Garlic improves the taste of many dishes; it is used for preservation and added to salads. Microelements that are present in onion cloves kill bacteria, lower cholesterol levels, and have a beneficial effect on the heart.
The yield of a crop depends not only on compliance with agrotechnical rules, but also on its variety. Large bulbs are obtained by planting winter garlic Parus. Different climatic conditions are suitable for it; there are no complaints about productivity in any region of Russia. The crop is grown in Kazakhstan, Stavropol Territory, and Ukraine.
Description of the variety
Parus garlic is great for small summer cottages and is successfully grown by farmers in the fields. Ripens on average 105 days after the growing season, sometimes even earlier. The bulbs differ:
- dense teeth;
- pungent taste;
- rounded-flat shape;
The brown or off-white outer scales have purple veins. Long leaves, of which there are up to 10 in each plant, shoot flower arrows to a height of up to 1.25 m. One bulb contains up to 10 cloves, they fit very tightly to each other. Juicy green leaves, covered with a waxy coating, are up to 2 cm wide and up to 56 cm long.
An important characteristic of the variety is good frost resistance. Garlic can be stored for a long time. Rarely exposed to:
- peronospora;
- bacterial rot;
- stem nematode.
The plant is affected by the onion fly. We have to fight the pest all summer.
On a plot of 1 sq. meter harvests an average of 960 g of garlic. In the southern irrigated regions, the yield increases by 2 times. The bulb weighs from 30 to 47 grams. The description of the variety attracted many summer residents, many of them began to plant this particular garlic.
Landing rules
Agricultural technology for growing Parus differs slightly from that used for other varieties of garlic. The site for the garden bed is dug well and then fertilized. Chicken manure is best suited for feeding. You need to grow the crop where cabbage, zucchini or cucumbers used to grow.
The cloves are planted every 10 cm, the garlic bed is located every 25. Maintaining this distance is the key to a good harvest.
To prevent the bulbs from deteriorating or rotting in the ground, you need to pour sand or wood ash into the holes. Before planting, the tines are sorted out, the sick ones are thrown away, and the healthy ones are dipped into a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate for 30 minutes and sent into the ground to a depth of 5 cm.
If Sail is planted in October, it is advisable to mulch the beds with hay, straw, dry leaves or grass, which helps protect the bulbs from severe frosts. Some summer residents cover their beds with agrofibre. As soon as the snow begins to melt, all this is removed, otherwise the garlic will rot.
Cultivation care
In order for the weight of one bulb to exceed 40 g, and to harvest a harvest of 16–18 kg from 10 acres, one must not forget about fertilizing. Fertilizer is applied in 2 stages - in early spring after the snow melts. The second time the beds are watered with mullein or chicken droppings. This work is carried out when the tubers are set.
Parus garlic bulbs will be larger if the tops of the leaves are pinched off. The main thing is not to waste time; the seedlings should not rise above 20 cm.
The stems become deformed and the shoots wither if onion moth caterpillars appear on the plant. The soil after garlic must be deeply plowed, and the area for the garden bed must be well blown by the wind. To combat the pest, plants are sprayed with insecticides - “Fastak”, “Karate Zeon”, and covered with a mesh cloth at night.
The soil near the crop must be loosened more than once per season. The ground is cleared of weeds and moistened. Some gardeners alternate garlic beds with strawberries and vegetables. Then the plants get sick less, develop faster, and suffer less from pests.
If you look at the reviews about Parus, you can conclude that many gardeners prefer to grow this particular variety of garlic, which has high yields, a specific aftertaste and pungency.
Bulbs are stored well in nets and wooden boxes. To increase shelf life, they are packaged in kilograms and placed in a thin layer in a dry, cold room.