Instructions for use of Triagro fungicide and dosage of seed protectant

The fungicide called "Triagro" is a new mixture product. It includes 3 active ingredients, and therefore has a systemic effect. The drug can be used for treating seed material or spraying plants. When a substance enters the foliage of plants, it is characterized by acropetal movement along the xylem. Moreover, the composition is characterized by a long-lasting therapeutic and protective effect.

Preparative form and active substance

The product has a combined composition.In 1 liter of the substance the following components are present:

  • 100 grams of azoxystrobin;
  • 120 grams of tebuconazole;
  • 40 grams of cyproconazole.

Each of the ingredients is considered an effective fungicide. They all complement each other well, which leads to an enhanced effect.

The product is released in the form of a suspension concentrate. It is sold in 5 liter plastic packaging.

Purposes of application and principle of operation

The pesticide is highly effective. It is used as a seed protectant and used to treat crops. The mechanism of action of the composition is based on the components included in the composition. Azoxystrobin is considered an analogue of natural metabolites of fungal microorganisms Strobilurins Oudemansis. Thanks to the presence of the component, it helps to obtain the following results:

  1. Disturb the respiration and movement of electrons in pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Get long-term protection against a wide range of pathogens that belong to different classes. The composition inhibits the activity of oomycetes and basidiomycetes. It is also effective against deuteromycetes and ascomycetes.
  3. Cope with the pathogen of pink snow mold.
  4. Provide protection for the root system and leaves of sprouts of treated crops.
  5. Achieve translaminar activity. The substance is able to penetrate into side shoots.
  6. Cope with seed and soil infections, as well as eliminate leaf pathologies. The composition is effective against powdery mildew, spotting, and rust.
  7. Get an anti-stress effect. The substance reduces the risk of foliage aging and increases its lifespan by 8.2 days. This contributes to a significant increase in yield. In addition, the substance increases the resistance of plants to harmful factors. These include frost, drought, and exposure to oxidants.

fungicide triagro

The next component of the fungicide is tebuconazole. It is a third generation triazole. The use of this substance helps to obtain the following results:

  1. Achieve a systemic effect. The composition has protective and therapeutic properties.
  2. Suppress the activity of smut fungi. The composition also copes with pathogens of root rot, the formation of mold on seeds and Fusarium snow mold.
  3. Achieve a pronounced retardant effect. The composition shortens the length of shoots during the early development of sprouts after dressing. Under normal conditions, this effect does not provoke negative consequences and strengthens the roots. However, when planting seed deeply, there is a risk of delaying the emergence of sprouts. Therefore, planting seeds to a depth of more than 5 centimeters is prohibited. This is especially true when planting crops in heavy clay soils or loam.

Cyproconazole is a triazole that produces systemic effects. The composition helps protect crops and has medicinal properties. The substance quickly enters the plant and moves through it. In this case, the activity of the component remains for 45 days. Its use helps achieve the following results:

  1. Suppress the activity of pathogens of smut pathologies. This helps avoid the development of stone smut and dust smut.
  2. Suppress the development of root rot.
  3. Cope with rust fungi.

spraying the field

The combination of active ingredients in one product helps to cope with fungal infections and suppress bacterial activity. The composition also eliminates the problem of stress factors. It helps avoid the adverse effects of drought or low temperatures on plants.

Consumption rate

The dosage of the substance is given in the table:

Culture An object Norm Features of application Waiting period (number of treatments)
Spring and winter wheat Various types of rust, powdery mildew, septoria blight, pyrenophorosis, fusarium blight, ear blight 0,8-1 It is worth spraying the plantings during the growing season. To cope with fusarium and head blight, this should be done at the end of heading or the beginning of flowering. 300 liters of working solution are required per 1 hectare. 40 (1)
Spring and winter barley Various types of rust, net or dark brown spotting, powdery mildew, rhynchosporiasis 0,8-1 Spray plantings during the growing season. For 1 hectare it is worth using 300 liters of working solution. 40 (1)
Spring and winter wheat Various types of smut, snow mold, initial stages of powdery mildew, root rot, Alternaria blight, molding of seeds 0,2-0,3 It is recommended to treat the seeds before planting or in advance. In this case, 10 liters of working solution are required per 1 ton. — (1)
Spring and winter barley Various types of smut, root rot, spotting, molding of seed material 0,2-0,3 Seeds should be processed before planting or in advance. 1 ton requires 10 liters of working solution. — (1)
Corn Rot, molding of seeds, smut of inflorescences 0,2-0,3 Seed material is treated in advance or immediately before planting. 1 ton will require 10 liters of working solution. — (1)

fungicide triagro

Instructions for use of the fungicide "Triagro"

The composition can be used in different ways. It can be used to treat seed material before planting. It is also permissible to spray plantings with a fungicide during the growing season.

Precautionary measures

To avoid negative effects on the body, it is important to use personal protective equipment.These include protective clothing, a respirator, and gloves.


The drug can be combined with most pesticides. In each case, it is important to evaluate the compatibility of the funds.

Storage conditions

The product must be stored in a special place. This can be done at temperatures from -10 to +25 degrees. The shelf life is 36 months.


The drug “Triaktiv” is considered an analogue of the active ingredients. The fungicide "Triagro" is considered an effective product that can be used to treat plantings during the growing season or to treat seed material. For the use of the composition to be effective, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.
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