Instructions for use and composition of the Phoenix Duo fungicide, consumption rates

Pesticides that have a wide range of effects on crops and green spaces are in greatest demand among farmers and summer residents. Fungicide (contact and systemic pesticide) "Phoenix Duo" exhibits medicinal, fungicidal, and protective properties. The product protects crops for a long period (3-6 weeks) and is safe for consumers, bees, and the environment.

Composition and release form

The drug is available in the form of a concentrated suspension, the active ingredients of which are thiophanate-methyl (310 g/liter) and flutriafol (187 g/liter).The concentrate is sold in five-liter plastic canisters and one-liter plastic bottles.

Mechanism of action and purposes of use

The two-component systemic fungicide has a wide range of active effects on a complex of plant diseases:

  • the effect of thiophanate-methyl is to block the process of division of fungal cell proteins, preventing fungi from entering plant tissues;
  • Flutriafol prevents the penetration of pathogenic cells into plant tissues.

The peculiarity of the drug is its rapid distribution throughout the plant. Also, during the pollination process, the suspension solution evaporates from the green mass of plants, forming a kind of fumigation cloud. This provides an additional fungicidal effect. Therefore, the Phoenix Duo product is used for timely treatment of plants and as part of preventive measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases.

fungicide phoenix duo

Working fluid consumption rate

Since the product is produced in concentrated form, the consumption is indicated in the form of the volume of suspension required to treat one hundred square meters of land:

  • wheat, barley – 5-6 ml;
  • sugar beet, soybeans, peas – 4-6 ml;
  • sunflower – 6-8 ml;
  • apple trees, grapes - 1.5-2 ml.

When using the drug, you must strictly follow the instructions for diluting the suspension with water specified by the manufacturer.

Instructions for using the fungicide

Plants can be treated twice per season, with the last spraying carried out at least a month before harvest. It is prohibited to pollinate plants during heat or strong gusts of wind.

fungicide phoenix duo

Name of culture Features of use
Wheat during the growing season they are sprayed against fusarium, cercosporellosis (root rot), powdery mildew
Barley during the growing season they are treated against root rot, rhynchosporiasis, septoria
Sugar beets, soybeans, peas during the growing season they are sprayed against phomosis, gray rot, ascochyta blight, ramulariasis
Sunflower during the growing season, they are treated against sclerotinia, alternaria, and phomosis
Apple trees, grapes During the growing season, the green mass of plants is irrigated from scab, powdery mildew, and oidium

Drug safety precautions

The fungicide belongs to the 2nd class of danger for humans and the 3rd class of danger to bees.

It is prohibited to use in water protection zones of reservoirs. Spraying of fungicide by aircraft is allowed.

When manually spraying plants, certain rules are followed:

  • Protect your eyes with special glasses when preparing the working solution and spraying plants;
  • wear rubber gloves and long sleeves;
  • the suspension is diluted with water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer.

spraying bushes

At the end of the procedure, wash with running water and wash your hands with soap. It is prohibited to spray in windy weather (wind speed above 3-4 m/s).

In the event of a fire, the suspension is filled with foam from a fire extinguisher or covered with sand.

How to store it correctly

The suspension is stored in its original packaging, separate from feed and products. It is advisable to allocate a separate dry, ventilated room for pesticides. Do not store pesticide in a damaged container. It is necessary to pour the drug into an undamaged canister and stick a piece of paper with the name of the fungicide on the surface of the container.

Analogues of the product

To treat and prevent infection of grains and sugar beets, the fungicide “Rex Duo”, produced in the form of a concentrated suspension, is used.The active ingredients of the pesticide are methyl thiophanate and epoxiconazole. The product is used to treat powdery mildew, stem and brown rust, septoria head blight, cercosporellosis, and fusarium blight.

Thanks to pesticides, it is possible not only to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, but also to cure plants in the initial stages of diseases. To avoid harm to plant crops, it is important to follow the manufacturers' instructions for the use of fungicides.
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