Before planting a garden, summer residents have to spend a lot of time searching for high-quality planting material. Today, many different companies produce vegetable seeds, but not all of them sell high-quality products. When purchasing seeds, you should pay attention to the Artikul company, which has been working in the agricultural sector for many years.
Founding of the company and its history
The Artikul company was founded back in 1990. Over the past 25 years, it has managed to gain a foothold in the agricultural products market. In the first years of its existence, “Artikul” operated only on the territory of the Russian Federation.However, gradually the agricultural company began to grow, which allowed Artikul representatives to enter new markets. Today you can purchase their products not only in Russia, but also in other neighboring countries. Seeds from "Article" are popular in Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states.
Representatives of the company are confident that its success is associated with the right development strategy, quality products and low prices, which annually attract new customers. Experts say that the varieties bred in “Artikul” are distinguished by high germination and resistance to most vegetable diseases. They were able to achieve such quality products by following the rules for storing seed.
Assortment presented
For the first few years, the company sold few vegetable varieties. However, today the “Article” assortment is constantly increasing. New varieties of vegetables appear regularly and are available to customers. Company representatives constantly monitor the global and domestic markets for agricultural products in order to replenish the range with the most interesting and promising varieties of vegetable crops. On the company’s official website, everyone will be able to choose the planting material for the following plants:
- seeds of perennial, biennial or annual flowers;
- seedlings of bushes and young trees;
- vegetable plants grown in the CIS countries.
Among the vegetables offered by the agricultural company "Artikul", the most popular include:
- Golden bell. This is an early-ripening tomato that manages to ripen within three months.A distinctive feature of the Golden Bell is its small fruits weighing 30 grams, which are collected in a brush. They contain a lot of dry ingredients, which is why the variety is often used for preparing preserves.
- Heel. Among the cucumbers sold by the Artikul company, one should highlight Heel. It is distinguished by the rapid ripening of fruits, which ripen within five weeks. The heel grows even at low temperatures, so gardeners plant it in open ground. The advantages of the variety include its tasty fruits and resistance to powdery mildew.
- Velvet. This variety of cabbage is considered one of the most delicious. Ripe fruits have a light aroma of lemon, fresh mint and geranium. The plant loves warmth and therefore is planted only by seedlings. The seedlings are grown for 50 days, after which they are transplanted into open ground. Cabbage fruits ripen 3-5 weeks after planting.
- Bulgarian giant. This type of onion is classified as a mid-season variety that ripens within three and a half months. The main advantage of the Bulgarian giant is its frost resistance, thanks to which it can withstand even night frosts. Ripe onions are often used in cooking, dried or fresh.
- Cossack. A high-yielding and early-ripening type of pepper that ripens 95 days after planting. Cossack is distinguished by compact bushes that grow up to 40 cm in height. 5 kg of ripe fruits are collected per square meter.
Advantages of seed material
The agricultural company "Artikul" sells not only ordinary seeds, but hybrid varieties that have a considerable number of advantages. The main advantages of hybrid seed material include:
- increased level of productivity;
- precocity;
- the ability to grow plants even in unfavorable conditions;
- frost resistance;
- safety of the harvested crop.
Every vegetable grower selects vegetable seed for further planting in the garden. When purchasing seeds, it is recommended to pay attention to the products of the agricultural company "Artikul", which sells high-quality seeds.