The agricultural company Maisadour is a seed production company. The main objectives are to obtain elite, high-quality seeds aimed at improving agriculture. The higher the quality of the grain, the higher its germination rate and the amount of harvest.
How the company was formed
The Maysadur company is part of one of the leading French cooperatives. The main goal is to provide services to agronomists and agricultural institutions.
Already in 1949, the company began producing agricultural seeds.
It is developing steadily and dynamically, covering different areas:
- grain crops;
- agricultural products;
- seeds;
- vegetables;
- animal feed;
- livestock farming
The products produced are fully suitable for consumption in branded gardening stores.
The company has 4,000 employees. More than a million seed units are sold under their brand.
The company has corporate governance. Important and necessary decisions are made during the administrators' meeting. They discuss real problems, together choosing effective ways to solve them. Situations are analyzed from different angles, everyone's opinions are heard.
The group's strategy is based on a special course on Sustainable Development.
Today, factories are open throughout Europe.
In the company, the production and processing of seeds is concentrated in two zones, each of which has its own proven manufacturers: factories where seeds are produced, and special laboratories for quality control.
The first zone is historical and is located in France. The second is located in the city of Mogilev.
It is the first company to receive Agri Confiance certification for field-based corn seed production.
In 2013, investments were focused on cover and forage crops. Alfalfa, as well as cover crops outside of France, have begun to move forward.
Two programs have been created:
- for farms that cultivate corn and sunflowers.
- for farms engaged in livestock farming.
The range consists of:
- sunflower;
- corn, which is used for grain;
- corn, which is used for silage;
- alfalfa.
Breeding and genetic research
The Maysadur company specializes in the breeding of corn and sunflower. The strategic territory is European countries, but the company has its representative offices throughout the continent.
Thanks to modern research developments, access to the achievements of genetics and selection is opened.
Every year across Europe, 15% of trade turnover is invested in research programs. The main goal is to increase profitability.
Using molecular markers, it is possible to identify lines and hybrids with the greatest potential.
The resulting hybrids are being tested. This allows you to select samples that perform best under different conditions.
The selection department has more than 150 employees. More than 10 million tests are performed annually to determine the genotype.
The increase in yield is observed on average by 1% per year.
More stable hybrids exhibit resistance to negative environmental influences and diseases.
Work is proceeding in three directions:
- Selection of hybrids of field crops.
- Seed production.
- Sales and marketing of seeds throughout the territory.
Product quality control
Each plant adheres to the same established production and quality control standards. Each unit of production contains genetic innovations. This is a guarantee of high-quality planting material and high productivity in the future.
It's no secret that the higher the quality of the grain, the better it is stored.
Ideal conditions have been created for storing seeds: the premises are equipped with special equipment, refrigeration chambers are maintained at optimal temperatures.
An important aspect of improving product quality is constant monitoring of indicators. Each plant has a laboratory. Laboratory tests are carried out at every stage. There are special norms and standards that are used for control.
General indicators include the following parameters: appearance, smell, color, taste, humidity, degree of pest infestation, and so on.
Today, grain quality can be determined using IR analyzers.
By purchasing seeds from the Maysadur agricultural company, agricultural workers have 100% grain germination and a high yield. They know her and trust her.
A special program has also been introduced, after registration in which the agricultural process is controlled electronically at each stage. The program selects ideal weather conditions. The farmer receives an SMS on his phone with the recommended planting day and subsequent treatments.