Composition and instructions for use of Brunka fungicide, dosage and analogues

Low-toxic complex fungicide "Brunka" is intended for treating grapes, fruit trees, and shrubs against pests. The universal product deals a triple blow to pests. The drug is popular among gardeners due to its ease of use and availability. It is enough to treat the vegetation with a fungicide twice a season.

Composition and principle of action

The composition contains three active components. Aluminum phosphide is the main substance that has a toxic effect on the respiratory organs and nerve cells of insects.The effect of the substance occurs half an hour after penetration.

Imidacloprid - the substance has a paralytic effect, blocks ion exchange in the synapses of nerve cells of pests, and is absorbed through the intestines. Valid for a month.

Lambda-cyhalothrin is an insecticide that acts as an active substance against most insect pests.

The chemical substance “Brunka” is known to gardeners due to its complex action and deep penetration. The product protects tree leaves from caterpillars and their larvae, and gets rid of ticks. After applying the drug, a chemical reaction occurs and substances are released: copper and phosphorus. Stimulants have a positive effect on the growth and development of young shoots.


The fungicide fights insects overwintering in the bark of tree trunks. Destroys moss, protects against fungal diseases. The product is used to spray grapes against the effects of mites and woodworms. Fruit trees are treated against: scale insects, aphids, mites, moths and many other insects. Strawberries are treated with a fungicide against the strawberry leaf beetle, aphids, mites, and whiteflies.

brunka fungicide

Advantages and disadvantages

When the fungicide is used correctly, its positive aspects are observed:

  • has a triple effect;
  • does not have a negative effect on plants;
  • has long-term protection, it is enough to use the product twice a year;
  • possibility of processing when buds open;
  • does not burn leaves;
  • easy to use;
  • performs insecticidal, fungicidal functions, foliar feeding.

Among the disadvantages noted: coloring effect and high price.

brunka fungicide

Compatibility with other tools

If the instructions do not indicate a compatibility table, first carry out testing with a small number of components. The products are stirred and diluted with water one at a time.Using several drugs at the same time increases their effect, saves time and effort.

The chemical substance “Brunka” acts in a complex manner, therefore it is used as an independent remedy that easily and effectively copes with negative factors.

Instructions for use

The product is used in the spring at air temperatures not lower than +12…+15 degrees. In summer, treatment is carried out in the evening, after the heat has subsided. Treatment is carried out 2 times a season.

spraying a bush

Table for processing personal plots:

Culture Harmful object Application rate, ml/10 l of water Number of treatments
Grape Ticks, woodworms 20 2-4
Apple tree, pear tree Scale insects, mites, aphids, moths, moniliosis 20 2-4
Peaches, plum, cherry, sweet cherry, apricot Scale insects, gray bud weevil, aphids, leaf curl, coccomycosis, clasterosporiasis 20 2-4
Strawberry Mites, strawberry whitefly, aphids, leaf beetles, scab, powdery mildew, late blight 20 2-4

Precautionary measures

Fungicide "Brunka" belongs to the 2nd class of toxic substances. During work, it is recommended to use protective equipment: a special suit with long sleeves, a gas mask, rubber gloves. If it comes into contact with exposed skin or mucous membranes, it causes irritation.

Composition and instructions for use of Brunka fungicide, dosage and analogues


Experienced gardeners use insecticides to protect their garden plots:

  1. “Dnok” is a complex drug consisting of dinitroorthocresol. Fruit trees and shrubs are treated with insectofungicide against wintering pests. Kills fungal cells.
  2. “Nitrafen” is a fungicide that is effective against parasitic, fungal and mold infections in the garden. Successfully copes with soil disinfection, destroys larvae, and inhibits the growth of weeds.


Fungicide "Brunka" is popular among gardeners.Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

Svetlana Nikolaevna, 45 years old: “Last year I treated trees with a fungicide for the first time, which gave positive results. I think this year one treatment will be enough for prevention.”

Konstantin Fedorovich, 56 years old: “I used the drug in an abandoned area along the fence. Since the first treatment, the number of pests has decreased. The seedlings are actively growing. I plan to repeat the “Brunka” treatment in the fall.”
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