Health benefits and harms of corn, medicinal properties and contraindications

Corn is a universal food product and also serves as a valuable raw material for the food and agricultural industries. In addition to nutritional value, grains are characterized by the presence of biologically active substances: vitamins, organic acids, micro- and macroelements, fiber.

What else is useful about corn is that the cereal helps prevent heart attack and stroke, improves metabolism, protects the body from aging and fights cancer cells.

food product

However, not everyone can eat the product. For certain diseases of the digestive system, obesity, and bleeding disorders, corn dishes are contraindicated.

According to statistics, 80% of cobs are GMO. Modified grains and their derivatives can be found in almost all industrial products: from infant formula to processed meats. The world's leading scientists have confirmed the potential harm of GMOs to human health.

derivatives are possible

Pros and cons of eating corn

Corn, whose beneficial properties were noticed in ancient times, not only tastes good. It can improve the health of the body and solve a lot of health problems:

  • Digestion improves, intestinal function is normalized, putrefactive flora is inhibited;
  • visual acuity increases, the functions of the visual apparatus are restored;
  • the work of the heart is normalized, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the risk of blood clots and cardiac diseases is reduced;
  • depression, neuroses are prevented, resistance to stress increases;
  • the immune system is strengthened, the frequency of colds is reduced;
  • sleep quality improves;
  • resistance to the development of cancer increases;
  • the process of recovery of the body after increased stress, exhaustion, and intoxication is accelerated;
  • the functional state of the mucous membranes is restored;
  • the functioning of the reproductive organs of women and men returns to normal: the negative manifestations of menopause are weakened, the menstrual cycle is restored, and potency increases;
  • External use of corn flour helps solve the problem of acne.

tastes good

The vitamins and minerals contained in corn make the grains beneficial for the human body. The grain is eaten boiled, squeezed into oil, canned, ground into flour and cereal, baked, grilled and made into popcorn.

However, nutrition experts say: the less processed corn on the cob is, the healthier it is for the body. Steamed cereal retains more vitamins. The calorie content of this dish is much lower than that of porridge, cereal or cereal bread.

However, there are a number of characteristics of corn that make it potentially unhealthy:


  • cereal protein can provoke an allergic reaction;
  • sugar contained in large quantities often causes bloating, flatulence and diarrhea;
  • coarse fiber irritates the walls of the stomach and duodenum, which is unacceptable in case of an acute ulcer;
  • calcium in grains increases blood clotting, so the product should be limited in case of thrombosis or a tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • the high calorie content of corn oil can cause obesity;
  • Excessive consumption of this cereal by a nursing woman can cause colic in the baby.

Therefore, if there are contraindications, you should limit your consumption or completely eliminate corn from your diet.

limit consumption

Nutritional value of corn

Of great interest are the composition of corn, health benefits and harms, calorie content and nutritional value.

Golden grains contain:

  1. Vegetable protein in an easily digestible form.This aspect is important for vegans who do not eat animal products. Corn protein is easily digested and supports the normal functioning of all body systems.
  2. Fiber, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes intestinal microflora, removes toxins and waste from the body.
  3. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol, increase immunity, and normalize the functioning of all systems and organs.

harm to health

The presence of a large amount of vitamins in corn gives the cereal healing properties:

  1. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, regulates carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, maintains visual acuity and protects against anemia.
  2. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, supports metabolism, ensures normal blood clotting and tissue regeneration. Affects the synthesis of steroids and collagen, reduces vascular permeability, strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that keeps skin healthy and prevents anemia.
  3. Vitamin B5 is important for the health of pregnant women, it supports the growth of the embryo.
  4. Vitamin K allows blood to clot and strengthens bones.
  5. Vitamin B9 or folic acid is important for the normal formation of the embryo and prevents developmental defects. Folacin protects against anemia and improves gastrointestinal function.
  6. Vitamin B1 is involved in all metabolic processes of the body, maintaining the normal state of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  7. Vitamin E is an antioxidant; it protects cells from death, prevents atherosclerosis, maintains youthful skin and blood vessels, and eliminates inflammation.
  8. Vitamin PP is involved in metabolism and regulates the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
  9. Vitamin B6 normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, participates in the metabolism of amino acids and in the formation of hemoglobin.
  10. Beta-carotene as an antioxidant fights cancer and aging of the body. It lowers cholesterol levels, protecting the heart and blood vessels from disease, provides good vision and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Corn contains useful macroelements (Ca, Na, K, P, Mg) and microelements (Mn, Se, Fe, Zn, Cu), which are involved in all metabolic processes in the body.

healing properties

Corn is useful because it helps maintain all organs and systems in a normal functioning state. Grains provide a pregnant woman’s body with everything necessary for the formation, full intrauterine development and growth of the fetus.

It is worth limiting the consumption of corn to 1-2 ears per day, so as not to cause bloating and diarrhea.

For people who control their weight, the caloric content of cereal is important. Boiled and cooked cobs are considered dietary. The energy value of this product is 97 kcal per 100 g. This figure is lower than that of canned food or bread made from this cereal. 100 g of popcorn contains 408 kcal, and the highest calorie is corn oil - 899 kcal per 100 g.

calorie content of cereal

The benefits of non-GMO corn

Sweet corn, the benefits of which are beyond doubt, are often marked with the “Does not contain GMO” symbol. According to the law, manufacturers are required to provide this information to consumers.

Recent studies by European scientists have dispelled all doubts that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are toxic and harmful to animals and humans. Corn, along with soybeans and potatoes, is most susceptible to genetic transformation. As a result, the composition of grains changes beyond recognition.The body is not able to identify and digest these substances and perceives them as foreign. The result is allergies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

research by scientists

Studies conducted on laboratory animals support these theoretical data. Therefore, government food control authorities impose strict restrictions on the content of GMOs in food products.

Genetically non-transformed corn brings great benefits to the human body; it can be eaten without restrictions in the absence of contraindications.

Good source of antioxidants

The benefits of corn for the human body are due to the content of antioxidants - vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and ferulic acid. These substances help protect cells from oxidation and damage.

theoretical data

It has been proven that regular consumption of antioxidants can prevent vision loss, the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, heart and vascular disease.

At the same time, the beneficial substances in corn have one important feature. Vitamin E and beta-carotene are absorbed only with sufficient fat. The cobs contain corn oil, in which antioxidant vitamins are dissolved. Therefore, they are well absorbed in the human body.

Rich in fiber

Corn cobs are considered medicinal, but the medicinal properties and contraindications of the grains go side by side. On the one hand, cereal improves intestinal function, nourishes “good” microflora and removes toxins. On the other hand, it irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing bloating and diarrhea. Corn kernels contain fiber, which has a dual effect. Therefore, people with ulcers, erosions and pancreatitis should avoid eating corn during an exacerbation.

food antioxidants

Slowly digestible source of carbohydrates

Sweet corn contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which are not only beneficial, but also harmful. Glucose, sucrose and starch are “fast” carbohydrates, instantly absorbed into the blood and load the pancreas. Therefore, during exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is recommended to exclude corn from the diet.

In addition to simple sugars, grains contain complex carbohydrates - amylose and amylopectin. They are slowly absorbed in the body, saturate well and eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time.

amount of carbohydrates

Corn is gluten free

Gluten is a grain protein that often causes allergies and excess weight. Corn is more beneficial for an allergy sufferer's body as it does not contain gluten.

Pediatricians recommend starting complementary feeding for children from 6 months of age with gluten-free and hypoallergenic corn porridge. People with cereal protein intolerance are forced to follow a special diet. Corn is an important part of their diet.

However, corn flakes are not the best food for a gluten-free diet. They contain a lot of sugar, and the calorie content of the crispy delicacy is 356 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat corn flakes often due to the risk of obesity.

cause of allergies

Promotes longevity and overall health

People who know that corn is beneficial for the human body regularly include corn in their diet. These grains are the only product on earth that contains organic gold.

The vitamins, macro- and microelements contained in corn improve metabolism and prolong the youth of the body. Eating cereal grains helps maintain normal cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive, endocrine and digestive systems.Cereal strengthens bones, maintains visual acuity, makes the skin elastic and beautiful.

human body

When should you avoid eating corn?

When considering whether corn can harm human health, all aspects must be taken into account. The composition of the cereal, the form of the product, and its origin are important.

Genetically modified corn (GMO)

The benefits and harms of corn for the human body depend on the origin of the product. Today's food products contain corn, 80% of which is GMO. The genotype of these cereals has been artificially changed to increase resistance to pests and adverse environmental conditions.

human health

The cereal obtained as a result of the modification acquired good commercial qualities, but became harmful to the consumer. Dishes made from corn with an altered genotype can cause damage to health:

  • inhibit “useful” intestinal microflora;
  • provoke the body's resistance to antibiotics;
  • cause hormonal dysfunction;
  • reduce the quality of the reproductive system;
  • accelerate the aging process of the body;
  • may cause cancer.

Therefore, it is worth carefully studying the labels on products.

commercial qualities

High fructose corn syrup

This product was developed in the 70s of the last century and became widely used as a cheap food sweetener. Corn syrup contains up to 65% fructose, which has a pathogenic effect on the body. Scientists at an American research university have proven that this cereal product is more harmful than refined sugar. Even a tablespoon of sweet corn juice, when consumed daily, can be harmful to health.

The study was conducted on laboratory mice that received corn syrup as a dietary supplement.As a result of this diet, the mice's reproductive capacity decreased by 26% compared to the control group of animals fed refined sugar.

last century

It has been proven that excess consumption of fructose can trigger a number of chronic diseases: insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies and even cancer.

Healthy nutrition experts advise avoiding the abuse of ready-made confectionery products, many of which contain large amounts of sweeteners and can be harmful.

Fructose is also found in unprocessed sources: honey, molasses, maple syrup, vegetables and fruits. In these products, the sugary substance is in a balanced form and does not have a pathogenic effect on the body.

excessive consumption

When Corn Is Found in Other Forms of Processed Foods

Genetically processed cereal is used to obtain ingredients for food production: maltodextrin, sorbitol, monosodium glutamate, starch, citric acid. Transgenic corn is often used to produce structuring ingredients, sweeteners and dyes, which can cause many diseases.

The greatest likelihood of encountering GMO cereal derivatives is in American-made products, since 88% of grains in this country are transgenic.

processed foods

If you have a sensitive digestive system

The importance and benefits of corn are determined by its medicinal properties. However, this cereal should not be eaten if you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

By causing increased gas formation, the grains of this cereal can cause discomfort and pain.Nursing mothers should be aware that eating corn can cause colic in the baby.

In the presence of gastroduodenitis, erosions and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, the use of corn should be treated with caution. Coarse fiber mechanically irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, so the product should not be included in the diet during an exacerbation of the listed diseases.

digestive system

High sugar content negatively affects the pancreas. Therefore, in case of acute pancreatitis, you should refrain from eating corn. In the remission stage, you should give preference to corn porridge.

The reason why a person may experience diseases and problems is the composition of corn. The cereal protein gluten causes an allergic reaction in a small number of people. If you are gluten intolerant, you should avoid eating cobs.

Corn is a natural product unsurpassed in taste and health benefits. It contains a lot of useful substances and can prevent the development of a number of diseases. But you should be careful when choosing corn products and not eat it if there are contraindications.

illnesses arise
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