to the threshing and separating compartment. There the plant is crushed, and beaters beat out the grains.
Through holes at the bottom, grains with small debris are moved into the sifter. There they are separated. From the threshing compartment, straw, empty spikelets and remaining grains are transferred to the straw walker chamber. There, the straw is completely thrown into the field, and the grains end up in a bunker. From it, the crop is unloaded into machines for transportation to the current and into granaries.
Direct combining is used when the ears of corn ripen evenly on the field and the number of weeds on the crops is minimal. This is the most common harvesting method. This harvesting method is used if the grain moisture parameters do not exceed 15%.
The use of this method involves single-phase work.The use of combines helps reduce the time spent on wheat harvesting and increase its gross yield. This helps optimize the process.
Separate collection method
If there are a lot of weeds and perennial plants on the field, the grains grow too densely or are unevenly ripened, harvesting should be done separately. This is recommended to be done at the initial stage of wax maturity. In this case, the humidity parameters should be 30-35%. This method of harvesting wheat produces more valuable grains.
It is important to carry out all work in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is a risk of grain shedding or worsening weather. After the work is completed, chaff collectors enter the field to collect food for the animals.
Single-phase harvest reception
This method is used in sunny weather or 4 hours after rain. It is considered less labor-intensive than the separate method and helps save a lot of money. This method is used for harvesting from seed areas of fields, since it allows one to obtain more viable seeds.
In practice, in most cases, a mixed method of wheat harvesting is used. In this case, the process begins with a separate method, but as the cereals ripen or when the weather worsens, a single-phase method is used.
Processing and further storage
After harvesting, he needs to ensure proper storage.Before placing wheat in the granary, it is recommended to dry it to a moisture content of 10-12%. In this case, the granary itself must be disinfected. Grain must be stored in bulk.
Wheat harvesting can be done in different ways. For this purpose, direct combining, separate method, single-phase method are used. The choice of a specific method is influenced by many factors - uniformity of crop ripening, weather conditions, goals for growing wheat.