Instructions for use and composition of the Lamador disinfectant, dosage and analogues

To obtain high yields of grain crops, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for crops long before the seeds enter the ground. For this purpose, the seed must be properly prepared by treating it with an appropriate substance that destroys pathogens on the grain, in the soil and on young plants. The use of Lamador, a new generation disinfectant, gives excellent results for spring and winter crops.

Active substance and formulation

"Lamador" is a systemic pesticide, a new generation fungicide. It belongs to the class of triazoles and consists of two active components:

  1. Prothioconazole at a concentration of 250 grams per liter.
  2. Tebuconazole at a ratio of 150 grams per liter.

The presence of two components allows you to achieve synergy in action and increase the effectiveness of the Lamador disinfectant. Each of the components acts on certain sections of the DNA of pathogens, which leads to higher rates of infection destruction. The product acts on a larger number of molds and rots, providing plants with high-quality protection at the most important early stages of crop development.

The preparative form of “Lamadora” is CS, that is, a suspension concentrate. The disinfectant is produced in five-liter plastic canisters and is an imported product produced by Bayer (Germany).

Spectrum of action and mechanism of operation

The Lamador product is used for treating seed material of winter and spring wheat, barley, winter rye and oats. The active substances act on different components of pathogens, due to which the effectiveness of the disinfectant doubles.

"Lamador" destroys pathogens of fungal infections on seeds, in soil, and also those transmitted by air.

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The use of a disinfectant helps fight a whole range of diseases of grain crops, protects against root rot and snow mold, destroys smut, helps the plant withstand temperature changes and adverse weather conditions - drought, dry winds, cold and extreme heat.

The product “Lamador” does not have phytotoxicity, creates favorable conditions for crops, providing a strong start, serving as the key to a large harvest.

Instructions for use of the drug "Lamador"

The drug "Lamador" belongs to the second class of danger to humans. This means that the disinfectant can cause serious damage to both human health and the environment. Such substances are dangerous for pollinating insects, including honey bees, as well as for fish and aquatic fauna, so they should not be used near apiaries and during the active summer of bees, as well as in the water protection zone.

name of the drug

The disinfectant is used once, to treat the seed material immediately before entering the soil or in advance (within 12 months before sowing). The consumption of working fluid is 10 liters per ton of seeds, the rate of use of the product is 0.15-0.2 grams per liter.

The disinfectant is effective against the following fungal diseases of grain crops:

  1. Smut - hard, dusty, stone, false, covered and stem.
  2. Root rot – fusarium, rhizoctonia, helminthosporium.
  3. Septoria.
  4. Net and red-brown spotting.
  5. Tyfulosis.
  6. Mold on seed material.

Lamador contains a dye that allows you to monitor the uniformity and quality of seed processing, as well as an adhesive that forms a thin film on the surface of the grain, leaving no untreated areas. Thanks to this, the seed material is reliably protected from many types of fungal diseases.

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Treated seeds are freed from the pathogens on them, which gives them a chance to start successfully, not die in the early stages, and survive possible worsening weather conditions. As a result, the treated seeds are more viable, and the plants grown from them are strong and fertile.Thus, pre-sowing seed treatment becomes the key to obtaining large yields of winter and spring grain crops: wheat, rye, barley and oats.

Safety precautions when working with the product

The same rules apply to working with the drug as with most pesticides:

  1. Wearing protective clothing that covers the maximum area of ​​the body (trousers, long-sleeved shirts, closed shoes, hats).
  2. Use of personal protective equipment: glasses, masks, rubber gloves, and when spraying in enclosed spaces - respirators.
  3. Prohibition on consumption of food and drinks, as well as smoking while working with Lamador.

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If the disinfectant gets on the skin or mucous membranes, or in the eyes, immediately rinse the affected area with running clean water. If accidentally swallowed, induce vomiting immediately and seek medical attention. The same must be done if the employee’s health deteriorates or if there are problems with vision in case of splashing in the eyes.

Compatibility with other drugs

The Lamador disinfectant is compatible with most pesticides used in agriculture. It can be included in tank mixes provided that trial mixing has been carried out beforehand. If they lead to the appearance of sediment, flakes or the release of gas, you should not mix the products in the same container.

If a homogeneous mixture is formed without side effects, the combined drug can be used without restrictions. Particular attention must be paid to mixing with growth regulators and microfertilizers.

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Storage conditions

The Lamador disinfectant must be stored separately from food, drinks, animal feed (domestic and agricultural), medicines and household chemicals, preferably outside residential premises.

Storage locations should be cool, with temperatures ranging from -10 to +40 degrees Celsius, protected from solar radiation. Containers with the drug "Lamador" must be tightly closed, and unauthorized persons, children, and animals must not have access to the room. The shelf life is up to 24 months from the date of manufacture of the product.

Protectant analogues

Analogues of Lamador in terms of active ingredients are the drugs Prozaro, Prozaro Quantum and Redigo Pro.
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