Description of the Iput cherry variety and pollinators, choice of planting site, cultivation and care

The Iput cherry variety was bred by crossing hybrids 8-14 and 3-36 by Russian scientists Astakhov and Kanshin, and was officially registered in the State Register of Russia in 1993. Optimal climatic conditions for the growth of this crop are characteristic of the territory of the Central and Central Black Earth regions. Iput cherries attract many gardeners due to the early ripening of the fruits, as well as their rich taste.

Description of cherries

Cherry trees of the Iput variety grow to medium size, 4-5 m high. The pyramidal crown is raised and wide. The branches are densely covered with elongated large leaves located on short or medium-sized, moderately pigmented petioles. The wavy, slightly concave plate of leaves without pubescence, has a doubly crenate serration.

Cherry fruits develop on bouquet branches. The inflorescences are formed by 3-4 large flowers with white petals. The corolla is described as saucer-shaped, the calyx is goblet-shaped, the long stamens are at the same level as the pistil. The buds with rudimentary shoots are large, moderately deviated, and cone-shaped. The ovoid flower buds are simple; after fruiting, an almost imperceptible scar remains in their place.

Iput cherries have medium-sized drupes, weighing about 5 g, up to 2 cm in diameter, heart-shaped, rounded upward with a narrow funnel. The color as it ripens varies from dark red to almost black. The taste of Iput cherries is rated at 4.5 points. Ripe fruits are easily separated from the stalk, are universal in use, contain vitamin C - 11.5 mg per 100 g of product, as well as the following percentages of other useful components:

description of cherries

  • dry matter – 16.7%;
  • sugar – 11%;
  • acids – 0.5%.

The skin of the berries is dense, the pulp is juicy, sweet, of moderately dense consistency, the juice is deep red. The seeds occupy 5% of the weight of the fruit.

Characteristics of the Iput variety

Sweet cherries are characterized by medium early fruiting; the first harvest can be obtained 4-5 years after planting the seedling in the garden. The tree bears fruit every year, the ripening period is mid-early - the second half of July. Winter hardiness is high, flower buds can withstand frosts of minus 30°C.With timely and adequate care, the plant has a strong immunity to fungal infections.

characteristics of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages

Cherry trees of the Iput variety are distinguished by regular high yields. One adult plant can produce more than 30 kg of fruit. On an industrial scale, about 70 centners are harvested from 1 hectare, the maximum yield is 145 c/ha. The dense pulp of the drupes is very juicy and sweet, perfect for eating fresh or making jams, compotes, and juices.

The Iput cherry is self-sterile, so planting several trees is required for pollination. The bone does not separate from the pulp very well. In particularly rainy years, the fruits partially crack. Also, the negative features of the variety include poor transportability of the harvested crop.

Rules for growing cherries

When planting a garden, it is necessary to take into account that the cherry variety is self-sterile. The best pollinators for Iput cherries are the trees of Tyutchevka, Revna, Bryansk pink, Raditsa, Ovstuzhenka. The climatic conditions of the Southern and Central zones are most suitable for their growth.

growing cherries

Choosing a location and seedling

The Iput variety grows best on non-acidic, moderately moist, light soils. Seedlings should be planted in windless, well-lit areas. On medium loams and heavy clay areas, there is a higher risk of trees freezing, wood is more often damaged, and fruit buds or crops die. It is also not recommended to choose places with close groundwater (less than 150 cm). If necessary, arrange a drainage channel to drain water.

When choosing a seedling, first of all, pay attention to the trunk. A more prolific tree should have a guide, fairly dense branching, and traces of the scion.The root system should be well developed with strong, healthy roots. When transporting, it is advisable to wrap them in a damp cloth.

Preparing the ground

It is important to properly prepare the soil, precisely at the stage of planting a seedling in a permanent place. The cherry tree has a powerful root system. When the cherry tree grows, it will not be possible to deeply cultivate the soil without damaging the roots.

Dig a hole measuring from 80 to 100 cm, about 60 cm deep. The acidic soil is preliminarily slaked with lime at a consumption of 700 g per 1 m2. Sand is added to loamy soil. Fertilizers must be applied by mixing with the soil. It is recommended to add 10 kg of rotted humus, about 300 g of superphosphate, 80 g of potash fertilizers.

preparing the ground

Planting process

In the center of the prepared hole, a mound is built from the top fertile layer of soil, on which the tree is placed and the roots are evenly laid out. Cover them tightly with soil so that there are no voids. The root collar after planting should be at a height of 3-4 cm above the soil level. After this, the seedling is watered abundantly, and the ground is mulched with peat, straw or humus.

Tips for caring for wood

During the first year after planting, weeds are regularly destroyed in the area around the tree so that the seedling receives maximum nutrition. In the second year, mulch the soil within a radius of 0.5 m from the trunk, subsequently adding 25 cm annually. Cherries also require regular pruning., applying fertilizers, providing protection from the sun and frost, adequate watering.

Top dressing

To ensure the necessary nutritional reserves, the Iput variety must be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. However, it is better to use them in dissolved form.They must be applied at a distance from the trunk, where the roots are located, most intensively absorbing beneficial substances.

nutrient reserves

In addition to mineral complexes, many gardeners prefer to use green fertilizer (sowing green manure). Usually honey plants or legumes are used for this purpose. Sowing is carried out in the second half of the cherry growing season, then by autumn you can get the desired grass stand, mow it and seal it around the tree.

Organization of watering and frost protection

Cherry trees need additional watering - in May during the period of active growth and expansion of foliage, in June when the fruits ripen, and also in the fall to prepare the tree for frost. A furrow is made around adult cherry trees for watering. In summer, depending on the amount of precipitation, several heavy waterings are done so that moisture reaches a depth of at least 40 cm. After each time, mulch the crust on the surface of the soil.

It is not recommended to over-moisten the soil while the berries are ripening, as this will cause their skins to crack.

In preparation for winter, young cherry trees are covered with spruce branches or burlap, and each plant is watered with 5 buckets of water. The tree trunk circle is mulched. To protect against return frosts, the sprinkling method is used, when the tree is irrigated with water before the expected cold snap. As moisture evaporates, the air around the tree heats up.

organization of irrigation

Crown formation

Cherry trees are pruned annually. This allows you to achieve timely, regular fruiting, improve the quality of berries, increase the tree’s resistance to harsh weather conditions and various garden pests.

Systematic correct pruning provides cherries with a long productive period, increases productivity, and increases the strength of the branches.

Properly performed pruning is aimed at forming a strong skeleton of the cherry tree crown with an even distribution of branches, ensuring sufficient illumination, healing, rejuvenating and prolonging the life of the plant. There are 4 types of trimmings:

berries in hands

  • shortening;
  • thinning;
  • sanitary;
  • rejuvenating.

They begin to regulate the growth of shoots from 2-3 years after planting. Pruning is carried out with the onset of spring. The branches are shortened by a third, while the central conductor should remain 20 cm above the skeletal ones. Shortening pruning of Iput cherries also involves removing the leading branch and transferring growth to the side.

Thinning with the removal of branches growing inward is aimed at ensuring the enlightenment of the crown. If you do not regulate the density of cherries, the fruits will lose their taste over time. Sanitary pruning is necessary to remove dry, damaged, diseased, frozen branches. Rejuvenation of fruit trees is carried out when vital processes are weakened.

fruits are formed

Treatment against diseases and pests

In the spring in April, cherries are irrigated with preparations containing copper, as well as “Kartotsid”, “Homitsin”, “Kuprozan” in accordance with the instructions. The treatment is repeated in May. In summer, it is recommended to spray the crown against diseases and pests with iron sulfate.

Preventive treatment of Iput cherries is carried out when the entire harvest is harvested. In the autumn, before the leaves fall, garden crops and tree trunk areas are watered with 500 g of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water. To protect against fungal infections, remove and burn all infected leaves, including fallen ones. If there are signs of hole spotting, cut off all affected branches.

treatment for diseases

Insecticides are used to control cherry flies, cherry moths, and gypsy moths. Treat twice, with an interval of 14 days.

For coccomycosis and klyasterosporiosis, “Chorus” is used. Add a small amount of laundry soap to the solution prepared according to the instructions. The crown of the cherry tree is sprayed for the first time during the development of buds, and the second time after flowering.

Potassium sulfide helps against aphids. The prepared solution is used to irrigate the cherries in windless, dry weather. Of the ready-made preparations, you can use Iskra or Inta-vir. Fruits can be collected no less than 20 days after the last treatment.

man with balloon

Collection and storage of berries

The fruits of the Iput cherry variety ripen at the same time, so it is convenient to harvest immediately. Cherry berries do not tolerate transportation well. At room temperature they are stored for no more than 2-3 days, and then they begin to lose their presentation. In refrigerators, fruits remain suitable for sale for up to 20 days.

You can extend the shelf life by using special containers with filters and a gaseous environment. It is better to eat fresh or freeze. You can process it into juice, prepare compotes, preserves, jam, and make fruit wine.
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