Seed treatment agents are used everywhere in agriculture. They protect seeds from diseases that can affect seedlings and young plants in the initial stages of growth. Let's consider the disinfectant "Terrasil Forte", its active substance, purpose and principle of action, how to use the drug according to the instructions. How compatible the product is with other pesticides, how to store it and what disinfectants to replace it with.
Active substance and preparative form of the disinfectant
The manufacturers of Terrasila Forte - the companies SNAD LLC and Rapsod Plus LLC - produce it in the form of a suspension concentrate in 5-liter canisters. There are two active ingredients - tebuconazole and flutriafol in an amount of 80 g per 1 liter. The disinfectant has a systemic effect; by the nature of its action it is a protective and curative fungicide.
Spectrum and operating principle
The active substances of Terrasila Forte have different effects on fungi. Tebuconazole stops the synthesis of ergosterol in pathogen cells, which causes their death. Flutriafol disrupts the synthesis of other sterols, as well as the permeability of pathogen membranes, which also leads to a stop in reproduction and death.
The drug can penetrate the seed embryos when the seeds swell, while it protects them from fungi and bacteria. The fungicide begins to work on the 2nd day after the seeds are in the soil (if its moisture is sufficient). The effect of the disinfectant does not end there; as the seedling grows, the substances are distributed in it, stimulating the growth and development of roots. “Terrasil Forte” prevents diseases and protects crops from infection for a long time (from germination to the bud stage).
Instructions for use of the drug "Terrasil Forte"
The rate of application of the disinfectant for wheat is 0.4 liters per ton, for barley and oats – 0.4-0.5 liters. The solution consumption for all crops is the same - 10 liters per ton. Treatment is done before sowing (optimally 1-2 weeks) or within 1 year before sowing.During this period, the preparation does not lose its properties, the powder does not crumble, the layer is securely held on the surface of the grain, and re-processing is not required.
Safety precautions when working with the product
The working solution is prepared before processing the seeds at special points. Preparation procedure: pour one third of water and the required volume of disinfectant into the tank, then stir for 3-5 minutes. The solution must be used immediately. The preparation is distinguished by its uniform coating of each grain; after drying, the solution adheres firmly to the surface of the seeds and does not crumble. Grain treated with this product acquires a bright dark red color.
In terms of toxicity, Terrasil Forte belongs to hazard class 3. Despite its generally low toxicity, you need to work with it using special equipment. clothing and protective equipment: respirator, gloves, plastic goggles. The products protect the skin and mucous membranes from contact with the solution. If it does get on your body or in your eyes, you should rinse them with water. In case of poisoning with a disinfectant, you need to rinse: drink medicinal charcoal in the amount of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight and 1 liter of water. In 20 minutes. induce vomiting. If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.
Terrasil Forte should not be used in areas near ponds with fish and in private households.
Compatibility with other substances
The disinfectant can be combined with fungicides and insecticides in one tank mixture. But the manufacturer recommends that before starting mixing, carry out a mandatory test for possible incompatibility: you need to combine solutions of both drugs, taken in a small volume, in a separate container.If a change in temperature, color, or consistency is observed, or if sediment occurs or flakes form, the products should not be mixed.
Storage periods and rules
Terrasil Forte can be stored for 2 years. Keep the concentrate in factory-made cans with closed lids. The temperature in a warehouse with a disinfectant can range from -10 to 30 °C. The room should be dark and dry. Any fertilizers and pesticides can be placed next to the preparation. Do not keep food, medicines, household products and feed.
After the storage period has expired, do not use the disinfectant. Use only fresh solution, store it no longer than 1 day. After this, the effectiveness of the substance decreases and it is not advisable to use it.
What can be replaced
“Terrasil Forte” can be replaced by many drugs: “Benefit”, “Grandsil”, “Ikarus”, “Vitalon”, “Bunker”, “Anker Trio”, “Barrier Color”, “Avial”, “Zantara”, “Impact Super” ", "Armor Quadra", "Alpha-Protravitel", "Kolosal", "Larimar", "Proscription Universal", "Scarlet", "Tebu 60", "Raxon", "Ruby", "Tebuzol", "Oplot" , “Zeno Aero”, “Prosaro”, “Armor”, “Concord”, “Mystery”, “Tuareg” and others.
"Terrasil Forte" is an effective seed protectant for grain crops. Acts against various dangerous rots, molds, smuts, spots and other fungal infections. It affects pathogens that are on the surface of seeds, inside them and in the air. Protects plants from germination to the flag leaf stage. During processing, the solution adheres perfectly to each seed, which ensures the quality of processing. The advantage of the drug: low application and consumption rates, which makes it economical. At the recommended dosage, the disinfectant is non-toxic to plants and soil.Does not affect crop rotation. Increases productivity, provides an increase in grain by 2.5-4.2 centners per hectare.