Lemon, despite the fact that this plant is heat-loving, is grown by many on their farms. But, of course, not in an outdoor garden, but in a room or greenhouse. Let's consider the description of the Lisbon lemon, the advantages and disadvantages of the variety, planting features, cultivation and care details. How to protect a plant from diseases, when to collect fruits and how to store them.
The variety is known as American, but it came to the USA from Portugal in the first quarter of the 19th century - in 1824. The ancestor of the Lisbon lemon is considered to be the Gallego variety; a description of the new variety was made in 1848 in Massachusetts. The name was given in honor of the city of Lisbon, from where lemons were brought to California.
Description and characteristics of Lisbon lemon
A tree of this variety grows, on average, up to 1.6 m, with a maximum height of 2 m. It grows quickly. The crown is dense, the branches are strong, with thorns. The leaves are elongated, wide, with sharp tips, and have a lemon scent. The young tree blooms at the 3rd year of life. After 2 seasons, you can collect fruits, of which up to several dozen are tied on the tree.
The average fruit weight is 150 g. Ripe lemons are yellow, with a classic shape for the species. They have a thick peel, up to 7 mm thick, the surface is smooth, slightly ribbed. The taste of the fruit is sour, pleasant, there are almost no seeds.
Pros and cons of the variety
Subtleties of planting at home
Grow Lisbon lemon in a large pot. It is propagated by seeds or cuttings. The seeds should be taken from ripe, fresh and large fruit. A tree grown from seeds will be stronger and healthier than one grown from a cutting.
The substrate for planting seeds or cuttings must be loose, fertilized with organic matter and mineral elements. The best option is a special mixture for citrus fruits, which can be purchased at gardening stores.Until the lemon has grown, a regular medium-sized flower pot will do. A drainage layer should be laid at the bottom to remove excess moisture from the soil.
You can plant the seeds in the ground immediately after removing them from the fruit. They do not germinate very well, so you need to plant several in a pot, and after they germinate, choose the strongest plant. When the lemon grows to 10 cm, it needs to be transplanted into a new pot.
The cuttings need to be soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator, lowering its lower part into the solution for 1 day. Then transplant into a pot, sprinkle with substrate and water. Cover the soil with film. Remove it every day for 10-15 minutes. for ventilation. Rooting should occur in 1-1.5 months.
Tree care rules
The Lisbon lemon pot should be placed near the south window. The plant should be exposed to direct sunlight for 2-3 hours a day. The rest of the daylight hours it should stand in the light, but not too bright.
Lemon should not be moved too far from its permanent place; it does not withstand relocation well. This is an important condition; even moving a plant from one room to another can lead to its death.
The optimal temperature for lemon is 19-28 ˚С. During the heating season, the tree requires additional spraying. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth; this will not only moisten the leaves, but also remove dust from them. Lemon does not like drafts, so you need to put it in a room where there are none.
Fertilizing and watering the plant
Watering is done on average 2 times a week. It is important that the soil is not constantly damp, otherwise the lemon may disappear from root rot. But it should not remain dry either; the tree can easily die if it grows in overdried soil with a lack of moisture.
In order for a lemon tree to actively grow and develop, and then bear fruit, it must be fertilized according to the scheme. To add nutrients, it is best to use ready-made complex fertilizers intended for citrus fruits. Application frequency – 2 times a month in spring and summer, in autumn and winter – 1 time per month, taking half the norm.
Transplant the Lisbon lemon into slightly larger pots than the previous one. Young plants are replanted using the transshipment method once a year, adult fruit-bearing ones - once every 3-4 years. Old trees are not replanted, but the topsoil is renewed. The soil must be neutral or slightly acidic.
Protection from diseases and pests
Indoor lemon Lisbon can be affected by fungal infections and pests: whiteflies, thrips, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites and scale insects. If signs of disease or pest proliferation are detected, the plant is treated with fungicides or insecticides. It is necessary to carry out as many treatments as necessary to completely eliminate the problem.
Frequent inspection of the tree will help to detect in time the early stages of the disease and the spread of pests. Measures taken on time can save not only the harvest, but also the plant itself.
Timing of harvesting and storage of crops
The Lisbon lemon can bloom 2-3 times a year. The plant can pollinate on its own. The fruits can be picked at the ripe stage. Ripe lemons turn yellow. They should be stored in a cool and dark place with low humidity. In apartment conditions it can be stored in the refrigerator, in a private house - in the cellar.
Lisbon lemon is a productive variety; you can collect fruits from the tree almost all year round. It tolerates indoor growing conditions well and begins to bear fruit early. Lemons have a beautiful appearance and a pleasant sour taste.They store well, they are eaten fresh and processed.