To protect their plot and reap a good harvest, each gardener uses different methods to combat infections. If simple methods do not solve the problem, use the broad-spectrum fungicide Coside, the instructions for its use will provide information about the specifics of using the product to prevent a number of pathologies.
- Purpose, composition and release form of fungicide Koside 2000
- Mechanism of action of the drug
- pros
- Minuses
- Method for preparing the working solution
- Tomatoes
- Potato
- Onion
- Grape
- Peach
- Apple tree
- Strawberry
- Instructions for use
- Precautionary measures
- Toxicity of the drug
- Compatibility
- Conditions and periods of storage of fungicide
- Existing analogues
Purpose, composition and release form of fungicide Koside 2000
The drug belongs to one of the new contact agents based on copper. It is designed to protect vegetable and garden crops from infection and can prevent fungal and bacterial plant diseases. The protection effect is observed for 2 weeks.
The solution is used to process potatoes, tomatoes, onions, peaches, grapes, strawberries and other crops. The product is used to treat plants as a preventive measure against various pathologies.
The product is produced in the form of granules, soluble in water, having a green-blue color. You can purchase the pesticide in any packaging. For private use by gardeners, packages ranging from 10 to 100 grams are offered. substances. Large agricultural producers buy volumes from 1.5 to 10 kg.
Mechanism of action of the drug
The main component of the pesticide is copper hydroxide. In the dry product the concentration is 54% - 540 g per 1 kg of granules. copper
After the drug hits the culture with divalent copper ions, the procedure for neutralizing spores and bacteria immediately begins. When the toxic concentration reaches the center of the cell, the infection process stops.
As a result of preventive measures of diverse effects of pesticides on the pathogen, a good effect appears. The threat of resistance emergence is minimal.
The advantages of the fungicide include the following:
- easy to apply due to the small amount;
- easy and rapid solubility in water;
- low degree of foam formation;
- improved atomization ability, nozzles do not clog;
- better resistance to rain washout;
- good combination with other means;
- The fungicide is non-toxic for beneficial insects.
Although Coside has many positive aspects, it is still a toxic chemical and standard safety precautions must be followed when handling it.
The disadvantages of the drug are the following:
- can only be used as a preventive measure, not used to treat plants;
- crop protection is carried out only on the surface, since it does not penetrate into the plant tissue;
- packaging material and storage are inconvenient;
- at temperatures above +26 degrees, use is prohibited; burns may occur on the leaves.
Method for preparing the working solution
Initially, you need to prepare a masterbatch. In a separate container, which is filled to the middle with clean water, the required volume of the drug is diluted. The composition is mixed well until a homogeneous structure is obtained.
Then the liquid must be poured into the sprayer tank, which is 2/3 filled with water. The stirrer is turned on, and, slowly mixing the contents of the tank, it is completely filled with liquid.
Entering the site to perform various types of work is possible only 3 days after processing the plants.
Tomatoes are sprayed with the drug to prevent Alternaria blight, macrosporiosis, septoria blight, and late blight.
The mixture for protecting tomatoes is prepared at the rate of 50 g. granules per 10 liters of water. Spraying the area with tomatoes is carried out no more than 4 times with an interval of 7-14 days. 1 hectare requires 300 liters of composition.
Vegetables can be collected and eaten 2 weeks after treatment with Coside.
The pesticide is used to prevent late blight and Alternaria blight on potatoes. The working solution is prepared by dissolving 50 g. products in 10 liters of water.
Spraying the vegetable is carried out up to 4 times with an interval of 8-12 days.The last spraying is carried out 15 days before harvesting the potatoes.
When it's raining and cold outside, onions can get downy mildew. The disease is prevented by spraying: dissolve 50 grams. products in 10 liters of water. The solution is sprayed 4 times, the interval is 2 weeks. The preventive process is carried out 14 days before harvesting the vegetable.
Mildew is a dangerous disease for vineyards. If prevention is carried out in time with Coside 2000, the vine will be saved from downy mildew.
The treatment solution is prepared by mixing 30 g. products in 10 liters of water. The vineyard is sprayed 4 times, every 12 days. Grapes can be eaten a month after the last treatment.
During the spring bloom of flower buds, the tree may develop leaf curl. You need to process it 2 times:
- Before the flowers appear.
- During the green cone period.
The first treatment is carried out with a mixture of 60 g. substances, the second - from 25 g. Consumption per 1 ha – up to 1000 liters of solution.
Peaches can be harvested a month after preventative treatment.
Apple tree
Coside is sprayed on an apple tree against scab and moniliosis up to 4 times:
- The first treatment takes place when the buds swell.
- The process of separating buds.
- After 2 weeks - 3 and 4 treatments.
Dilute the solution as follows: 25-30 g. funds for 10 l.
It is prohibited to spray the apple tree during the flowering period.
The pesticide is used to combat brown spot on strawberries. Plantings are sprayed with a solution: 20 g. The products are mixed in 10 liters of water. The number of sprays does not exceed 3 times. Initial spraying is carried out before strawberries bloom, then after 2 weeks.
Instructions for use
Plants are processed during the growing season.Primary spraying is carried out as a preventive measure, all other sprayings are carried out if signs of disease appear.
You can carry out 3-4 treatments per season. Repeat spraying is carried out no earlier than after 7-12 days.
Precautionary measures
When carrying out prevention, you need to follow the rules:
- Use gloves, mask, goggles.
- If the mixture gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse the areas thoroughly and change clothes.
- Use an activated carbon tablet if Coside has penetrated the digestive organs.
Toxicity of the drug
The drug is not hazardous to humans (toxicity class 3); it is also moderately toxic to bees and organisms living in water.
The fungicide is compatible with pesticides other than organophosphorus insecticides, products based on aluminum fosethyl, Tyra, and those that form an acidic reaction in the tank mixture.
Conditions and periods of storage of fungicide
Coside can be stored in a separate room where there is no food nearby.
Existing analogues
Among similar preparations that are made on the basis of copper sulfate, the following are distinguished:
- Cupid.
- Meteor.
- Mercury.