Instructions for use and spectrum of action of the herbicide Rimanol, how to prepare a working solution

Weeds often appear in areas, which will have to be removed in the future. Some people remove weeds mechanically, but it is better to use herbicides for this. An effective remedy for grass is Rimanol. Before using this composition, you should read the instructions for the herbicide "Rimanol".

Composition and release form of the herbicide "Rimanol"

“Rimanol” is an effective herbicide that is used to protect grain and vegetable crops from dicotyledonous and perennial weeds. The product is sold in the form of a liquid, which must be mixed with water before use. Rimanol is produced using rimsulfuron. It is this component that negatively affects the weed and contributes to its further drying.

Spectrum of action of the drug

People who plan to treat a site with such a herbicide should become familiar with its spectrum of action.

The herbicidal activity of the product is manifested on annual and perennial weeds. The most sensitive plants include amaranth, field thistle, common chickweed, field foxtail, wild lettuce, tenacious bedstraw and field violet. Therefore, if such plants appear on the site, they will have to be sprayed with Rimanol.

herbicide Rimanol

Mechanism of action of weed killer

Before using Rimanol, you should familiarize yourself with how it acts on sprayed weeds.

This herbicide, unlike others, penetrates the plants through the foliage. After spraying, the components of the drug begin to move to the stems and root system. When a sufficient amount of herbicide accumulates in the weeds, cell division stops and the sprayed grass begins to gradually dry out.

Signs of herbicidal action

Signs of herbicide effects on plants do not appear immediately, but after some time. After using Rimanol, the first signs begin to appear within a week. The foliage becomes covered with yellow spots and begins to dry out. Complete death of the weed occurs two and a half weeks after treatment.However, sometimes due to drought or low temperatures, weeds take longer to die.

corn grows

Consumption measures for different plants

When determining the consumption of the herbicide mixture, it is necessary to take into account the plants that are grown in the treated area:

  1. Vegetable crops. Most often it is necessary to cultivate gardens where vegetables are grown. To spray such areas you will need 300 milliliters of the drug.
  2. Cereals. People who grow crops will have to use twice as much herbicide.
  3. Fruits. For orchards you will need the same amount of herbicide composition as when spraying a vegetable garden.

processing equipment

How to properly prepare and use the working solution

It is necessary to figure out in advance how to prepare a working mixture for spraying weeds.

First, the empty tank is filled three-quarters full with cold water. Then the herbicide is added to the container, the mixture is stirred and left for ten minutes. After this, one and a half liters of water is added to the composition.

The area is sprayed with the prepared working solution in the morning or evening.

When carrying out work, it is better to choose calm weather so that the liquid does not fall on neighboring plants.

preparing the solution

Safety precautions when working with the product

When working with Rimanol, you must follow safety precautions. Processing should be carried out wearing protective gloves that will prevent the solution from getting on your hands. It is also necessary to protect the eyes from the herbicide. To do this, simply use glasses. It is better to cover your mouth with a gauze bandage so that the product does not penetrate the respiratory tract.

Degree of herbicide toxicity

Before using Rimanol, you will have to understand its degree of toxicity.This herbicide is non-toxic and therefore does not pose a danger to humans. The product is also safe for most insects, bees and birds.

weed removed

Compatibility with other substances

Sometimes people have to combine Rimanol with other herbicide formulations to prepare a more effective working solution. The product is compatible with most herbicides and insecticides for spraying plants. However, despite this, before combining two drugs, their compatibility must be checked.

Terms and conditions of storage

The herbicide must be stored in suitable conditions in which it will not deteriorate for a long time. For storing such a product, rooms in which the temperature is maintained at 12-15 degrees Celsius are suitable. Therefore, many summer residents leave them in basements or cellars. Also, the container with the herbicide can be placed in the refrigerator, where the product can be stored for about 3-4 years.

warehouse space

Are there any analogues?

In addition to Rimanol, there are other products that have a similar effect. These include:

  • "Titus." Used for spraying the garden to clear it of young weeds.
  • "Dementra." Helps get rid of old weeds.
  • "Prime". The area is sprayed with this product to destroy tall weeds.


"Rimanol" is an effective herbicide that is used to control weeds. Before using such a product, you need to familiarize yourself with the mechanism of its action and understand how to use the working solution.
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