The principle of action of propiconazole, what fungicides it contains and its use

Fungal diseases cause great damage to agriculture. To combat them, fungicides with various active ingredients are used. Let us consider the scope of use and the principle of action of propiconazole, its physicochemical properties. What drugs used in agriculture and private household plots contain this substance, how are they used? What precautions must be taken when working with the product?

Physicochemical characteristics

Propiconazole is part of the triazole class. It is the active ingredient in fungicides.Available in the form of an emulsion concentrate of 9-25%. Preparations based on it are pesticides with systemic action, therapeutic and protective drugs. Plants are treated by spraying.

Propiconazole is a colorless or yellowish viscous liquid, soluble in water and organic solvents, and has neutral acidity. Can be mixed with methanol, acetone and propanol. Solubility in 1 liter of water at 25 °C – 176.5 mg. Boils at 120 °C, ignites at 250 °C.

Area of ​​use

Preparations with propiconazole are used in agriculture to combat fungal diseases of grains (wheat, barley, rye, oats), rapeseed, grapevines, black currants, meadow clover and essential oil roses. They have powerful activity against various types of spots, rust, powdery mildew, as well as against septoria, rhynchosporium, cercosporellosis, phomosis, alternaria, anthracnose, ascochyta. Weakly inhibits root rot and fusarium.

wheat is sick

Operating principle

Propiconazole inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol and the formation of spores and the development of fungi. The substance has a more toxic effect on their vegetative rather than generative organs. At the same time, it stimulates the growth of treated plants and enhances photosynthetic processes. In grains, propiconazole does not move from the leaves to the ear, that is, it does not accumulate in the grain; the products remain clean, suitable for use in human nutrition and for processing into animal feed.

spray the fields

Pesticides containing propiconazole

The following drugs are used in agriculture:

  1. "Awaxx."
  2. "Baliy."
  3. "Amistar Trio".
  4. "Atlant Super".
  5. "Calibel".
  6. "Virtuoso".
  7. "Peon".
  8. "Zoltan."
  9. "Agrotech-Garant-Altin".
  10. "Broader."
  11. "Alpari".
  12. "Forecast".
  13. "Colossal Pro".
  14. "Alto Turbo".
  15. "Bumper Super"
  16. "Tilt."
  17. "Rescription."
  18. "Anemone".
  19. "Scythian".
  20. "Fungisil".
  21. "Thymus."
  22. "Triad".
  23. "Capella".
  24. "Propi Plus".
  25. "Filterr."
  26. "Profix".
  27. "Altrus Super".

In private household plots you can use “Chistoflor”, “Prognoz”, “Chistotsvet BAU”, “Propi Plus”, “Agrolekar”.

Propiconazole in the drug

How to use

Propiconazole has a powerful healing effect on plants. On humid or cool days its activity decreases, on warm days it increases. That is, spraying is recommended to be done in warm, dry weather. If it rains after spraying the crops, the effectiveness of the product does not decrease. The protective effect lasts 3-5 weeks, allowing the plants to develop without problems during this time.

On grains, one treatment is carried out against fungi, the next spraying is done if the disease appeared early and had time to develop. The last treatment should be done a month before harvest.

Propiconazole can be combined in spray mixtures with most herbicides, foliar fertilizers, insecticides and growth regulators. The substance has no toxic effect on plants.

fruit processing

Precautionary measures

In terms of toxicity, propiconazole belongs to hazard class 3 for humans and bees. After treatment, at least 3 days must pass before mechanized work begins. The use of fungicides in the area of ​​fishery enterprises is prohibited.

When working with products, you need to wear protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a respirator. If liquid gets into your eyes, rinse it with clean water and remove it from the skin with soap and water.


If the fungicide solution gets into the stomach, you should drink activated carbon at the rate of 6-7 tablets for a person of average weight, wash down with 1 liter of water. Then induce vomiting, stay warm and quiet, and call a doctor. Treatment is symptomatic.If you inhale vapors, go to fresh air and call a doctor if symptoms of intoxication appear.

Propiconazole is included in many fungicidal agents for use in private household plots and agriculture. Provides protection to grains, shrubs, grapes and other crops from various types of fungi. In addition to its fungicidal effect, propiconazole has a stimulating effect on plant growth and enhanced photosynthesis processes.
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