The benefits and harms of red beans for the human body

Regardless of the variety, beans are valuable protein for the body. If we compare the varieties of beans, then Azuki beans or red beans have the most valuable composition. It is used in various diets, especially those aimed at losing weight. What are the benefits and harms of red beans, and in what cases should you refrain from eating them?

Composition and calorie content of red beans

Red beans contain 3 main ingredients:

  • protein similar to what a person gets from meat products;
  • fiber is an irreplaceable source of energy;
  • complex carbohydrates that allow the body to remain saturated for a long time.

In addition, red beans contain a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional value per 100 g of product is:

  • 337 kcal raw and 94 kcal cooked;
  • 2.2 g protein.

The large amount of nutrients in legumes allows them to be used in the treatment of many diseases.

The benefits and harms of red beans

What are the benefits of beans? The main advantage of red beans is the high concentration of nutrients in the composition, which are not lost after heat treatment. Beans bring invaluable benefits to a growing body. The product is recommended for use by children over three years of age. Beans help absorb nutrients, so it is recommended to combine them with vegetables and fruits. This way the body will absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the foods consumed.

benefit and harm

But that's it beneficial properties of beans don't end. It is actively used in the fight against excess weight. This is due to the fact that it contains unique substances that slow down the synthesis of alpha-milase. Eating beans reduces appetite and at the same time improves metabolism.

What is important is that red beans are used for weight loss. In a week on a bean diet, women lose 5 to 7 kilograms. The undoubted advantage of legumes is that after cooking they do not have a characteristic odor, so even the most demanding “eaters” can consume them.

As for the harmful properties, it is worth noting that beans have some contraindications.It is not recommended to be included in the diet of children under three years of age. In the first years of life, almost all babies suffer from colic and have problems with gas formation.

Beans will only make the situation worse, increasing abdominal cramps and bloating. The same applies to those who suffer from flatulence or other intestinal problems.

For men

Men are recommended to consume red beans to prevent potency. This especially applies to those who spend most of their time at the computer. Beans prevent obesity and many related diseases. Together with the product, men receive strength, vigor and energy.

beans for men

For women

The healing properties of beans for women are invaluable. Due to the content of magnesium, calcium and other beneficial components, red beans have a number of positive effects:

  • prevents dental diseases;
  • has a positive effect on the reproductive system;
  • prevents complications during pregnancy;
  • improves hair condition, strengthens nails;
  • used for the preparation of cosmetics with a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect.

For children

For children who for some reason cannot eat meat, red beans are the main source of protein. It is perfectly absorbed by the child's body and improves the digestion process. Red beans saturate the child's body with energy, promote its development and growth. Vitamin B contained in the product has a calming and tonic effect on the nervous system. Thus, red beans are good for children with increased excitability.

Red beans

Varieties of red beans

Red beans come in several varieties. American varieties have become widespread.They are characterized by long, flat beans that contain the maximum amount of nutrients. Varieties of red beans include:

  1. Kidney Red Beans. It has a rich purple color and is shaped like an organ of the human body, namely the kidney. Kindy is rich in protein and dietary fiber, which are not lost after heat treatment. The small red fruits are native to South America. Since the beans have a hard shell, they do not become mushy even after prolonged cooking. Kidney beans are a favorite among many foodies. It is used to prepare snacks, various salads, stews, soups, and is even used for stuffing vegetables. A characteristic feature of Kidney is its ability to absorb the taste and aroma of other products. As a result, the dishes are as rich as possible.
  2. Azuki. Red beans come from Japan. They have an unusual angular shape and a slightly sweet taste. The main advantage of red Azuki beans is that they cook quickly, unlike other bean varieties. It does not require pre-soaking. In addition, Azuki beans are used not only for preparing familiar dishes. Desserts are prepared from the product with equal success. Eating Adzuki beans stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves blood circulation and improves immunity.
  3. Colorado. South America is considered the birthplace of this variety of red beans. It is characterized by a red-brown hue and an oblong shape. It cooks relatively quickly, but must be soaked before cooking. Used for preparing side dishes, first courses, salads. Ideal for traditional Georgian dishes and canning.

varieties of beans

Growing and care

Since beans are a heat-loving plant, it is better to grow them in well-lit places that are well protected from the wind. It is important to maintain soil moisture with regular watering. But it is also undesirable to allow excess moisture.

Red beans grow well in soils that last season were used for cucumbers, tomatoes or eggplants. The best proximity of legumes is observed with beets, tomatoes, carrots and especially cucumbers. To prepare the soil for digging, you should add a special composition made from ammonium nitrate, dolomite flour and potassium chloride. Many gardeners use humus; 1 square meter of land will require 4 kg of fertilizer.

Red beans are planted at a temperature of at least 10 degrees, when spring frosts are already behind. As a rule, this is the end of May - beginning of June.

bean varieties

Note! At temperatures below 0 degrees, seedlings die.

Before planting, the seeds are carefully sorted and spoiled ones are removed. Then they are soaked for 6 hours in warm water, after which they are dried in fresh air and planted in the ground. To disinfect seeds and stimulate growth, before planting, they are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, after which they are dipped in an ash solution for 2 hours.

The optimal distance between rows is 35 cm, between seeds - 7–8 cm. The planting depth should not be less than 3 cm. Any deeper is not recommended, otherwise the seeds will die during swelling. Immediately after planting, it is recommended to cover the area with film.

The seedlings do not require abundant watering. The need for moisture increases as they grow. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out during flowering, otherwise the beans will fall off.

beans in a bag

During the entire ripening season, 2-3 feedings are necessary.At the same time, do not forget about weeding and loosening the soil, which is carried out once the plants reach a height of 5–7 cm. The soil is loosened again after the formation of two true leaves. At this time, the plants are thinned out, leaving a distance of approximately 30 cm between them.

How to properly store red beans?

For storing red beans It is important to consider 2 main indicators:

  1. Humidity (not higher than 50%).
  2. Temperature (not higher than 10 degrees).

From this it turns out that the optimal place to store beans is the refrigerator. The algorithm for preparing beans for storage is as follows:

  • Dry. The fruits are laid out in the sun, putting them away in baskets or boxes in the evening.
  • Check for readiness for storage. The maturity of the beans is determined by the dried pods, the doors of which have already begun to open slightly.
  • Remove the fruits from the pods and place them in the prepared container.

Beans are stored exclusively in a cool place. If stored correctly, they are suitable for consumption for more than two years.

Can pregnant women eat beans?

In order for pregnancy to proceed without complications, women must receive B vitamins. Experts often prescribe medications containing folic acid to pregnant women. However, regular consumption of red beans automatically eliminates the need for synthetic vitamin complexes. This is due to the fact that it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B9.

Anemia often develops during pregnancy. In this case, it is recommended to combine beans with vegetables and herbs. Thus, the body compensates for the lack of iron and vitamin C.

Calcium contained in legumes is necessary for women throughout pregnancy. This element takes an active part in the formation of the child’s skeletal system.

nutritious beans

Nursing mothers

The diet of a woman who is breastfeeding should be rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. This helps maintain the nutritional value of breast milk.

During breastfeeding, red beans saturate the body for a long time, preventing the deposition of fat masses. Together with breast milk, the baby receives the necessary amount of nutrients necessary for its development and growth.

To maintain good quality of lactation, a nursing mother is recommended to consume the product at least 2 times a week.

Losing weight

Losing weight with red beans began to be used relatively recently. Nevertheless, the popularity of bean diets is steadily growing. To lose weight, nutritionists recommend eating red beans, and after finishing the diet they should not be completely excluded from the diet.

benefits of beans

Red varieties of legumes are allowed for everyone, regardless of gender and age. During the diet, they should be the main food product. Most often, bean broth is used for weight loss. This remedy is consumed during lunch and dinner.

To prepare the solution, the beans are soaked for at least 12 hours in water, then boiled. The liquid obtained during the cooking process is filtered into a separate container. The cooled broth is ready for use.

For diabetes

Red varieties of the legume family are recommended for use by patients with diabetes. They lower blood sugar levels, which is important for diabetics. The occurrence of the disease in most cases is associated with poor diet. Therefore, it is extremely important for diabetics to adhere to their diet. Red beans will help to dilute a meager diabetic diet, since they can be used to prepare various dishes.

Note! Eating red beans is permissible only in cooked form. Raw beans contain substances that cause poisoning.

For gastrointestinal diseases

Red beans contain a product that is useful for the gastrointestinal tract, namely sulfur. It improves the functioning of the digestive system. Beans are especially useful for infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. However, for flatulence and other intestinal problems, eating legumes is not recommended.

Folk remedies

Since the beneficial properties of red beans are known to everyone, it is not surprising that it is actively used as an alternative treatment for certain diseases. Here is a small list of pathological processes in which red beans can help:

  • rheumatism;
  • hypertension;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • gallbladder pathology;
  • burns and cuts.

beans with spoon

To alleviate rheumatism, prepare bean broth in a steam bath. Before use, the product is filtered and used before each meal.

Since ancient times, kidney stones have been treated with tea made from bean flowers. A remedy such as regular tea is brewed and drunk before each meal.

Red beans are no less successfully used in cosmetology. Most often it is used to prepare face masks. The boiled product is rubbed through a sieve, after which lemon juice and olive oil are added. The product is applied to the face, avoiding areas around the eyes. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. Regular use of this product will noticeably smooth out wrinkles and make the skin tighten.

In cooking

Bean dishes are characterized by their diversity. The product is used as a side dish, first courses, and many salads.The dense structure of legumes and the long-term saturation of the body after eating them allows them to be used as independent dishes.

The benefits and harms of red beans for the human body

The easiest way to prepare is boiled red beans. But before this, the product should be soaked in water, otherwise the cooking time will take 3-4 hours. Serve boiled beans with fried onions and herbs.

Another simple and delicious red bean dish is this vegetable stew. The soaked red beans are placed in a slow cooker and set to stewing. Meanwhile, carrots and onions are fried in vegetable oil, garlic, spices, and vegetables are added to taste. After frying all the ingredients a little in a frying pan, they are added to the already prepared main ingredient.

What goes with red beans?

Red beans go well with vegetables and fruits. This tandem is especially useful for anemia. The most suitable culinary companions for beans:

  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • eggs;
  • walnuts;
  • soft cheese;
  • tomatoes;
  • spicy greens.

Beans also go well with meat.
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