Beneficial properties and harm of lentils for human health

Lentils are a legume crop whose benefits are invaluable to the human body. Most often there are five types of product, which differ in the color of the grains: red, orange, black, brown and green. They help improve the functioning of all internal organs, especially the digestive and circulatory systems. Lentils are very filling due to the vitamin complex they contain, but they are low in calories.

Composition and properties

All varieties of lentils are used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. 100 g of product contains about 150 kcal. At the same time, carbohydrates are about 55%, proteins - 28%, the rest is fat.

Red grains are rich in iron and protein. Soups and porridges are prepared from them. It is useful to use in food for blood diseases. The green variety helps cope with the symptoms of hypertension, ulcers, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, and rheumatism. Salads and snacks are made from it. The orange variety of legume helps with tuberculosis, bone and muscle injuries.

Beneficial properties of lentils:

  • legumes are not able to accumulate nitrates, they cleanse the body of toxins;
  • contains a lot of vegetable protein, which helps build muscle mass without harm to internal organs;
  • normalizes blood counts, including normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • saturates the blood with hemoglobin;
  • normalizes intestinal motility, eliminates constipation;
  • eliminating depression, improving mood;
  • nutrition and restoration of the skin;
  • used in the treatment of urolithiasis;
  • lowers cholesterol levels.

lentil treatment

When treating with lentil beans, you need to take into account not only its beneficial properties, but also contraindications.In some cases, they can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

What vitamins are contained in the product: table

Lentils are rich in vitamins and other beneficial components. Their content can be clearly studied in the table.

Item name Contents in the product
Vitamin B1 0.5 mg
Vitamin B2 0.2 mg
Vitamin B3 1.1 mg
Vitamin B6 1.0 mg
Vitamin PP 1.8 mg
Vitamin E 0.3 mg
Vitamin K 1.7 mcg
Vitamin C 1.5 mg
Vitamin A 0.03 mg
Calcium 19.0 mg
Iron 3.3 mg
Magnesium 35.0 mg
Potassium 350.0 mg
Zinc 1.3 mg
Selenium 2.8 mg
Iodine 3.5 mcg
Fluorine 380.0 mg
Folic acid 100.0 mcg

All components in food that benefit the body are called nutrients. There are a large number of such components in lentils.

types of lentils

In addition to the microelements presented in the table, it also contains: aluminum, boron, cobalt, nickel, chromium. Other minerals include: silicon, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine. Contains nonessential and essential amino acids and saturated fatty acids.

How to choose the right and useful one?

There are many varieties of lentils that differ in color, but their beneficial properties are almost the same.

Red lentils have high levels of iron and potassium in their composition, but in order to get the benefits, you need to take into account the harm of the product. Red beans do not have a shell, so they are absorbed and digested faster. This plant variety is recommended for people with anemia and low hemoglobin. With regular consumption of this product, memory and concentration improve, and the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

Black beans have high antioxidant capacity.Dishes made from these beans prevent vascular and heart diseases and slow down the aging process in the body.

It is impossible to determine which type of legume is healthier. All of them, to one degree or another, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. So, yellow and green cultures are useful for those who have intestinal problems. These beans contain more plant fiber than other types. It takes a long time to prepare and almost never boils.

lentil honeycomb

Signs of good lentils are:

  • crumbly structure;
  • the beans must be the same size and color;
  • you need to consider the presence of bugs and other pests in the package;
  • there should be no foreign particles;
  • the grains must be smooth, even, without damage;
  • Good products have a pleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma of nuts.

Do not neglect expiration dates. If it has expired, it is better to throw away the product, as bugs appear in the beans, mold appears and bacteria develop.

Benefits of lentils for women

The beneficial properties of lentils for women include:

benefits of lentils

  • prevention of breast cancer;
  • reducing the risk of tumors in the uterus;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs during menopause;
  • fiber reduces the risk of developing colorectal cancer and prevents the development of hemorrhoids;
  • relief of premenstrual syndrome.

The antioxidant components contained in bean grains are not destroyed even during heat treatment.

During pregnancy, advice from doctors

Lentils also benefit pregnant women:

  • promotes normal development and formation of the fetus;
  • increases immunity;
  • reduces the risk of developing anemia;
  • helps to avoid changes in blood pressure;
  • improves hematopoietic processes.

Folic acid, which is contained in sufficient quantities in the product, prevents defects in the development of the fetus and excludes other disorders at any stage of pregnancy.

The benefits of eating lentil dishes during pregnancy are brought to both the woman herself and the fetus, but it is imperative to follow the recommended dosage of product consumption per day. Pregnant women are allowed to eat about 50 g of any dish made from legumes per day. You should not eat more, as problems with digestion of food may occur. Nausea, constipation, and flatulence develop.

When breastfeeding

The benefits of lentils for a woman’s body during breastfeeding are noted:

types of lentils

  • the immunity of mother and baby is strengthened;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • helps normalize intestinal function, improves baby's bowel movements, prevents constipation, and removes harmful substances from the body.

The product has a hypoallergenic composition and therefore does not cause unwanted reactions.

The benefits of lentils affect the body not only of the nursing woman, but also the condition of the child. The brown variety is especially useful. These grains reach full maturity and have a large list of beneficial properties. It boils much faster during cooking.

For children. At what age should it be given to infants?

Lentils are rich in iron, so they improve blood counts and prevent the development of anemia, which is very important in the development of a child of any age.

varieties of lentils

The product is approved as the first complementary food for infants, but can be administered no earlier than 7.5 months. If the baby has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to administer it before two years of age.

Start giving with half a teaspoon.If the child’s body accepts the product without any reactions, then the dosage is gradually increased. Bean dishes are allowed to be given to children once every two weeks.

The benefits of lentils for children are explained by the high content of vitamins in the product, but one must also take into account the harm that it can cause to the body. Since the intestines of a small child are not fully formed, legumes often cause increased gas formation and other unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

It is better to start complementary feeding with the red variety. It contains the least amount of coarse fibers that can irritate the intestinal walls. Beans contain a lot of plant fibers, which are better absorbed by the child's body than meat.

For men

The benefits of lentils for men are known:

lentils for men

  • the product improves potency and has a positive effect on the quality of sexual intercourse;
  • in addition to all the positive effects on the body, the cardiovascular system is restored and strengthened;
  • lowers cholesterol levels and improves myocardial function.

A large number of useful components in beans can strengthen the entire body and normalize the functioning of all internal organs and systems.

Delicious diet for weight loss and reviews about it

Lentils are used during weight loss for several reasons:

  • it is a non-calorie product;
  • carbohydrates do not affect blood sugar composition;
  • the product takes a long time to digest, so there is no feeling of hunger;
  • coarse fibers restore intestinal function.

For weight loss, it is better to choose green or red lentils, but other varieties of the plant also have beneficial properties.

All legumes are rich in proteins and plant fiber. These components will allow you to quickly get enough, and the feeling of hunger will not come for a long time. Fiber will prevent constipation from developing.

Lentil salad:

  • Boil 200 g of beans until fully cooked and place in a salad bowl;
  • peel and dice the carrots;
  • chop celery (2 pieces);
  • red onion cut into cubes;
  • a clove of garlic is passed through a press;
  • survive lemon juice;
  • pepper and salt;
  • season the salad with olive oil.

lentils for weight loss

In addition to salad, you can prepare soups and cook porridge. The diet will allow you to quickly lose weight without causing any health problems. The mood will not worsen and activity will not disappear.

In sports nutrition for muscle growth in athletes

Lentils are rich in protein, which is why they are popular among athletes. Beans will not help you gain weight, as they contain few calories, so they are suitable for athletes to cut.

In sports nutrition for muscle growth, lentils are recommended to be consumed simultaneously with animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products). This menu will provide athletes with additional energy and strength. In addition, the product contains zinc and iron. These microelements are necessary for people involved in sports.

For vegetarians and raw foodists

Lentils are ideal for making side dishes. Raw beans are especially useful when sprouted. They increase immunity and prevent the development of colds. A large number of micro- and macroelements help maintain the health of vegetarians.

To consume the product raw, lentils should be soaked. The beans are washed and soaked in water for 2.5 hours. Then the water is drained and the grains are moved to a dark, warm place. After 12–14 hours, sprouts should appear. As soon as the sprouts reach 2 cm, they can be eaten.

When grains sprout, the amount of iron, magnesium, and potassium increases. These substances are often lacking in people who have switched to vegetarian food.Lentils will prevent the development of anemia and problems with stool. Sprouted beans can be combined with dried fruits or honey.

When is lentil good for ailments?

Any medicinal diet can be diluted with lentils. The product is useful for people who suffer from various diseases of internal organs and entire systems.

diseased heart

For diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2

With diabetes, patients must adhere to a strict diet. Allowed foods include lentils.

It is best to choose a green legume variety. In addition to vegetable protein, the product contains carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed by the body and do not affect blood sugar levels.

Lentils prevent the rapid absorption of sugar, regulate blood glucose levels, help speed up the healing process of damaged tissues, and remove toxins from the body. Even after cooking, all the beneficial properties of the product remain strong.

Not only the beans themselves bring benefits, but also the leaves of the plant. A decoction is made from them. The leaves are crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for one hour, after which the broth is filtered. It is recommended to take 35 ml before meals three times a day.

The healthiest dish for constipation

If you regularly add lentil dishes to your menu, the problem of constipation will go away. Beans are rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines of toxins and makes peristalsis work.

stomach ache

For constipation, the following lentil-based recipe is recommended:

  • 60 g of beans are poured with 300 ml of water;
  • bring the water to a boil and cook for another 20 minutes;
  • The finished broth is filtered through cheesecloth.

It is better to take the decoction before meals 3-4 times a day. There are a wide variety of other delicious lentil-based recipes.Beans can be stewed, boiled, added to salads, or combined with other cereals.

For liver diseases, cholecystitis

For liver diseases, lentils can be beneficial and prevent exacerbation of the disease. But due to the high content of coarse fibers, in case of liver diseases and cholecystitis, it can be eaten no more than once a week.

It is better to choose the red variety. If there is heaviness in the abdomen, increased gas formation, nausea, or abnormal bowel movements, then the product should be excluded from the diet.

All components that make up lentils are well absorbed by the body, saturating it with vitamins and minerals without loading the liver. If you have cholecystitis, you should limit or completely eliminate saturated fats. Lentil dishes are perfect for this.

To prepare lentil puree soup, you will need to add water to the red beans, bring to a boil and add chopped carrots, onions and potatoes. Cook for another 20 minutes. After the vegetables are ready, they are crushed using a blender.

For gastritis

Lentils have a beneficial effect on the body in case of stomach disease. Dishes made from this product can be eaten only in the remission stage. The product irritates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and causes disturbances in its functioning. For gastritis with high acidity, lentils are contraindicated.

I have a stomachache

The components that make up beans prevent the development of cancer cells in the stomach and intestines, remove toxins and prevent the development of rot and fermentation in the digestive organs.

For gastritis with low acidity, black and green lentils are especially useful. They are used to make porridges and soups, boiling the beans well.

For hypertension

Hypertension causes increased blood pressure.With this disease, you should carefully monitor your diet. Lentils contain a lot of potassium, so patients with hypertension should be sure to include lentils in their diet at least three times a week.

pressure measurement

Coarse fiber, which is part of medicinal beans, normalizes cholesterol levels, which is important for high blood pressure.

A decoction of lentil beans helps with hypertension. You need to take 60 g of beans and add water. Then put on fire and cook for 20 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and taken three times a day before meals.

Can she treat wounds and burns?

Any type of legume can heal damaged tissue, so lentils can be used for burns and open wounds. To do this, the beans are boiled well and applied to the affected area.

You can make an ointment from ground lentils and butter. Lentil flour is combined with oil 1:1 and the resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator for a day. The prepared ointment is applied to the affected area twice a day.

Lentils in face masks

Folic acid and vitamins contained in lentils can improve metabolic processes in the body, help smooth out fine wrinkles, improve skin color, tighten it and make it elastic.

mask for the face

For a rejuvenating face mask, you will need to grind one glass of green beans in a coffee grinder. The crushed mass is mixed with a glass of sour cream. The resulting mass is distributed on the face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with a cotton swab dipped in tea leaves.

To eliminate oily shine, a mask made from egg whites, honey and chopped, boiled lentils is suitable. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

The moisturizing mask is prepared according to the following recipe. Warm milk and olive oil are added to the lentil puree. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the finished mask is applied to the facial skin. After 15–20 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

When can it cause harm or be useless?

To get the benefits of lentils without causing harm to your health, you should consult your doctor. You should not eat beans if there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as with gout, urolithiasis, joint pathologies, and hemorrhoids.

For pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. At the time of exacerbation of the disease, lentils should not be eaten. Lentils can be introduced into the diet during remission. You can cook porridge or soup from legumes. The menu is allowed to include such dishes no more than once a week.

For pancreatitis, it is best to choose red lentil variety. Beans of this variety do not have a shell, so they are more easily absorbed by the body. Preparing the soup does not take much time:

  • red lentils (100 g) are poured with water and put on fire;
  • add dried tomatoes and spices;
  • cook for 20 minutes;
  • The finished dish is crushed using a blender.

The harm of lentils for pancreatitis is greater than the benefit. The product should not be abused and should be completely avoided during an exacerbation.

sick kidneys

For kidney stones

If you have kidney stones, it is not recommended to eat lentils. But it is allowed to prepare a decoction, which is taken 30 minutes before a meal, 50 ml.

For gout

With such a chronic disease as gout, lentils are absolutely contraindicated. Eating it can cause harm to health and aggravate unpleasant symptoms.

Other contraindications

The harm of lentils is clearly manifested in the presence of intestinal problems. The product promotes increased gas formation. To avoid this effect, you should not combine lentil dishes with foods rich in carbohydrates (bread, meat, cereals). Contraindications:

  • Lentils make the stomach and kidneys work harder, so for those who have problems with these organs, the product is contraindicated.
  • You should not use the product if you have joint diseases.
  • Contraindication is hemorrhoids.

Even if there are no contraindications to using the product, it is important to follow the dosage. You should not overuse lentil dishes, then no problems will arise.
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