Instructions for use of Delan fungicide and preparation of working solution

When growing crops, you often have to deal with pests or diseases. These problems cannot be ignored; the fight should be started at the first sign. Chemicals effectively control diseases and pests. For example, by studying the instructions for using the Delan contact fungicide, you can quickly cure plants.

Description, release form and effect of the drug

"Delan" refers to contact fungicides used as a prophylactic agent. The main active ingredient of the drug is dithianone. Available in 5 kg bags. The fungicide is a water-soluble granule. After the procedure, “Delan” remains on the plants in the form of a fairly dense layer, which is resistant to prolonged precipitation. Once sprayed onto plants, the chemical actively destroys fungal spores.

In what cases is it used?

The product is used to combat diseases of fruit crops such as:

  • scab;
  • downy mildew;
  • fruit rot;
  • Clusterosporiosis;
  • different varieties of leaf spot.

It can be used to treat all fruit and berry crops. The solution can only be used on the day it is prepared. Even if a lot of diluted substance remains, after a while it is no longer suitable for further processing.

fungicide Delan

Advantages and disadvantages of a fungicide

The advantages of use include:

  1. The chemical has a protective effect lasting up to 1 month.
  2. Resistant to precipitation.
  3. Trees and vines tolerate spraying well.
  4. Economical consumption of substances.
  5. Fungi do not develop resistance to the drug.
  6. It is mildly toxic and harmless to crops, humans and soil.
  7. Can be combined with the use of other fungicides.

No significant deficiencies have been identified in the Delan fungicide. One of the significant drawbacks is the small list of crops for which this fungicide is suitable. It is also worth noting that the chemical is used more often as a prophylactic agent when there are no signs of disease yet.It does not have a systemic effect on plants, so it is recommended to use it together with other fungicides.

fungicide used

Preparation of working solution

Before using the product against fungal diseases, be sure to study the instructions for use. Repeated treatment is carried out 2 weeks after the first, provided that it has not rained all this time.

Apple tree

The product is used for preventive spraying against fungal diseases. 5-7 g of the chemical are diluted in 10 liters of water. Trees are treated during the growing season. The second time the treatment is carried out 10 days after the first.

apple trees on the tree


To treat peach against scab, leaf curl and clasterosporiasis, dilute 10 g of powder in 10 liters of water. During the season, 3 treatments are carried out with breaks of 14 days. The trees are treated for the first time after the flowering period has ended.


First, prepare the working fluid. 15 g of granules are diluted in 10 liters of heated water. Preventative spraying is carried out before symptoms of diseases appear. During the growing season, 5 sprayings are carried out. The breaks between procedures are 8-10 days.

different grapes

How to use the drug "Delan"

It is recommended to carry out the treatment exclusively in the evening, when the sun's rays have disappeared. If sprayed in sunny conditions, burns may appear on the foliage. Before spraying, it is worth checking the weather forecast so that prolonged rains do not begin in the coming days after the procedure. Although the protective film is dense, with prolonged rainfall it is gradually washed off.

Toxicity of the product and precautions for its use

The chemical is a drug with low toxicity, so it is not dangerous to humans.The only thing is that during processing it can cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the eye, so it is advisable to wear safety glasses before processing.

The fungicide has no toxic effect on the soil.

Compatibility with other tools

To enhance the effect of using the Delan chemical, it is used together with other substances. For example, spraying can be alternated with “Storbi”, “Fastak”, and it is also compatible with “BI-58 New”.

different means

It is not recommended to use Delan together with chemicals that contain various oils. If such drugs are used, at least 5 days must pass between procedures.

How to store it correctly and for how long

The fungicide should be stored out of the reach of animals and children. The room should be well ventilated, cool and protected from open sunlight. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

storage in a box

Similar means

Drugs with similar effects include:

  • "Tersel";
  • "Delor."

Both fungicides, like Delan, contain the substance dithianon.
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