"Callisto" is a specialized herbicide. It is used to treat corn fields. Produces a new means of protection
Field work includes the fight against weeds that suppress the development of useful crops. Herbicide
Onions are one of the most sensitive cultivated plants to weeds, so experts have developed a large
Timely applied herbicides help to significantly increase crop yields and reduce financial and labor costs. At
Weeds do not allow obtaining a full harvest and interfere with the growing season of agricultural crops. Use of herbicides –
To eliminate persistent weeds, special herbicides are produced for specific crops. To such
Every gardener who grows grain crops tries to achieve the maximum absence of weeds on the field.
Weeds often appear in gardens where vegetables are grown. When such weeds appear, it is necessary
Weeds often appear in areas, which will have to be removed in the future. Some eliminate
Fabian is a combination herbicide whose purpose is to kill weeds in soybeans. The product is effective
It is impossible to get rid of horsetail without herbicides. Treatment of the top layer of soil before sowing vegetables
Weeds often appear in garden plots, which negatively affect the development of planted vegetables. Get rid of