Instructions for use of Sercadis Plus and composition of the fungicide, dosage

“Serkadis Plus” is understood as a two-component fungicidal drug that helps cope with the main pathologies of apple and pear trees. The product has pronounced antifungal properties. In order for its use to produce results, you must follow the instructions. Compliance with safety regulations is of no small importance.

Active substance and formulation

1 liter of product contains 2 active ingredients:

  • 75 grams of xemium;
  • 50 grams of difenoconazole.

The preparative form is considered to be a suspension concentrate. The product is sold in 1 liter plastic bottles. There is also a release form in the form of canisters. In such containers 5 liters of the substance are sold.

Mechanism of action and scope of use

The effectiveness of the substance is associated with the presence of 2 active components that reliably protect plantings. Due to the unique structure of xemium molecules, the substance quickly passes through hydrophilic and lipophilic barriers. This helps to achieve a more effective impact on the target area.

The working solution of the drug is characterized by lipophilic characteristics. Thanks to this, it firmly binds to the waxy layer located on the surface of the leaves. In this case, xemium molecules accumulate to form crystalline depots. Rain or dew activates portions of the active ingredients from crystalline deposits.

The constant supply of active molecules into the structure of the xemimum culture provides complete and long-lasting protection. This effect is achieved even with constant moistening of the leaves. After entering the culture structure, the active components rapidly spread in an acropetal manner. This helps protect new growth.

cercadis plus

Difenoconazole is a well-known triazole. It is characterized by a wide spectrum of action. The substance is absorbed by all fragments of the culture and quickly begins its action. Difenoconazole is a fungicidal agent that is used to control various pathologies. This substance helps prevent disease by inhibiting dimethylation in the synthesis of ergosterol cell membranes.

3 weeks after treatment, Serkadis Plus gives the maximum effect compared to similar substances.This makes it possible to reduce the number of fungicide treatments.

The product is highly effective and helps to restrain and control the development of various pathologies. These include:

  • scab;
  • powdery mildew;
  • stem and root rot;
  • Alternaria blight.

The main advantages of the product include:

  • rapid action and the possibility of stopping the development of the disease;
  • high efficiency in controlling pathologies;
  • Possibility of use at different temperatures;
  • long period of protection from major fungal pathologies;
  • long-term preventive effect – up to 1 week;
  • the ability to manage resistance through a combination of 2 active components that belong to different chemical classes;
  • no impact on beneficial insects;
  • Possibility of use in tank mixtures.

spraying bushes

Instructions for use of the fungicide "Serkadis Plus"

"Serkadis Plus" has preventive and therapeutic properties. However, the fungicide exhibits maximum effectiveness during prevention. Therefore, the substance is recommended for use when primary symptoms of infectious pathologies appear. It is best to perform processing at temperature parameters of +10-25 degrees.

The product exhibits maximum effectiveness with 2 treatments. The first time spraying should be carried out at the flowering stage, the second time it should be alternated with a drug that belongs to a different chemical class.

The application rates for the fungicide are shown in the table:

Plant Pathology Application rate, liters per 1 hectare Processing method Number of treatments Time before harvest, days
Apple tree Scab, powdery mildew 0,9-1,5 It is worth spraying the plantings during the growing season. 3 30
Pear Powdery mildew, scab 1,2-1,5
Cabbage Alternaria, ring spot 0,6-1,2 14
Onion Alternaria, stemphylliosis 0,6-1,2
Carrot Alternaria, powdery mildew 0,6-1,2
Watermelon Root rot, ascochyta blight, powdery mildew 0,6-1 20

spraying the field

Thanks to the synergistic effect of the 2 active components, it is possible to achieve long-term protection against major pathologies. Difenoconazole complements the therapeutic properties of Xemium. At the same time, Xemium enhances the preventive effect of difenoconazole. It lasts up to 1 week.

Safety precautions

It is important to use a fungicidal drug correctly. In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety precautions. When processing plants, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment - overalls, goggles, and a respirator.

Plantings should be sprayed away from children and animals. It is prohibited to consume food or drinks or smoke during work.

Compatibility with other pesticides

It is recommended to alternate the drug with agents that belong to other chemical classes. You should not carry out more than 2 treatments with compounds from the same category.

spraying the field

How to store it correctly?

It is recommended to keep the drug in a dry and dark place, out of reach of children or animals. It is important to do this away from food products. The shelf life is 3 years.

What can be replaced?

Effective alternative substances include the following:

  • "Acanto";
  • "Adexar";
  • "Abacus."

"Serkadis Plus" is considered an effective fungicidal drug that helps cope with various fungal pathologies. For the use of a substance to be successful, it should be used before symptoms of the disease appear. The composition has a pronounced preventive effect. It can also be used for medicinal purposes. To prevent the fungicide from causing harm to health, it is important to use personal protective equipment when spraying crops.
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