Instructions for use and composition of the fungicide Spirit, dosage and analogues

Fungicide "Spirit" is a combined substance that has a wide spectrum of action. With its help, it is possible to protect plants from a variety of pathologies. The product is used for cereals, soybeans, sunflowers, rapeseed and other crops. In order for the use of the composition to be effective, it is recommended to strictly follow the instructions. Compliance with safety measures is of no small importance.

Composition and principle of action

This fungicidal preparation is sold in the form of a suspension concentrate. However, it includes polymers that help enhance the penetrating properties of the active ingredients.The composition contains 2 active components:

  1. Epoxiconazole belongs to the triazole category. It has medicinal properties and can be used for prevention. The substance is quickly absorbed by the leaves and easily distributed throughout the crop. At the same time, the composition remains active even in cold and high humidity conditions.
  2. Azoxystrobin is a strobilurin. It is characterized by protective properties and promotes greening. This means that the substance has a beneficial effect on the development of the crop and normalizes the absorption of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The substance also reduces the need for water. The growing season continues due to the suppression of the aging hormone.


The combination of 2 powerful components makes it possible to cope with the main diseases of cereal crops. The product helps eliminate the following pathologies:

  • powdery mildew;
  • Phomosis and Phomopsis;
  • septoria;
  • rust;
  • peronosporosis;
  • Alternaria blight;
  • gray and white rot;
  • spotting.

spirit fungicide

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the product include the following:

  • the possibility of full implementation of the variety;
  • high efficiency in the fight against infectious lesions of leaves and stems;
  • the effectiveness of treatment of cereal ear pathologies and soybean diseases;
  • physiological activity - this helps to increase the growing season, increase yield parameters and make the plant more resistant to the influence of stress factors;
  • protection of crops from re-infection - it lasts 1 month;
  • prolonged preventive effect - achieved due to the additivity of the functions of the active components;
  • a unique combination of active components from different chemical classes - these substances differ in different mechanisms of action and help achieve a more pronounced effect.

spirit fungicide

At the same time, the product has practically no disadvantages. The main disadvantage of the drug is its rather high cost. Another disadvantage is the need to take precautions.

Compatibility with other tools

The fungicide is compatible with other plant protection substances. The exceptions are products that have a strongly acidic or pronounced alkaline reaction.

Before using several products, it is worth assessing their compatibility. Phytotoxicity in relation to the treated plants is of no small importance.

How to use correctly

In order for the product to give the desired result, the instructions must be strictly followed. In this case, it is worth observing the dosage depending on the type of crop:

Plant Norm, liters per 1 hectare Spectrum of action Features and time of use
Wheat 0,5-0,6 Brown and stem rust, pyrenophorosis, powdery mildew, septoria Spray plants at the end of tillering and at the stage of beginning to emerge into the tube.
0,6-0,7 Spray crops at the stage of flag leaf emergence and at the beginning of spikelet formation
Barley 0,5-0,6 Dwarf and stem rust, rhynchosporium, powdery mildew, net and dark brown spot Treatment is carried out at the end of tillering and at the initial stage of entering the tube.
0,6-0,7 Spray crops at the stage of flag leaf appearance and the beginning of spikelet formation
Sunflower 0,5-0,7 Rust, phomosis, powdery mildew, phomopsis, downy mildew Treatment is carried out at the star stage and during the flowering period
Soybeans 0,50,7 Powdery mildew, anthracnose, ascochyta blight, downy mildew, rust, cercospora blight, septoria blight Treat bushes during the growing season, from the beginning of the appearance of the first trigeminal leaf to the stage of pod formation
Rape 0,5-0,7 Alternaria blight, different types of rot, phomosis, downy mildew Treatment is carried out from the moment 1-3 leaves appear until flowering begins.

spirit fungicide

The waiting period for cereal plants is 37 days. On soybeans this parameter reaches 56 days. To use the product effectively, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. During the growing season, crops should be sprayed for preventive purposes. Treatment can also be carried out in the event of the first signs of pathology.
  2. All crops should be processed twice.
  3. The consumption of working fluid should be 200 liters per 1 hectare.

It is recommended to store the drug in an airtight container out of direct sunlight or contamination.


If the use of the drug is impossible, it is recommended to select effective analogues. These include the following substances:

  • "QADRIS";
  • "UNIFORM".



Today it is easy to find many reviews about the drug “Spirit”. They indicate the effectiveness of this substance:

  1. Anna, 42 years old: “I have been using this fungicide for quite a long time to treat my plantings. I can say that it successfully copes with fungal diseases. It is important to take precautions."
  2. Mikhail, 56 years old: “Spirit is an effective fungicide that helps destroy powdery mildew and various types of spotting. At the same time, it is important to prepare the working solution correctly and follow the recommendations for its use.”

"Spirit" is an effective fungicidal drug that helps cope with a wide variety of fungal pathologies. In order for the product to give the required results, you must carefully study the instructions. Compliance with safety rules when processing plants is of no small importance.
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