Instructions for use and composition of the fungicide Tsideli Top, dosage and analogues

The number of fungicides on the market increases every year. They are used to protect cereals, root crops, and various garden and vegetable crops grown on an industrial scale. The preparations become more effective and safe for plants. The use of Tsideli Top in strict accordance with the instructions allows you to protect apple trees and carrots from a whole range of diseases.

Active substance and formulation

"Tsideli Top" belongs to the latest generation of fungicides, belongs to the class of triazoles, phenylacetamides and is a multicomponent drug. The presence of several active substances increases the effectiveness of the product and suppresses the development of fungal and bacterial infections in plants.

The fungicide is used for preventive purposes and during the development of infections, when the lesions are minor. The product is available in the form of a dispersion concentrate. This formulation is better retained on the leaves and stems of plants. The active ingredients of the drug are:

  • difenoconazole - 125 grams/liter;
  • ciflufenamide - 15 grams/liter

The product is produced by the Swiss company Syngenta, packaged in plastic canisters with a capacity of 5 liters, with a tight screw cap.

Each of them has detailed information about the manufacturer, the purpose of the drug, and is supplied with instructions for preparation and safety rules when working with the fungicide.

The principle of operation of the drug "Tsideli Top"

Cyflufenamide is a new type of fungicide. It is able to penetrate from the surface of the leaves inside and be evenly distributed in the tissues. Suppresses the growth and development of fungal diseases (effective against powdery mildew fungi). It has a preventive, therapeutic and residual effect. Prevents the development and spread of spores, stops the growth of mycelium, and destroys the formed colonies of fungi.

cideli top instructions

Difenoconazole can disrupt the biosynthesis of sterols in fungi and stop the development and growth of mycelium. With high efficiency, the component is not aggressive to plants.When used, seed germination accelerates, seedlings appear more friendly, and the bushiness of plants also increases, which can make harvesting carrots easier. The use of the drug is due to a number of advantages:

  • it is not washed off by rain and does not decompose due to high temperatures;
  • has a long-lasting therapeutic and preventive effect;
  • begins to act immediately after treatment;
  • can be used in the development of resistance to strobilurins, azoles and some other classes of chemical compounds;
  • if the manufacturer's recommendations for the use of the fungicide are followed, it does not exhibit phytotoxicity;
  • safe for entomophages, little dangerous for bees.

Protects against powdery mildew and other fungal diseases for 2 weeks after treatment. A gas sphere is formed above the point where a drop of fungicide hits the leaf, affecting the infection at a distance of 4 centimeters. Workers can go to fields and gardens 3 days after spraying with mechanized labor and 7 days to perform manual manipulations.

spraying bushes

Purposes of use

The drug is used to prevent the development of scab and powdery mildew on apple trees. Can be used if trees are already affected by infection (about 10%; with more significant damage, the use of any fungicides will not help save the crop).

Protects carrots from brown spot (cladosporiosis), anthracnose, powdery mildew, alternaria blight, ascochyta blight. It is used over large areas on farms and agricultural holdings. In private gardens and vegetable gardens on a small area, use is prohibited due to the impossibility of accurately calculating the dosage of the fungicide.

The drug is resistant to washing off and exposure to high temperatures, and begins to act 2-3 hours after treatment.The protective properties of the product remain for 1-1.5 months after spraying. If the rules of use are followed, resistance does not develop.

cideli top instructions

Consumption rate and instructions for use

"Tsideli Top" is used for spraying apple trees during the growing season, from the start of pink buds to the initial stage of fruit ripening. Treating trees against scab and powdery mildew prevents the further development of fruit core rot.

0.5-0.7 liters/hectare of concentrated fungicide is used. The consumption of the working solution is 800-100 liters/hectare. When processing carrots, the concentrate consumption is 1 liter per hectare, the amount of working solution is 800-1000 liters/hectare. Up to 2 treatments per season are allowed, the last treatment of apple trees is carried out no less than 28 days before harvest. The first treatment is carried out for the purpose of disease prevention, the next – after 1-1.5 weeks.

The treatment is carried out with a fresh working solution, which is stored for no more than a day from the moment of preparation. The sprayer is filled with water (1/3 of the total amount of required liquid), the concentrate is thoroughly mixed in the canister, then the required amount of fungicide is measured. The concentrate is added to the sprayer with water, mixed thoroughly and the remaining calculated amount of water is added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed again.

spraying bushes

Important: the working solution should also be mixed when spraying; most modern sprayer models are equipped with a mixer for this.

The working solution is used completely; its storage is not allowed.

Precautionary measures

The fungicide has a hazard class 2 for humans and a hazard class 3 for bees. It is highly toxic, so all work must be carried out strictly following the manufacturer's instructions.Before spraying, 5-7 days in advance, it is necessary to warn beekeepers in the surrounding apiaries and delay the flight of insects. "Tsideli Top" is toxic to fish. Treatment is not carried out in the environmental protection zone of water bodies. Not used for spraying by small aircraft.

Work with the concentrated drug is carried out at specially equipped sites. They are located away from residential buildings, agricultural buildings, and water supply systems. They prepare the working solution and refuel the sprayer. Strangers and pets are not allowed on the sites. At the end of the work they are cleaned.

spraying bushes

Personnel must be authorized to work with fungicides and undergo training. Work is carried out in protective suits. The eyes are protected with goggles or a protective screen. Rubber gloves are required on your hands. Hair is tucked under a cap, and a respirator is put on to protect the respiratory system. While carrying out work, you must not smoke or eat. If it gets on open areas of the body, wash off the fungicide with running water and detergent.

Compatibility with other drugs

The product is suitable for preparing tank mixtures; you must first ensure the compatibility of the drugs.

Storage conditions and periods

The fungicide is placed in pesticide storage areas. The period of use is 3 years. Store at temperatures from -5 to +35 °C, in tightly closed original containers containing information about the name, purpose and rules of use of the fungicide.

Fungicide analogues

A complete analogue of the active ingredients is “Dinali DK”.
Comments: 2
  1. Yusuf

    Hello, how much fungicide should be diluted per 100 liters of water?

    1. photo_2020-04-24_21-24-201-80x80[1]

      Unfortunately, the answer to your question is not so easy to find. Everywhere the working consumption of the concentrated composition is indicated in relation to the covered area. Again, depending on the type of crop being processed. In general, you can use the recommendations given in the article, that is, make a 1:3 solution (at the rate of 1 part water and 3 parts concentrate).
      To determine how much fungicide is required per 100 liters, we calculate: 100x3 = 300. More precise recommendations are given on the label.

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