For treating grapes, vegetables, fruits and other agricultural crops against the most dangerous fungal diseases
Plant diseases cause no less harm to agriculture than pests. They can destroy the crop
Cultivated plants are susceptible to various diseases and infections. To protect them, special chemicals are used that do not affect
Pesticides that have a wide range of effects on crops are in greatest demand among farmers and summer residents.
The fungicide called "Triagro" is a new mixture product. It contains 3 active ingredients,
Antifungal treatment of fruit trees allows you to avoid the development of common diseases and improve the quality and keeping quality of the crop.
One of the effective methods for preventing diseases of vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops are preparations for
The number of fungicides on the market increases every year. They are used to protect cereals, root crops,
For several millennia, humanity cannot imagine a single day of life without products made from
"Credo" is one of the fungicides that actively work in the field of saving cultivated plants from
Protection of seeds and vegetative plants from fungal diseases is one of the mandatory stages of cultivation
Antifungal treatment of agricultural crops is one of the most important stages in the farmers’ battle for the harvest. For