A variety of garlic suitable for the climate and soil composition will delight you with a large harvest. Possessing a large list of beneficial properties and an unusual taste, this spicy vegetable is planted by everyone who has a plot of land. To figure out which variety of garlic is the largest, it is first recommended that you familiarize yourself with the description of each of them.
There are two types of garlic: spring and winter. Spring garlic they begin to plant at the end of April, and begin planting winter garlic in the spring, at the end of September. Winter types of garlic send out arrows, on which a capsule with seeds is formed.The bulb consists of several large cloves located around a central core. The fruits of spring garlic do not have a stem, and small, numerous cloves are arranged in several rows in a spiral. The closer the slices are to the center, the smaller they are.
Winter types of garlic are represented by the Alcor variety, which has an average ripening period. Up to 11 leaves develop on the stem, the length of which is 40 cm. The arrow extends up to one meter. The feathers are dark green with a slight bluish tint and a pronounced waxy coating.
The bulb is formed with a round shape and dense consistency. The color of the husk is pinkish-lilac with dark purple longitudinal stripes. The head can have up to 5 large cloves. Each bulb weighs 30 g.
For the successful development of garlic, a lot of space is required, and the variety does not have any special requirements for the composition of the soil. Garlic is characterized by stable yield, frost resistance and high disease resistance.
Planting begins in late September or early October. For planting, it is better to select the outer cloves of the bulb. Choose a well-lit, warm place on the site. During the entire period of plant development, it is necessary to weed the beds from weeds, cut off the shoots, water once a week and apply fertilizers on time.
Winter garlic includes the Garkua variety. The plant is characterized by medium-early ripening; vegetable growers begin harvesting in mid-June. The peel of the head is white and pink in color.
The main advantages of the variety are high productivity, regardless of soil composition, and winter hardiness. Planted garlic cloves do not freeze even at -20 degrees.The cloves are formed small, and their number reaches 16 pieces.
They begin to plant the vegetable at the end of September in the most illuminated area in the garden. Ideal for clay or sandy loam, loosened soils. The largest cloves without damage or stains are chosen as planting material. After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to constantly fight weeds and loosen the soil after each watering.
The garlic variety Garpek is distinguished by its high yield. Refers to vegetables with medium ripening limits; you can start harvesting a mature harvest in mid-July. The head weighs about 70 g and includes 10–12 small, dense, juicy cloves. The color of the bulb is white-violet.
The name of the variety is not so well known among vegetable growers, so in order to make the right choice you need to get acquainted with the characteristics. The variety can withstand winter cold and sudden temperature changes and requires additional measures to strengthen the immune system.
Garlic seeds begin to be planted in mid-September in soil that has previously been dug up and fertilized. Throughout the growing season, you need to loosen and weed the beds. To ensure that all the nutrients flow into the underground part of the plant, it is recommended to cut the arrows with special scissors.
Another variety of winter garlic is the German variety. Garlic is a mid-season species; the entire growing season lasts 95 days. The leaves are bright green with an unusual waxy coating, medium intensity, grow up to 60 cm.
In the rounded-flat head, 6 teeth are formed, which have a complex structure. On average, garlic heads weigh 50 g, the scales are colored white and lilac.It has a long shelf life (up to 8 months), provided that the crop was harvested correctly.
To obtain a large and numerous harvest, it is recommended to grow the German variety in a greenhouse in compliance with all the rules. The watering regime should be moderate; the soil should not be over-moistened (drip irrigation is best). During the period of leaf germination, the recommended temperature is +20 degrees, and during the period of active growth it is slightly higher - +23 degrees. To ensure that the bulb receives more nutritional components, it is recommended to trim the arrows. It is imperative to weed the beds, preventing weeds, and apply fertilizers at certain times.
Gribovsky anniversary
The high-yielding variety Gribovsky is a bolting variety and is valuable for its excellent winter hardiness. The mid-late ripening of the head allows harvesting after 106 days. The length of the matte green leaves on the stem reaches 30 cm.
The weight of the slightly flattened head is 35 g, with 8–10 cloves collected inside. The scales are light purple with dark purple stripes. The variety tolerates frost, drought, sudden temperature fluctuations well, and is resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases and greenhouse pests. Resistant to attack by nematodes and onion flies. Diseases such as fusarium and viral mosaic often bypass the plant.
Places that are far from the shade of trees, fences or buildings are suitable for planting. Does not develop well in heavy soils; loamy or sandy loam composition is preferred.
Giant garlic is popular among gardeners. All varieties are distinguished by large head sizes, the weight of which can be 500 g. Most of them tolerate winter well, are resistant to disease and give the best results.Common types include: Gulliver, Titan, Alekseevsky, Moskal, Yellow Giant, Bashkir-85.
Varietal garlic Moskal is distinguished by its gigantic size and the fact that arrows do not form. The rounded, elongated head weighs 80 g. The scales have a lilac-violet color. At the end of the growing season, up to 4 cloves are formed, each of which weighs 20 g.
Best variety of winter garlic - Komsomolets, tolerates frost well and produces a large crop that begins to ripen at the same time. The duration of the growing season is 115 days, so garlic is classified as a mid-season plant. The length of the numerous shoots of leaves reaches 40 cm; the shoots can grow more than a meter in length. The color is green with a slight waxy coating.
Dense bulbs weigh 35 g. In good soil, with sufficient fertilizer, the weight can reach 105 g. The color of the husk is light purple. Each head contains 10 cloves.
The variety is highly frost-resistant, unpretentious to care and soil composition, and resistant to many pathogens, especially bacterial rot. The harvest is abundant and of good quality.
To prevent plant growth from slowing down and the yield to remain high, you need to plant it away from the shade, in a well-lit place. The variety does not like wet soil. Planting begins in early October. Before planting, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with compost or humus. After planting, it is advisable to insulate the bed with a layer of mulch (sawdust will do).
Giant garlic variety Lyubasha reaches 120 cm in height, refers to plants with early ripening periods. The leaves grow densely, dark green with a medium waxy coating, about 40 cm long and 2 cm wide.
With good care, the flat-rounded head grows large, weighing up to 300 g. The average weight is 110 g. Each bulb produces 7 cloves, which are covered with whitish-pink scales with purple veins.
Garlic tolerates frost well, produces good yields even in dry years, and does not make any special demands on the composition of the soil. It has high productivity. It can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial qualities for up to 10 months. It is rarely attacked by pests and almost never suffers from fungal and bacterial infections.
Cloves or seeds are planted before the first frost, until the beginning of November. It is better to plant on a hill where it is dry and where sunlight reaches without obstacles. The site is first dug up, fertilized and beds are made. Care consists of timely watering and removing weeds.
Winter shooting garlic Zubrenok belongs to the mid-early varieties (the growing season lasts about 95 days). The head begins to ripen from the moment the first spring shoots appear after 105 days. The length of dark green feathers with a light waxy coating reaches 45 cm.
Round heads of garlic weighing up to 70 g are formed large, dense with white-cream scales. Up to 7 cloves can form inside. For planting, it is better to choose a warm, well-lit place.
The positive qualities of the variety are considered to be high yield, winter hardiness, good shelf life (the crop can be stored for up to 7 months), and resistance to fungal diseases.
They begin to sow garlic in early October. After this, it is recommended to mulch to retain heat and additionally provide the soil with microelements. Sawdust, compost, and straw are used as mulch.
Before making a choice in favor of the Messidor variety, you need to get acquainted with the description of this type of garlic. This is a very productive, early ripening variety obtained in Holland. The leaves have a rich dark green color, their length reaches 70 cm. The plant does not form an arrow with bulbs.
The round white bulb weighs about 115 g and contains up to 14 cloves. The plant rarely gets sick, the harvested crop can be stored for a long time. Planting begins in late September or early October, and harvesting begins in late June. The maturity of the heads is judged by the condition of the feathers, neck of the bulb and scales on it.
Garlic is resistant to many fungal, viral and bacterial diseases, and tolerates winter with severe frosts. It is possible to collect a rich harvest, which is stored for a long time.
Large, undamaged seeds are selected for planting. If more than three cloves do not form in the head, the seeds are not selected, since the culture is degenerating. Fertilizing is carried out three times throughout the entire season; weeds should not be allowed to appear; watering should be moderate.
Petrovsky, a winter variety of garlic that throws out arrows, has average limits of root maturation (massive yellowing of leaves from the moment they appear begins after 100 days). The flattened white-violet head weighs about 80 g. Up to 6–8 light brown cloves are formed inside. The dark green leaves are covered with a waxy coating.
The variety is characterized by the formation of a rich harvest, good keeping quality and resistance to diseases. Garlic thrives in fertile soil with neutral acidity. For planting, choose a sunny, dry place in the garden.It is recommended to plant three weeks before the onset of cold weather (in late September and until mid-October).
After the first shoots appear, the beds begin to weed and loosen. Fertilizers are applied three times during the entire growing season. The first time fertilizer is applied when three leaves appear. The last fertilizing is carried out three weeks before harvest.
Dubkovsky garlic belongs to the winter bolting plants. By the middle of the growing season, arrows with seeds are formed. The variety belongs to the mid-season species; about 105 days pass from the appearance of the first spring shoots to the period of ripening of the bulbs. Valued for its ability to reproduce by aerial bulbs, which have a pale purple hue.
The leaves are bright, rich green in color with a faint waxy coating, their height is about 35 cm. The heads are round, slightly flattened, weighing about 35 g. The scales are white-violet. Up to 12 dense lobules are formed inside, their structure is simple.
If you follow the rules of agricultural technology and proper care, you get high yields, up to 7 kg per hundred square meters. The advantages of the variety include frost resistance, long-lasting shelf life and resistance to fungal diseases.
It has been noticed that garlic is often affected by nematodes, so preventive treatments of vegetable beds are carried out in a timely manner.
Polesie souvenir
The bolting type of winter garlic, bred by Belarusian selection - Polessky Souvenir - has good characteristics. Refers to mid-season varieties, the growing season lasts 100 days.
On one stem, up to 10 dark green leaves with a waxy coating of medium intensity, 58 cm long, unfold.The weight of one round bulb with medium density and pinkish scales reaches 150 g. Up to 7 large cloves are formed inside.
The variety tolerates frosty winters well, is stored for a long time (up to 8 months) and quickly adapts to various conditions, resistant to many infections and pests. Characterized by almost 100% germination.
Planting material begins to be planted from mid-August to early September. Can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Garlic requires frequent weeding, at least three drop waterings per season, and responds well to potassium fertilizing and superphosphate fertilizers. During the mass formation of arrows, they are cut off. It is not recommended to plant garlic in the same place for more than three years.
Garlic Spas has positive characteristics: it withstands winter with frost, is resistant to common infectious agents, and is not susceptible to nematodes. A rich harvest always ripens and is stored for a long time. Refers to plants with average maturation of heads. About 110 days pass from the moment of germination to complete lodging of the tops.
About 11 dark green leaves with a light waxy coating, up to 35 cm long, unfold on the stem. In the middle of the growing season, many arrows with seeds are formed.
The bulbs have a round-oval shape, weighing 90 g. The structure of the cloves is simple, their number reaches 8 pieces in one head. The color of the scales is gray-red with purple longitudinal veins.
It can only be grown in open ground, in a well-lit and dry place. Caring for vegetable beds consists of timely application of fertilizers, frequent weeding, loosening and moderate watering.